Friday 8 April 2011

Just Resting


Pond covered with a variety of floating leaves
: photo by Adamantios, 1990

Blue Peacock (Pavo cristatus), male, sunbathing, Pfaueninsel, Berlin: photo by Adamantios, August 2006

Red Kangaroo (Macropus rufus) resting, Berlin Zoological Gardens: photo by Adamantios, 2007

Pigmy Hippo (Hexaprotodon liberiensis), Berlin Zoological Gardens: photo by Adamantios, June 2008

Dalmation Pelican (Pelecanus crispus), Tierpark Berlin: photo by Adamantios, 2008

Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus) taking a nap, Berlin Zoological Gardens: photo by Adamantios, Summer 2007


  1. What a beautiful poem.

  2. Thanks, Curtis. As a matter of fact, I'm off just now to have a bit of a lie-down.

  3. yeah me too
    It s time for my morning nap


    I want to be well rested
    my afternoon one

  4. I sat way down

    and waited

    for my

    better self.

    I became




  5. The peaceful soothing vibrations emanated by you, my good friends, have had a a relaxing effect upon the soul, perhaps equivalent to aromatherapy.

    Alas however, today's pillow consultations at this end were interrupted repeatedly by insidious time-reversal waves emitted by anticipation of tomorrow morning's scheduled investigative demolition project.

    "But seriously," does not the ability of many animals to fall instantly asleep, seemingly at will, rank high among the several evidences of the superiority of the animal kingdom to the human?

    The Fall was one thing, but the grace to fall out -- ah, another.

    (By the way, in putting together this little story-in-pictures, my one nagging doubt concerned the phenomenon of zoo-induced torpor, perhaps not the same thing as what is now called, in advertisements, "natural sleep" -- ? Yet then again, a city is a kind of insane zoo, and while it may induce many states and conditions, I have not yet noticed sleep to be among them. So maybe it all equals out... or doesn't...z-z-z-z-z...)

  6. Ed

    That was funny!!!

    Sleep is the best meditation somebody said. Of the only people I am jealous when am up late into the night are the ones who are sleeping. Never the ones who are drinking or fucking or both.

  7. Ed and Aditya, geniuses cut from the same lunar cheesecloth.

    Sleep is the best medication.

    Lady Macbeth however is my secret doppelgänger, terminally sleep-deprived.

    The idea of Lady Macbeth waiting up in the middle of the night, with Vincent, for her better self to appear...

  8. I loved it, Tom!
    (And I envy them)

  9. Sí, Julia, cualquier persona o cualquier cosa que está durmiendo es envidiable.

    (Es imposible sentir envidia mientras duerme, sin embargo ... y esa es otra cosa buena acerca de dormir.)

  10. Sabias palabras, como siempre, Tom.
    Te mando un beso desde una mañana argentina (en sentido territorial y también de adjetivo calificativo: tenemos hoy una mañana clara y brillante de otoño benigno)

  11. La idea de una luz de otoño benigno es muy atractivo en medio de una primavera fría del norte.

    Aquí he encontrado un poco de luz cálida de otoño de hace setenta años, es de esperar también benignos ... a menos que sea un caballo o una mula que termina en el granero del agricultor mal.

  12. Tom,

    Yest, what a beautiful poem (w/ pictures) -----

    Pond covered with a variety of floating leaves

    Blue Peacock

    Red Kangaroo

    Pigmy Hippo

    Dalmatian Penguin

    Polar Bear


    white cloud in sky above shadowed ridge,
    blackness of crow flapping above branch
    in foreground, sound of wave in channel

    “transforms itself,” “being”
    at the same time not

    retrospect, subject “nature,”
    perhaps hung on wall

    cloudless blue sky reflected in channel,
    sunlit white cloud to the left of point

  13. PS. Johnny says "hi" -- we saw your poem on Addison Street sidewalk last night. . . .

  14. The Dalmatian Penguin* reminds me of this.

    *Ok, Pelican. But it's an easy mistake to make, and I like Dalmatian Penguin better.


  15. No wait, I think it's this one.

  16. Hi, Johnny! said the little man buried under the sidewalk.

    ("subject 'nature,'")

    Artur, I reckon that beautiful cerulean Delahaye would make the best possible transport vehicle for a regally resting Dalmation Penguin ...

    Now there you go, I've just caught myself in that same pelican/penguin mixup.

    (Never make a verbal slip around a septuagenarian, he will remember and "inadvertently" repeat it forever.)

  17. ("Buried under the sidewalk" made me think of this. Everywhere one looks, it seems there is churning work being done... as well as resting.)
