Friday 3 August 2012

Stephen Crane: "Many red devils ran from my heart..."


St Anthony the Hermit Tortured by the Devils: Sassetta, 1423, panel, 24 x 39 cm, Pinacoteca Nazionale, Siena

Many red devils ran from my heart
And out upon the page.
They were so tiny
The pen could mash them.
And many struggled in the ink.
It was strange
To write in this red muck
Of things from my heart.

Stephen Crane: "Many red devils ran from my heart...", from The Black Riders and Other Lines, 1895 


  1. Only a moment to check in before work -- but thank you Tom for reminding me again of the ghost of whom I consider our country's most unappreciated writer of all time. "(R)ed devils" indeed.

  2. "..this red muck
    of things from my heart."

    One would have to rummage through a lot of poems to find an ending line as strange and fitting as this one,

  3. At least they weren't blue.

    Crane's strangeness has always kept his poetry from being justly appreciated. Whether or not it's understood, well...

    Crane's poems have an interesting way of shifting meanings each time one comes back to them, over the very many years. In my raw youth Crane had a certain appeal to young poets who grasped, or imagined, the element of self parody. That there may also have been irony -- even sincerity -- maybe not grasped quite so well, then. Yet we were almost as young as he had been when he wrote them, so there's at least that not very good excuse. The critical sense of isolation and epiphenomenal dread and social disconnectedness in the poetry should not come as a great surprise. Impoverished almost always, sickly from childhood, forever having colds and never getting over them, yet testing himself to the extreme in so many circumstances.

    At the same time his precocity with language is notable. His imitating his brother's handwriting at age 3, enquiring of his mother, "How do you spell 'O'?"

  4. The Cougar

    It is winter. We’re driving across the desert.
    Our bodies ache. We are this alive.
    His words are dust, sage, riding fence,
    and the explosion in the cook shack.
    There is nothing in particular but then

    masses of sheep spring from his lips.
    An owl comes close
    and the horse gets away
    that summer. He is sweating
    and blurry

    Slumped in the seat
    with a sore neck
    as we pass the stockyard in Madras.

    He’s talking about the land
    while the owl’s wings brush across his brow
    and on a path in the mountains
    a cougar visits him. Pure accident
    that he is alone and seeing
    what he’s seeing so up close.
    Now it is obvious that the cougar didn’t know
    how to be more in the bushes or more in the trees.
    His father showed him one once
    stuffed in a basket on the porch
    against all regulations
    and nobody
    was supposed to touch.

  5. How To Spell O

    Look into the bear's mouth
    and spell it--

    turning round and around
    Mister Stephen Crane

    until you form some sort
    of conclusion

    hello hello
    from the future
    back to you
    back to O
    bread clouds hunger
    your perfect
    head rings
    here love
