Thursday 28 December 2017

condor wing 2: dance / so brace yourself and let this monster go.... (gir-logic)

Life Impressions    51/66 | by Author-Photographer

Life Impressions 59/66 [Bat'umi, Azaria, Georgia]: photo by Pierre Gély-Fort, 5 May 2016

Life Impressions    51/66 | by Author-Photographer

Life Impressions 59/66 [Bat'umi, Azaria, Georgia]: photo by Pierre Gély-Fort, 5 May 2016

Life Impressions    51/66 | by Author-Photographer

Life Impressions 59/66 [Bat'umi, Azaria, Georgia]: photo by Pierre Gély-Fort, 5 May 2016
782 | by pkomo

782: photo by Petros Kotzabasis, 21 December 2017

Faso ni silameya (Patrie et islam) | by Alfonso Castellanos

Faso ni silameya (Patrie et islam) | Célébration de l'anniversaire de Chérif Ousmane Madani HaÏdara par Ançar Dine Burkina [Bobo-Dioulasso, Houet Province, Burkina Faso]: photo by Alfonso Castellanos, 26 May 2016

Faso ni silameya (Patrie et islam) | by Alfonso Castellanos

Faso ni silameya (Patrie et islam) | Célébration de l'anniversaire de Chérif Ousmane Madani HaÏdara par Ançar Dine Burkina [Bobo-Dioulasso, Houet Province, Burkina Faso]: photo by Alfonso Castellanos, 26 May 2016

Faso ni silameya (Patrie et islam) | by Alfonso Castellanos

Faso ni silameya (Patrie et islam) | Célébration de l'anniversaire de Chérif Ousmane Madani HaÏdara par Ançar Dine Burkina [Bobo-Dioulasso, Houet Province, Burkina Faso]: photo by Alfonso Castellanos, 26 May 2016

Acid | by Kiyoumars Q. Karimi

Acid | Downtown Seattle, Summer 2017: photo by Kiyoumars Karimi, 28 December 2017

Leaving Afghanistan border, 2017 | by Davide Albani

Leaving Afghanistan border, 2017 [Termez, Uzbekistan]: photo by Davide Albani, 22 August 2017

Leaving Afghanistan border, 2017 | by Davide Albani


  1. hey wouldnt it be awesome if we could all just be two year olds our whole lives and have impulses and moods and fits and snits and urges and tantrums and shoot paintballs at each other and our moms pick us up after

    so like girlcode is totally so like sort of safe space rumpelstiltskin in white and yellow w/o martin luther passing Go, right?

  2. Only if I can come over and play. Will there be grilled cheese and tomato soup? After this MFn' flu we can use a play date...k(&4mrsk

  3. We caught it a week or two before xmas. Since then, aargh. But here's the good news:

  4. Yes, four days(12/23-26) at Hotel Medicare for asthmatic mrs k, toughest to miss family esp. grandkids at Xmas. Makeup play date here 01.01.18 is our good news. Best to you two. k

  5. Jeez, kent, that's pretty awful, but you & she shd remember, those grandkids love you, we love you, and we esp love Mrs K. Perhaps the time has even come to begin to refer to her by name.

  6. Presuming she's still "with us", that is.

    If not, what am I saying...

    Well, then, here's the good news:
