Thursday 6 September 2012

Ben Jonson: On some-thing, that walkes some-where ("It comes to life!")


Head of mummy of Pharaoh Ramesses III: from G. Eliot Smith, Catalogue General Antiquites Egyptiennes du Musee du Caire: The Royal Mummies Le Caire: Imprimerie de L'institut Francais D'archeologie Orientale, 1912; image by Anton Gutsunaev, 22 February 2010 (U. of Chicago Libraries)

At court I met it, in clothes brave enough,
To be a courtier; and lookes grave enough,
To seeme a statesman: as I neere it came,
It made me a great face, I ask’d the name.
A lord, it cryed, buried in flesh, and blood.
And such from whom let no man hope least good,
For I will doe none: and as little ill,
For I will dare none. Good Lord, walke dead still.

Ben Jonson: On some-thing, that walkes some-where, from Epigrammes, 1616

William  Drummond reported of Ben Jonson "that Sir John Roe loved him, and when they two were ushered by my Lord Suffolk from a masque, Roe wrote a moral epistle to him... [saying] God threateneth kings, kings lords, and lords do us. He never esteemeth of a man, for the name of a lord."


Make-up artist Jack Pierce applying the finishing touches to Boris Karloff in preparation for a scene in The Mummy (1932): photographer unknown; image by filmwolf, 18 May 2008

File:Mummy at British Museum.jpg

Egyptian mummy in Egyptian Collection, British Museum, London
: photo by Klafubra, 14 November 2004

File:Ramses II - The mummy.jpg

Rameses II -- His mummy, unwrapped: photo by Emil Brugsch (1842-1830), 1889: image by Interbau, 5 November 2011

File:Pharaoh Seti I - His mummy - by Emil Brugsch (1842-1930).jpg

Pharaoh Seti I -- His mummy, unwrapped: photo by Emil Brugsch (1842-1830), 1889: image by Jeeny, 1 July 2007

File:The Mummy 1932 film poster.jpg

Film poster for the 1932 Universal Pictures film The Mummy, directed by Karl Freund: poster attributed to Karoly Grosz; image by Crisco 1492, 3 March 2012 (Los Angeles Public Library)


Film poster for the 1932 Universal Pictures film The Mummy, directed by Karl Freund: poster attributed to Karoly Grosz; image by Feyday, 27 May 2010

Paramount Theatre exterior

Theatrical revival of The Mummy, Paramount Theatre, Syracuse, New York: photographer unknown, 1959; image by William, 7 September 2011


  1. I fell in love
    with my Mummy
    he did not say much
    nor give me exact answers
    to questions
    numerous, unwinding.

    Why was he so handsome
    when I finally unwrapped him?
    Skin so smooth, expression determined
    on the little pillow.

    Our marriage was one of convenience
    me in long dresses waiting by the window
    sick about the moonlight
    moss dripping from the oaks
    out Nonpareil the foggy road
    with its deer
    their antlers
    catching his bandages.

  2. Tom,

    Such great photos to go with Jonson's poem -- scary! ("At Tampa I met it. . ." he might have writ last week.)


    light coming into sky above black plane
    of ridge, first bird chirping on branch
    in foreground, sound of wave in channel

    as such, makes it appear as
    action following that

    form of first term, form of
    last term, immaterial

    grey white of fog reflected in channel,
    cormorant flapping across toward point

  3. Personifying the rich and powerful as The Undead was a device that went back beyond Hollywood and the Tampa Pharaohs, as Ben Jonson (and Stephen) knew, to the Greeks. He employs it here: prosopopoeia, the representing in human form of an absurd or imaginary person or inanimate entity, giving it the capacity to walk, speak, and otherwise simulate actual persons.

    In this epigram Jonson's double prosopopoeia personifies as the walking dead whichever member of the ruling classes had snubbed him most recently, and also proposes a credible self-impersonation, a playing of the role of "a Ben Jonson": that is, a brusque, discerning, authoritative observer whose words carry the felt weight of a known public personality. Ben performing "Ben".

  4. The original script for the Mummy, commissioned by Carl Laemmle, Jr. relocates a story about a 3000 year old magician (who survives by injecting nitrates) from San Francisco to Egypt, and makes the hero into Im-ho-tep, an ancient Egyptian priest brought back to life by an archaeologist. Two days before the beginning of filming, the brilliant German expressionist cinematographer Karl Freund (who had shot Murnau's The Last Laugh, Lang's Metropolis, and the original Dracula) was brought on as director, with Charles Sturnar as cameraman. Jack Pierce was hired as make-up artist. Pierce had done make-up for Universal's earlier Frankenstein. To construct a "look" for the Karloff Mummy, he studied photos of the mummy of Pharaoh Seti I (see the German Egyptologist Emil Brugsch's photo of his unwrapped noggin). In the course of production, however, the "look" of the mummy was changed, Karloff shedding the resemblance to Seti I and taking on the appearance of the mummy of Ramesses III. On the set, Karloff's first day featured the emergence of the mummy from his sarcophagus. Pierce started the day at 11 am, applying cotton, collodion and spirit gum to Karloff's face, and clay to his hair, and wrapping him in linen bandages treated with acid and burnt in an oven. This ordeal went on until 7 pm. Karloff finished his scenes at 2 am. Two more hours were spent removing the make-up. The removal of gum from his face was agony for Karloff. He found the day 'the most trying ordeal I [had] ever endured".

    Still it remains the case that...

    "There's nothing on earth like... the Mummy".

  5. Seti I, Ramses II, Ramses III.
    Dead, deader, deadest.

  6. Well it was not always a rose garden down in old Karnak. Pharaoh one day, Rag bag the next, seems to have been the rule.

    "Thanks to the discovery of papyrus trial transcripts (dated to Ramesses III), it is now known that there was a plot against his life as a result of a royal harem conspiracy during a celebration at Medinet Habu. The conspiracy was instigated by Tiye, one of his two known wives (the other being Iset Ta-Hemdjert), over whose son would inherit the throne. Iset's son, Ramesses (the future Ramesses IV), was the eldest and the successor chosen by Ramesses III in preference to Tiy's son Pentaweret.

    "The trial documents show that many individuals were implicated in the plot. Chief among them were Queen Tey and her son Pentaweret, Ramesses' chief of the chamber, Pebekkamen, seven royal butlers (a respectable state office), two Treasury overseers, two Army standard bearers, two royal scribes and a herald. There is little doubt that all of the main conspirators were executed: some of the condemned were given the option of committing suicide (possibly by poison) rather than being put to death. According to the surviving trials transcripts, 3 separate trials were started in total while 38 people were sentenced to death. The tombs of Tiy and her son Pentaweret were robbed and their names erased to prevent them from enjoying an afterlife. The Egyptians did such a thorough job of this that the only references to them are the trial documents and what remains of their tombs.

    "Some of the accused harem women tried to seduce the members of the judiciary who tried them but were caught in the act. Judges who took part in the carousing were severely punished.

    "Susan Redford speculates that Pentawere, being a noble, was given the option to commit suicide by taking poison and so be spared the humiliating fate of some of the other conspirators who would have been burned alive with their ashes strewn in the streets. Such punishment served to make a strong example since it emphasized the gravity of their treason for ancient Egyptians who believed that one could only attain an afterlife if one's body was mummified and preserved -- rather than being destroyed by fire. In other words, not only were the criminals killed in the physical world; they did not attain an afterlife. They would have no chance of living on into the next world, and thus suffered a complete personal annihilation. By committing suicide, Pentawere could avoid the harsher punishment of a second death. This could have permitted him to be mummified and move on to the afterlife.

    "It is not known if the assassination plot succeeded. However, Ramesses III died in his 32nd year before the summaries of the sentences were composed but the same year that the trial documents record the trial and execution of the conspirators.

    "Although it was long believed that Ramesses III's body showed no obvious wounds, a recent examination of the mummy by a German forensic team, televised in the documentary Rameses on the Science Channel in 2011, showed excess bandages around the neck. A subsequent CT Scan revealed that beneath the bandages was a deep knife wound across the throat, a wound deep enough to reach the vertebrae. According to the documentary narrator, 'It was a wound no one could have survived.'

    "Prior to this discovery, it had been speculated that Ramesses III may have been killed by means that would not have left a mark on the body. Among the conspirators were practitioners of magic, who might well have used poison. Some have put forth a hypothesis that a snakebite from a viper was the cause of the king's death but this proposal has not been proven. His mummy includes an amulet to protect Ramesses III in the afterlife from snakes. The servant in charge of his food and drink were also among the listed conspirators, but there were also other conspirators who were called the snake and the lord of snakes."

  7. I unwrapped some-poems
    and found
    they had mummified
    before they walked
    down the page
    of the sacred blog
    I mean bog

    where it was uncanny
    how close to death
    they actually were
    up in front of the jury.

    They exhibited their royal
    letters and meager punctuation
    upon waking
    looking for others

    who would usher them
    back to the tomb
    where they are at home
    with their friends
    at home amongst
    ancient inscriptions
    dusky light
    golden offerings
    all set out
    for the afterlife.

    Do we shake hands
    or just pose
    for the photos?

  8. I thought I saw a mummy
    leave just now
    trailing some bandages
    going some-where
    it was
    some-thing uncanny.
    The mummy had a goal
    it was to rule
    its own coffin
    without disturbance.
    Material items
    cast aside
    as mummies tend
    to do. Freedom
    a sleepy idea
    mumbling and groaning
    for home but where Mummy?
    Or you, playing a mummy
    all wrapped up
    sorting your
    petrified poems
    in the tomb
    of the forgotten
    place you remembered
    before being all wrapped up.

  9. At work I met it, in clothes not enough,
    To be a reader, and looks scruffy enough,
    To seeme a reader: as neere it sang sputtering, swearing,
    It made a long face, I knew the name.
    A poet, it cryed, polished, true.
    And such from which none return untouched,
    For I knew some: and as many since,
    For I promoted some. Wild Freak, please come alive.

  10. I'm not gonna keep quiet on this one:

    from "The Phrase Finder"-

    'Mum's the word' has become a popular name for baby product shops and nursery services, but the 'mum' in this phrase isn't mother. Nor has 'mum' anything to do with Egyptian mummies, despite their prolonged taciturn disposition. That 'mummy' derives from 'mum' being the name of the bitumen used for embalming.
    The 'mum' of 'mum's the word' is 'mmm' - the humming sound made with a closed mouth, indicating an unwillingness or inability to speak. The word is of long standing in the language and first appeared in print in William Langland's Middle English narrative poem Piers Plowman, circa 1376:
    Thou mightest beter meten the myst on Malverne hulles
    Then geten a mom of heore mouth til moneye weore schewed!
    That loosely translates as 'You may as well try to measure the mist on the Malvern Hills as to try and get her to speak without first offering payment'


  11. Is it deflating to suggest a personal experience as derivation of the impulse to post something almost entirely unrelated here in the exalted sanctum of the Great Cyber Sarcophagus?

    Preparing the two posts preceding this one became the occasion for many curious memories of their author. One that continues to engage involves RC stalking across the windswept Bolinas mesa late one night and arriving at our door with head self-mummified in strips of aluminum foil. Clearly there is an Archetype at work in all this. In any case, that reminiscence led by the usual association pinball to thoughts of Ben's great self-impersonating bluffer's measurement of the stuffed-shirt lord at St James's. Sometimes the walking dead become more alive in one's aberrant cerebrum than the living dead awake and walking all about one.

  12. Brought back to life
    to Live, Love, and Kill
    after 3700 years
    at least there is a purpose
    so ancient
    all the rest so bland
    like bandages, so cumbersome
    my eyes do the work.

  13. Oh Frankenstein oh Invisible Man
    and then there's
    The Mummy refusing
    to be just any old freak.

    Buried alive for thousands of years
    only to save up for the right time
    to exact revenge
    on innocent, unsuspecting
    modern people

    emerging from the earth
    is the earth so innocent so unsuspecting

    in slow motion
    turning into a person
    different yet the same.

    Mummy, sing me to sleep
    wear your big ring
    keep up with the times
    help me win Publisher's Clearinghouse
    or free Reader's Digests
    just for fun. Just for kicks.
