Monday 9 August 2010



Image, Source: digital file from original slide

Orchestra at square dance, McIntosh County, Oklahoma, 1939 or 1940

The night was warm

Image, Source: digital file from original slide

Scene at square dance in rural home, McIntosh County, Oklahoma, 1939 or 1940

Everyone wanted to dance

Image, Source: digital file from original slide

Children asleep on bed during square dance, McIntosh County, Oklahoma, 1939 or 1940

The kids got tired

Photos by Russell Lee for the Farm Security Administration (Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information Collection, Library of Congress)


  1. Love the brevity of this one! How it ends with "The kids got tired," heh, makes me laugh.

  2. Also to sound stinkingly patriot
    but also historically and
    experientally correct:

    Most of the founding fathers
    were lovers and so are most
    of the average Americans

    simple eros
    is frequently
    the boss

    as you would expect
    with free women
    and men
    the poor as well
    after all
    the best things
    in life are free
    sort of
