Friday 17 August 2012

Carl Mydans: Trapped


Stairway in rooming house, Washington, D.C.: photo by Carl Mydans, September 1935

Housing block mapped
front and back
by use -- precarious
back porch
for kids, winding
staircase with carpet
in front
for adults
leading down
and out to
busy traffic
boulevard --
the individual living
units cramped --
for the conscious
at all times
of the rent
parents a
solution to being one
hundred percent trapped.

Image, Source: digital file from intermediary roll film

House at 1400 block, Eastern Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio: photo by Carl Mydans, December 1935

Narrow street, New Brunswick, New Jersey: photo by Carl Mydans, February 1936

View from living quarters at 730 West Winnebago Street, looking toward alley, Milwaukee, Wisconsin: photo by Carl Mydans, April 1936

Cincinnati, Ohio: photo by Carl Mydans, December 1935

Typical wood frame house, Hamilton County, Ohio: photo by Carl Mydans, December 1935

House exterior on Van Horn Street, Hamilton County, Ohio: photo by Carl Mydans, December 1935

House exterior on Van Horn Street, Hamilton County, Ohio: photo by Carl Mydans, December 1935

Photos by Carl Mydans for U.S. Resettlement Administration from Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information Collection, Library of Congress


  1. The poem is situated not in Milwaukee, Cincinnati, New Jersey or D.C. (the places where Carl Mydans took these pictures), but in the West Side of Chicago; and the "boulevard" referred to is Austin. The Mydans photos capture a certain generic urban architectural look and feel of the period, evoking an uncanny sense of familiarity; though to be fair, at the time, living in that space did not feel like being trapped so much as being home. (Given there was of course nothing, at the time, to which to compare it.)

  2. Reading this fine poem and its accompanying photos sent me back to when I was an urchin and my family was living in a rundown apartment house above a tavern on the main drag of a wild Raymond, Washington but as you say, Tom, back then “living in that space did not feel like being trapped so much as being home.” Having left Greece at a tender age and without any memories of my childhood here, that small town America was my home. Now, after having lived more than half of my life in my native Greece, I still find myself asking where home is.

  3. All those wooden stairs... if there's a fire (when there's a fire) nobody gets out alive. Trapped indeed.
    -- John Tranter

  4. "distinguished by use": there's a sense of those doorways coming to a kind of value - a particular beauty perhaps - with all those human traces worn in.

  5. The Dishes

    Here is another thing. She is a painter and her subject is dishes.
    The finished canvases go up on the walls inside their house. Dishes, everywhere, more
    dishes. She spends hours brushing, thinning, thickening the paint, carefully round
    and around. Clean dishes. In ones and twos. With fruit, a few lemons, sent by Suzanne, and a piece of willow branch, the leaves curled and drying. The fruit is cut open. At the sink she holds a pan and swirls it round and around, a pinch of dust at the bottom. Here
    she is bumping the nuggets, moving them. She adds more water, swirls again, this time looking for the gold. The dishes are still in the paintings, sparkling with nuggets.
    They show off shadows. They are open bellies asking for food.

  6. The World

    If she’d only drink enough water
    then she could flush out her system.
    The one she’s in. Caught up in.
    There’s a snowy owl against
    the pink mylar. There are ribbons
    of branches wound beneath her fingernails
    ready to sprout beautiful eggs.
    Not from insects. She wants an empty
    car to take her to the desert.
    Her job will be counting the mileage.
    Exposing all the film. All the mountains
    will be her friends. Even their spirits.
    She’ll fly through the air. Land in the trees.
    Her claws will be a brush
    for the man’s hair. Like clockwork.
    Just like the flowchart.

  7. Concerning The Map To The Gold

    One way would be to follow your nose.
    West of course.
    Another would be to listen and see
    where a sound takes you. It might
    be out of your body. It probably
    would feel good
    and you wouldn’t be hungry.
    There might be another sound
    waiting for you after the first one.
    Go that way.

  8. The Place I’ve Never Lived In

    Nebraska, my tennis shoes with no socks.
    The porch light is left on, always. The deep ravines
    are feathers. McCook. The river. Kearney.
    The feathers that are ravines.
    McCook, then Kearney. Then Hastings.
    Further from the river. The feathers, the sand.
    This is where the railroads crossed.
    I wish I knew more. Sand-lined river.

    Everywhere we lived
    my grandfather was lying down flat there.
    He was a bear in the Alaskan Wilderness.
    He was a salmon.

    I wish I knew more. This park.
    There’s the lawn mower. It looks like
    A small tractor. The utility plant.
    There are the unreachable men.
    This rich plain. The robins glimmer
    on the lawn. In the grass. There are no places
    in this history where my grandma doesn’t pretend
    nothing has happened. My cousin’s breasts
    look just like my grandma’s. I am burning
    in the Nebraska sun. I think I feel the prairie.

  9. “In speaking of what
    is Outward and what
    is Inward one refers
    not to place, but
    what is known and what
    is Not known.”

    Edward Dorn, Way West

  10. “Then it was teacher did call my name. I stood up real quick.”

    Opal Whiteley,
    The Fairyland Around Us

  11. “After that first trout I was alone in there. But I didn't know it until later.”

    Richard Brautigan, Trout Fishing In America

  12. When I look at the picture of the squinty-eyed kid in Raymond, and his backdrop, I think... home is what stands behind us in the photograph.

    John, yes, it was more a matter of when than if. Though to children swarming in the back alley behind those rickety steps and porches, starting the occasional small fire was merely one of a variety of destructive options.
