Tuesday 26 May 2009

After the Squall (for Robert Duncan)

File:Rainbow2 - NOAA.jpg

How the arm moved
Throwing the poet’s

Ashes out of the boat
How it all comes back

To where it started
How the whole story

Form of telling curves
The story around

Impossible corners
How brief lives

Have eternity

In recursive

How the stars swam
How the moon

Was dying down
Out over the water

To loosen out into
Those big quiet waters

Little pieces of

The whole story

Are floating on
After the squall

Robert Duncan
d. February 3, 1988

Rainbow after a squall
: photo by Saperaud, 2005

1 comment:

  1. Tom, this is lovely, and useful as I continue editing a chapter on Duncan and Levertov.

    This is something:

    How brief lives

    Have eternity

    In recursive

    Anyway, thanks for recalling RD this morning.
