Monday 15 March 2010

Weldon Kees: Back


File:Beach stones and sand.JPG

Much cry and little wool:
I have come back
As empty-handed as I went.

Although the woods were full,
And past the track
The heavy boughs were bent

Down to my knees with fruit
Ripe for a still life, I had meant
My trip as a search for stones.

But the beach was bare
Except for the drying bones
Of a fish, shells, an old wool

Shirt, a rubber boot,
A strip of lemon rind.
They were not what I had in mind:

It was merely stones.
Well, the days are full.
This day at least is spent.

Much cry and little wool:
I have come back
As empty-handed as I went.

Back: Weldon Kees, from Poems: 1947-1954

Beach stones and sand on the west coast of South Island, New Zealand: photo by Mezza, 2009


  1. i have a small round and flat stone found on the bank of a river when i was still in my teens...

    it has been my philosophy teacher...

  2. stone

    hmmmm... lots of things in a stone...

    this poem is one of those stones you find accidentally on a shore... and you keep it for a life time...

    so is the photo...

  3. You might say that Weldon Kees himself was a lost stone of sorts.

    He disappeared from human sight at the age of forty-one, in 1955.

    His car was found parked near the Golden Gate Bridge.

    Later sightings of him in Mexico were reported.

    The curious legends of poets' lives...

  4. ahhh, lost maybe but never empty handed.
