Friday 14 September 2012



Sparse vegetation in the gypsum dunes of White Sands National Monument: photo by Daniel Schwen, 4 April 2004

The somnambulist is asking the moon what it is doing up in the sky, a white hole in the deep eternal blue, so early in the morning.

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Guadalupe Mountains and Chihuahuan desert, seen from dry Lake Linda, West Texas: photo by Daniel Schwen, 2 April 2004

He says: I always dream the same dream at the same time.

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Coyote (Canis latrans) in Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata): photo by BrockenInaglory, 4 July 2008

The moon says nothing. The day passes, and then again, flung up over it, the great sky canopy: millions of mutely witnessing desert stars. That part of the story never changes. It comes on swiftly yet stealthily, in the same way it does every night.

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Leopard, Kenya: photo by Viault, 1987

 Lingering in the tall grass, a deceptive sense of animal presence. A buzzing sound.


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Chiricahua Mountains, Portal, Arizona: photo by Karen Fasimpaur, 4 May 2008

The mountains of quartz and broken glass appear to tremble, mirage-like, filling the air with a distant shimmer.

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Ciudad Juárez at dusk looking west toward Misión de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe: photo by Daniel Schwen, 3 April 2004

All the houses in this border town, and all the dreams dreamt inside these houses, become identical when darkness falls over the desert.


Landscape between Concá and Arroyo Seco in Arroyo Seco, Querétaro, Mexico: photo by Alejandro Linares Garcia, 21 March 2011

He remembers again: I always dream the same dream at the same time.


Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata), San Juan County, New Mexico: photo by Peemus, 24 October 2009

The somnambulist walks through the sagebrush beyond the edge of the border town, then back again; darkness of the arroyo; time passing; gravel crackling under foot, then silence.

Military personnel at White Sands National Monument: photo by Daniel Schwen, 4 April 2004


  1. dreams extend in the desert silence.
    Boundaries shift endlessly
    dunes crystal from mountains
    she was a million dollar dog
    on America's Got Talent
    all dog not one part cat
    even in the shade
    more shade than cat.

    knowing this I view the coyote
    the leopard the sage
    long extended lines of words
    barely on the edge of understanding
    ankle deep the walking slow
    the goal tipped onto its side
    just a sliver so beautiful bright.

  2. "Mountains of quartz...shimmer"
    just like in Shangri-La
    the sage a startling color
    when viewed this way

    city and people not exactly
    more like ideas
    pass in the shimmer
    quartzy dusty sage.

  3. The mummy woke up and looked into the dictionary. Suddenly, the past, everything made sense:

    SOMNAMBULISM, med. juris. Sleep walking.
    2. This is sometimes an inferior species of insanity, the patient being unconscious of what he is doing. A case is mentioned of a monk who was remarkable for simplicity, candor and probity, while awake, but who during his sleep in the night, would steal, rob, and even plunder the dead. Another case is related of a pious clergyman, who during his sleep, would plunder even his own church. And a case occurred in Maine, where the somnambulist attempted to hang himself, but fortunately tied the rope to his feet, instead of his neck. Ray. Med. Jur. Sec. 294.
    3. It is evident, that if an act should be done by a sleep walker, while totally unconscious of his act, he would not be liable to punishment, because the intention (q.v.) and will (q.v.) would be wanting. Take, for example, the following singular case: A monk late one evening, in the presence of the prior of the convent, while in a state of somnambulism, entered the room of the prior, his eyes open but fixed, his features contracted into a frown, and with a knife in his hand. He walked straight up to the bed, as if to ascertain if the prior were there, and then gave three stabs, which penetrated the bed clothes, and a mat which served for the purpose of a mattress; he returned. with an air of satisfaction, and his features relaxed. On being questioned the next day by the prior as to what he had dreamed the preceding night, the monk confessed he had dreamed that his mother had been murdered by the prior, and that her spirit had appeared to him and cried for vengeance, that he was transported with fury at the sight, and ran directly to stab the assassin; that shortly after be awoke covered with perspiration, and rejoiced to find it was only a dream. Georget, Des Maladies Mentales, 127.
    4. A similar case occurred in England, in the last century. Two persons, who had been hunting in the day, slept together at night; one of them was renewing the chase in his dream, and, imagining himself present at the death of the stag, cried out aloud, "I'll kill him! I'll kill him!" The other, awakened by the noise, got out of bed, and, by the light of the moon, saw the sleeper give several deadly stabs, with a knife, on the part of the bed his companion had just quitted. Harvey's Meditations on the Night, note 35; Guy, Med. Jur. 265.

    A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856

  4. beautiful words and photos...I feel the transitory and the lasting the word "lingering" I think that I understand it better in english...:)

  5. Inferior species
    identical dream
    meditate with me
    awhile as brother sister
    monks do
    before the terrible night
    before the excusable dream.

  6. An alibi for every occasion is the sleepwalker's dream.

    Ungaretti: Sleepwalkers

  7. Exactly so.
    Your thoughts my thoughts.
    Whole days and nights of
    white on white, white
    against blue.
    I look for something,
    to hold onto.
    I breathe.
    A bird cries
    in the tall trees,
    Meditations on night,
    on dreams and time,
    connect to everything.
    In silence is truth.
    Exactamente así.

  8. “Toda vida, le dijo esa noche Epifanio a Lalo Cura, por más feliz que sea, acaba siempre en dolor y sufrimiento. Depende, dijo Lalo Cura. ¿Depende de qué, buey? De muchas cosas, dijo Lalo Cura. Si te pegan un balazo en la nuca, por ejemplo, y el pinche asesino se acerca sin que lo escuches, te vas al otro mundo sin dolor y sin sufrimiento. Pinche escuincle, dijo Epifanio. ¿A ti han pegado muchos tiros en la nuca?”


    “Todo pasaba por el filtro de las palabras, convenientemente adecuado a nuestro miedo. ¿Qué hace un niño cuando tiene miedo? Cierra los ojos. ¿Qué hace un niño al que van a violar y luego matar? Cierra los ojos. Y también grita, pero primero cierra los ojos. Las palabras servían para ese fin. Y es curioso, pues todos los arquetipos de la locura y la crueldad humana no han sido inventados por los hombres de esta época sino por nuestros antepasados. Los griegos inventaron, por decirlo de alguna manera, el mal, vieron el mal que todos llevamos dentro, pero los testimonios o las pruebas de ese mal ya no nos conmueven, nos parecen futiles, ininteligibles... Durante la Comuna de 1871 murieron asesinadas miles de personas y nadie derramó una lágrima por ellas. Por esa misma fecha un afilador de cuchillos mató a una mujer y a su anciana madre (no a la madre de la mujer, sino a su propria madre, querido amigo) y luego fue abatido por la policía. La noticia no sólo recorrió los periódicos de Francia sino que también fue reseñada en otros periódicos de Europa.”

    -- R. Bolaño, 2666 (2004)

  9. "From a slumber..." (Ungaretti)

    Moon or is it sand
    dunes in my ey
    slumber Coyote
    against the wash

    movement under

    each time piece.

  10. Epifanio and Lalo Cura are having the conversation of all conversations. For Bolaño a bullet at the base of the skull would be a short and sweet exit. But I wonder. Time dilates in a crisis, as we know. Maybe it dilates as we lay dying too—a crisis to end, literally, all crises. And maybe sensation—pleasure or pain—becomes a thousand times more intense, even if it’s just for a scintilla, an immeasurable bit of time. I don’t know. Sobre esto no hay certitud.

  11. Lullabye alarm clock
    dissolves the boundary
    between this
    the other
    not seeming


    Not a question

    memory water
    in the desert
    the place
    by mummies
    dog breath
    of it
    here and there.

  12. I ´ve never heard the "certitud" word...:) thanks for using it!

  13. The crepuscular quietness of this piece is altogether uncanny.

    Always coming back to The Inbetween where the light is dry and the moon can't leave the morning's desert be. A place where the world is always prior to its disenchantment.

  14. Tom,

    Johnny likes the coyote photo best.

    "I always dream the same dream at the same time."


    light coming into fog against invisible
    top of ridge, sparrow calling on branch
    in foreground, sound of wave in channel

    one was of the other, being
    because given with it

    after it was, were when one
    more and more, called

    green shoulder of ridge across channel,
    cormorant flapping across toward point

  15. I was glad to hear
    "the poor don't lie
    to one another"
    and something about
    being in it all together--
    spoken in the Leopard Man
    to the girl
    looking at the birds
    saying she had forgotten
    she had seen them
    spilled corn meal
    not offering enough
    under the bridge for him
    not enough
    will never do
    was stupid too
    that's where he ate grass
    silly fool
    and drank water that dripped
    from the ceiling
    as all prophets tend to do.
