Saturday 9 June 2018

always another last boyscout for gaza | blood on the sun | Ceravolo: Dirty Benediction


#haveaniceday #sunset on the mediterranean sea from as seen from #Gaza City. Photo @TomCoex: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 8 June 2018

A boyscout plays the drums during a demonstration in #Gaza Photo @mohmdabed #Gaza: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 8 June 2018

Four Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces today while participating in protests marking 51 years since the Nakba. Israeli forces used tear gas drones and sniper fire against Palestinians, including women and children.: image via the IMEU @theIMEU, 2 June 2018

Un photographe de l'AFP blessé par balle lors de heurts à Gaza #AFP: image via Agence France-Presse @afpfr, 8 June 2018

Un photographe de l'AFP blessé par balle lors de heurts à Gaza: AFP, 8 June 2018

Des manifestants palestiniens au milieu de gaz lacrymogènes tirés par des soldats israéliens le 8 juin 2018 dans la bande de Gaza/AFP

Des manifestants palestiniens au milieu de gaz lacrymogènes tirés par des soldats israéliens le 8 juin 2018 dans la bande de Gaza: photo by AFP, 8 June 2018

Un photographe palestinien de l'Agence France-Presse a été blessé par balle à la jambe vendredi après que l'armée israélienne eut ouvert le feu sur des manifestants lors de heurts dans la bande de Gaza, ont indiqué le journaliste et le ministère local de la Santé.

Mohammed Abed al-Baba, qui travaille pour l'AFP depuis 2000, a été atteint sous le genou alors qu'il se trouvait à environ 200 mètres de la frontière à l'est de Jabaliya (nord), revêtu d'un gilet marqué "presse" et d'un casque pour sa protection, a témoigné le photographe.

Le porte-parole du ministère de la Santé à Gaza, Achraf al-Qodra, a assuré qu'il avait été blessé par un tir israélien.

Le photographe a été hospitalisé à Jabaliya. Ses jours ne sont pas en danger.

L'armée israélienne n'a pas répondu dans l'immédiat aux questions de l'AFP sur les faits.
Des heurts ont opposé à distance manifestants palestiniens et soldats israéliens postés le long de la frontière qui sépare Gaza d'Israël. Mohammed Abed al-Baba a été touché par un tir en provenance des lignes israéliennes quand il s'est approché d'un blessé pour le photographier, a-t-il raconté.

La bande de Gaza, soumise aux blocus israélien et égyptien, est le théâtre depuis le 30 mars d'une protestation accompagnée d'affrontements le long de la frontière. Au moins trois Palestiniens ont été tués par des tirs israéliens vendredi, a indiqué le ministère gazaoui de la Santé.

La mobilisation gazaouie est organisée au nom du droit au retour des Palestiniens sur les terres qu'ils ont fuies ou dont ils ont été chassés à la création d'Israël en 1948. Elle dénonce aussi le blocus de Gaza. Israël assure que cette mobilisation sert de couvert au mouvement islamiste Hamas qui dirige l'enclave pour tenter de s'infiltrer et d'attaquer des soldats ou des civils.

Avant les incidents de vendredi, au moins 125 Palestiniens avaient été tués par des tirs israéliens depuis le 30 mars. Aucun Israélien n'a été tué.

Mohammed Abed a couvert les trois guerres qui ont mis aux prises Israël et le Hamas depuis 2008. Ses photos des évènements depuis le 30 mars ont été abondamment reproduites par la presse internationale.

Today my brilliant photographer colleague Mohammed Abed al-Baba was shot in the leg by Israeli fire in northern Gaza. He was around 200 metres from the border fence, wearing a press vest, he says.: image via Joe @joedyke, 8 June 2018

JoeVerified account @joedyke

 Baba has been working for AFP in Gaza since 2000, covered three wars and has won multiple awards. Hopefully his leg will be ok and he can return to work soon.: tweet via Joe @joedyke, 8 June 2018

He is a brilliant and incredibly brave photographer. This powerful photo taken in the 2008/9 war was recognised at the World Press Awards.: image via Joe @joedyke, 8 June 2018

Palestinian AFP photographer Mohammed Abed wins third prize in the Spot News Stories category with his pictures of the shelling in Gaza in January 2009

The World Press Photo of the Year 2009 contest winners. Palestinian AFP photographer Mohammed Abed wins third prize in the Spot News Stories category with his pictures of the shelling in Gaza in January 2009: photo by Mohammed Abed/AFP, January 2009

At least 129 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli fire since protests broke out along the Gaza border on March 30: photo by Jack Guez/AFP, 8 June 2018 

AFP photographer hit as Israel fires on Gaza protesters: AFP, 8 June 2018

Gaza City (Palestinian Territories) (AFP) - An AFP photographer was shot in the leg as Israeli troops opened fire on Palestinian demonstrators along the Gaza border on Friday, the health ministry and the journalist said.

Mohammed Abed al-Baba, who has worked for AFP in Gaza since 2000, said he was shot in the leg while wearing a clearly identified press vest and helmet around 200 metres (yards) from the border east of Jabalia in northern Gaza.

Health ministry spokesman Ashraf al-Qudra said Baba was wounded by Israeli fire.
The bullet hit him below the knee, with his condition not life threatening, medics said.

Three Palestinians, among them a 15-year-old, were killed by Israeli fire elsewhere along the border as thousands demonstrated, the health ministry added.

The Israeli army said it was dealing with a riot.

Minor clashes were underway east of Jabalia when Abed was shot and he said he was trying to photograph a wounded protester.

He was taken to the Al-Awda Hospital in northern Gaza for treatment, where a doctor said he would undergo surgery to stabilise a bone.

The Israeli army did not immediately respond to a request for comment about Abed.

It has accused Gaza's Islamist rulers Hamas of manipulating the protests to conceal the infiltration of militants planning attacks.

Abed has been working for AFP in Gaza since 2000, covering three wars between Israel and Hamas.

He has won multiple awards.

Since widespread protests broke out along the Gaza border on March 30, Baba has been covering them daily -- with his photos widely used across the globe.

At least 128 Palestinians have been killed since the protests began on March 30. No Israelis have died.

A wounded Palestinian demonstrator is hit in the face with a tear gas canister fired by Israeli troops during a protest at the Israel-Gaza border (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT): Photo Ibraheem Abu Mustafa: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 8 June 2018


Horrifying images show a Palestinian demonstrator being hit in the face with a tear gas canister fired by Israeli troops during #AlQudsDay protests in the Israel-Gaza border Photo by Ibraheem Abu Mustafa @ibraheemgazapix @reuterspictures: image via SundayTimesPictures @STPictures, 8 June 2018

Palestinians get creative about what to do with Israeli army tear gas canisters fired on protesters in Gaza. [Photo: @saidkhatib]: image via The IMEU @theIMEU, 2 June 2018

3,704: That's how many live ammunition gunshot injuries were inflicted by Israeli snipers on Palestinian demonstrators inside the Gaza Strip over a seven-week period beginning on 30 March.: image via the IMEU @theIMEU, 8 June 2018

Gaza's health system is crumbling under the weight of thousands of injuries and dozens of deaths. Now Palestinian doctors are being forced to provide service both in the emergency room and in hallways and tents.: image via the IMEU @theIMEU, 8 June 2018

A senior Israeli official said he "wouldn’t be surprised if tomorrow there were 40 deaths" in reference to the protests in Gaza today commemorating 51 years since the Nakba, when Israel expanded its occupation of the West Bank and Gaza.: image via the IMEU @theIMEU, 8 June 2018

Gaza protests: updates: Al Jazeera, 8 June 2018

For more than two months, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip have been protesting along the fence with Israel, demanding their right to return to the homes and land their families were expelled from 70 years ago.

The Great March of Return rallies culminated on May 15 to mark what Palestinians refer to as the Nakba, or Catastrophe - a reference to the forced removal of 750,000 Palestinians from their homes and villages to clear the way for Israel's establishment in 1948.

The mass Friday demonstrations have since continued.

Since the protests began on March 30, Israeli forces have killed 124 Palestinians in the besieged coastal enclave and wounded more than 13,000 people.

Health officials in the Gaza Strip say the number of Palestinians killed by Israeli forces during today's protests near the fence with Israel has risen to four.  

Israeli troops shot and killed 15-year-old Haitham al-Jamal east of Khan Younis, in southern Gaza Strip, Palestinian news agency Wafa said, citing the health ministry.

Ziad Jadallah Bureim was also shot dead while participating in protests in the southern Gaza Strip, while Imad Nabil Abu Darabi, 26, was killed east of Jabalia town in northern Gaza Strip, Wafa added.

Yousef al-Fasih, 29, was shot dead while demonstrating in the eastern Gaza Strip, Palestinian news agency Wafa said. 

More than 600 people were wounded by Israeli forces, including photographer Mohammed Abed al-Baba, who was shot in the leg.

Al-Baba, who has worked for AFP news agency in the Gaza Strip since 2000, was shot while clearly identified in a press vest and helmet, around 200 metres from the fence east of Jabalia in northern Gaza.

Al Jazeera's Imran Khan, reporting from the protests in the Gaza Strip, says Israeli forces are firing teargas at protesters.

"They are using this in two ways, firstly coming in from jeeps ... to try and disperse the [crowd], [and] they are also using teargas drones," he said. 

"However, the Palestinians have figured out a way of dealing with these drones ... they've figured out that they can entangle a drone into kites, and they have managed to bring down an Israeli drone," he added.

Of those injured, 92 protesters sustained live fire wounds, including seven who are critically wounded. Twenty-six children and 14 women are among the wounded.

The remaining injuries were caused by teargas inhalation.


Teargas fired by Israeli troops at Palestinian demonstrators during a protest marking Jerusalem Day: photo by Ibraheem Abu Mustafa/Reuters, 8 June 2018

 A Palestinian demonstrator uses a sling to hurl stones at Israeli troops at the Israel-Gaza border: photo by Ibraheem Abu Mustafa/Reuters, 8 June 2018

Fire burns in scrubland in Israel near the Gaza Strip; Palestinians have been flying kites and balloons loaded with flammable material across the border between Israel and Gaza.: photo by Amir Cohen/Reuters, 8 June 2018

A wounded Palestinian demonstrator being evacuated: photo by Ibraheem Abu Mustafa/Reuters, 8 June 2018

1 comment:

  1. We've been grateful to Mohammed Abed, for his brave photographic work from Gaza, for the ten years or so we've been using it as a window into the center of the history of the time in which we are living.

    He shot the second picture here only moments before an IDF sniper, using a very sophisticated weapon probably bought by you and me, shot him, at a distance of 200 metres, in the lower body, aiming to disable.

    Take out the witnessing. Shoot the photographers. But not just a picture. Shoot with a fancy sniperscope, and take 'em down, so they can't get up and take more pictures, is all.

    Just so you know your tax bux are at work, and indeed they are working for you, if your intent is to silence the righteous claim of the people of Palestine to their own patch of Earth, now overrun by the paleskin Super-Euro-Zio-Murican Settler Triumph Of Will.
