Monday 23 July 2012

Sunday Simplicities

File:Mata Atlântica- Caminho do Itupava.jpg

Floresta Atlântica, Serra da Graciosa, Caminho do Itupava, Brazil: photo by Angeloleithold, 2009

The church bells seem to sing appealing ring
tinnitus is all it is all
the dark invisible workmanship
reconciling the several vexations
miseries lassitudes regrets
no absolutes left to spend
the early sincerities forgot
.........................the end
of defending the indefensible
of missing the forest of kickshaws
for the welcome trees of relativity
when you sit with a nice girl
.........................for two hours
in a dense rainforest
you think it's only two minutes
mere human experience again
.........................but when
you sit on a hot stove
for a minute the gorilla said
to Einstein you think's two hours

Male Silverback Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla): photo by Raul 654, 16 January 2005


  1. Tom,

    when you sit with a nice girl
    .........................for two hours
    in a dense rainforest
    you think it's only two minutes


    light coming into fog against invisible
    top of ridge, coyote yowling from field
    in foreground, sound of wave in channel

    previous field, had that is
    masses embedded in it

    inserted, a glance at right
    hand side, multiplied

    grey white of fog against top of ridge,
    line of pelicans flapping toward point

  2. The welcome trees of relativity
    grow upside down today
    take root
    in dreams
    where nothing rings false
    intense workmanship
    very much noticed
    but not commented upon
    the old cathedral
    looks new
    glows with water
    green in the dark
    green praying
    green prayers

  3. Tthe pivot of the poem seems to me to be the “tinnitus” line. On one side the Church bells – a simple small pleasure (a misreading), only a line or two. Then, that litany of forgotten goods and remembered hurts, the girl in the rainforest slipping between waking memory and dream.

    The relative trees seems too strange a place to hope in. What it is to find pleasure and suffer in time!

  4. After reading "Canyonesque" this seems to follow beautifully. Still in the midst of your Damon Runyon masterpiece (to be followed by Kerouac).

    A gorgeous meter still
    Runs its subtleties through
    My ear, this troublesome measure

    Of a lifetime coming ever
    Closer to its closure
    How much more then

    This reader's pleasure
    and I asleep within it
    till it flees

  5. "no absolutes left" but the poem
    all silvery
    in back

  6. You know, Wooden Boy, you just provided some great clues to your poems for when I read them next.

  7. I am from the Kickshaw tribe
    strange things to eat
    collect the junk
    of my time
    not so distant
    vague future
    where memory
    cascades down
    into the river
    that runs
    up and down
    my veins
    into my green heart
    right at
    the foot
    of things

  8. Tom,

    I fear such civilized simplicities are no longer easily absorbed by acculturated meme brained stiffs.

  9. With you on the case, Susan, I can't do anything but give myself away.

  10. Now that we are all baring our naked simple hearts here in the religious purity of the rainforest, perhaps it is time to attribute the noble sentiments re. nice girls, hot stoves and temporal relativity to... not the handsome gorilla but, yes... Albert Einstein!!

  11. Tom,

    Yes, Einstein! And so in some time warped way is this --

    previous field, had that is
    masses embedded in it

    inserted, a glance at right
    hand side, multiplied

  12. Steve,

    Absolutely Gorilla Logic.

    a glance at right
    hand side, multiplied

    at the speed of light
    by a hot girl on a nice stove,


  13. Uh oh, Wooden Boy, that one goes straight to my head. Helium + more.

  14. Ah, and the words -- they live on for at least two lifetimes -- certainly those of the gorilla, but also those unsaid by you or the girl.

  15. I keep coming back to this poem.. Entirely salutory.
