Fife is NO, taking Better Together over the line
It’s official: Scotland REJECTS independence: photo via Yahoo UK News @YahooNewsUK on twitter, 19 September 2014

tweep via Francis Begbie @Franco__Begbie on twitter, 19 September 2014

Come play with us, Scotland: image via Francis Begbie @Franco__Begbie on twitter, 19 September 2014
Vote Yes!: tweep via Irvine Welsh Quotes @WelshQuotations on twitter, 7 September 2014
Breaking Down the Analytics
Breakin down the analytics ay the fuckin referendum: image via Francis Begbie @Franco__Begbie on twitter, 19 September 2014
12:43 AM - 19 Sep 2014
tweep via Francis Begbie @Franco__Begbie on twitter, 19 September 2014
Come play with us, Scotland: image via Francis Begbie @Franco__Begbie on twitter, 19 September 2014
Vote Yes!: tweep via Irvine Welsh Quotes @WelshQuotations on twitter, 7 September 2014
Breaking News: Twits in Colonies Butt-Kiss Fossil Empire Again!
The #uk survives! #better together :-): image via John Walpole @JWalpole on twitter, 19 September 2014
Congratulations, Your Majesty. The union has been maintained. Hopefully forever: image via Terry M. Corcoracn @CorcoranNYC on twitter, 19 September 2014
Andrew Marvell: A Pict Kickabout, Early Doors (Post-Eikonoklastic)
Oliver Cromwell's face (statue outside Guildhall Art Gallery, London): photo by Garry Knight, 2006
The Pict no shelter now shall find
Within his party-colour'd Mind;
..But from this Valour sad
..Shrink underneath the Plad:
Oliver Cromwell: Robert Walker (d. 1658), n.d. (National Portrait Gallery, London; image by Coetzee, 2009)
Happy if in the tufted brake
The English Hunter him mistake;
..Nor lay his Hounds in near
..The Caledonian Deer.
Cromwell at Dunbar, 3 September 1650: Andrew Carrick Gow, c. 1866
But thou the Wars and Fortunes Son
March indefatigably on;
..And for the last effect
..Still keep thy Sword erect:
Oliver Cromwell: Samuel Cooper (d. 1672), n.d. (National Portrait Gallery, London; image by Coetzee, 2009)
Besides the Force it has to fright
The Spirits of the shady Night,
..The same Arts that did gain
..A Pow'r must it maintain.
Oliver Cromwell's death mask, Warwick Castle: photo by Chris Nyborg, 2006
Andrew Marvell: from An Horatian Ode upon Cromwel's Return from Ireland, 1650
Dougie Wallace: Better Together??
Dougie Wallace: from Stags, Hens and Bunnies: A Blackpool Story (September 2011-November 2013), Dewi Lews Media, July 2014
Dougie Wallace: from Stags, Hens and Bunnies: A Blackpool Story (September 2011-November 2013), Dewi Lews Media, July 2014
Dougie Wallace: from Stags, Hens and Bunnies: A Blackpool Story (September 2011-November 2013), Dewi Lews Media, July 2014
Dougie Wallace: from Stags, Hens and Bunnies: A Blackpool Story (September 2011-November 2013), Dewi Lews Media, July 2014
Dougie Wallace: from Stags, Hens and Bunnies: A Blackpool Story (September 2011-November 2013), Dewi Lews Media, July 2014
Dougie Wallace: from Stags, Hens and Bunnies: A Blackpool Story (September 2011-November 2013), Dewi Lews Media, July 2014
Dougie Wallace: from Stags, Hens and Bunnies: A Blackpool Story (September 2011-November 2013), Dewi Lews Media, July 2014
Dougie Wallace: from Stags, Hens and Bunnies: A Blackpool Story (September 2011-November 2013), Dewi Lews Media, July 2014
Dougie Wallace: from Stags, Hens and Bunnies: A Blackpool Story (September 2011-November 2013), Dewi Lews Media, July 2014
Dougie Wallace: from Stags, Hens and Bunnies: A Blackpool Story (September 2011-November 2013), Dewi Lews Media, July 2014
Dougie Wallace: from Stags, Hens and Bunnies: A Blackpool Story (September 2011-November 2013), Dewi Lews Media, July 2014
Dougie Wallace: from Stags, Hens and Bunnies: A Blackpool Story (September 2011-November 2013), Dewi Lews Media, July 2014
Better Together: a Triumphalist twerpgasm
Rule Britannia: image via Will @W_E_H_Barker on twitter, 19 September 2014
Rule Britannia!! Well done Scotland!: image via Alex Mitchell Will @AlexRM on twitter, 19 September 2014
Its over. No going back now. We're in it together. United under one flag, the way it should be. Rule Britannia: image via Jack Forsyth @JackForsy on twitter, 19 September 2014
It's official the people of Scotland have spoken and they have said Rule Britannia: image via Derek McMonies @DerekMcmonies on twitter, 19 September 2014
Rule Britannia. Our great nation must stick together. In times of need we come together: image via J @RTM_LOYAL on twitter, 19 September 2014
Rule Britannia: image via Toby Maxtone-Smith @TRMaxtoneSmith on twitter, 19 September 2014
Same country Tommy one Britain. Rule Britannia: image via LordC4rson @LordC4rson on twitter, 19 September 2014
This is me driving down the M8. Congratulations. Rule Britannia. God save the queen: image via FT Toker@westbenhar on twitter, 19 September 2014
Rule Britannia!: image via markus @webbounited on twitter, 19 September 2014
Rule Britannia!! Well done Scotland!: image via Alex Mitchell Will @AlexRM on twitter, 19 September 2014
Rule Britannia: image via Phineas Fahrquar @irishspy on twitter, 19 September 2014
Thank Christ for that!!!! Great news this morning: image via Carl 'Bones' Evans @gasgasbones on twitter. 19 September 2014
hurrah!: via Johanna in Central Luzon, Republic of the Philippines @ducheeofsass on twitter, 19 September 2014
It's official the people of Scotland have spoken and they have said Rule Britannia: image via Matthew j Morgan @MattJMorgan89 on twitter, 19 September 2014
Rule Britannia! Sorry aboot that like: image via James Hardie @JHardie7 on twitter, 19 September 2014
Please, RT! #Scotland says NO to independence, via @al_tagreer
begbie reacts to the referendum result
That's the kind of jingoistic shite that 45% voted against - the flaccid erection of a failing Empire
Scotland ‒
How picture perfect
about its people
Thanks very much for being alive and alert, L'Enfant and Colin. Rare these days.
I was disappointed by and embarrassed on behalf of the Scots, who showed that in this epoch of Big Security, staying on under the (extremely porous, as history inconveniently discloses) protective umbrella woven of the sturdy fibre (i.e. fragile, fallible threads) of Big Media Deceit, Big Defence (225 nuclear submarines, ah didnae ken the need), Big Defence Jobs ("No" came out victorious in those "working class" districts populated by "defence" workers, curiously enough), and the Big Pound Sterling, along with the Big Cerements of that scrap of nasty cloth 'neath which the sun has never really set for the timid conditioned-reflex servants of Empire -- who like many longtime prison inmates have never known another way to live and are thus fearful of the opportunity to be let out at last -- there are to be no surprises.
But ay, there were promises. The bloated master race pols who presided over this sordid bonus-sequel deleted scene from Master Race Theatre will be busy not keeping them, sharpish. To start with, Scottish MPs will in future find themselves not required (as in: not permitted) to have a say on issues affecting the er, dare we say the word, English.
There were indeed issues to be considered and data to be analysed but in the end, does it not come down to the fact the Permanent War Machine has managed to extract the last drop of risk-taking, or shall we say independence, out of that strain of humanoids 'pon which the sun in fact did long ago set, when no one was looking but the all-seeing surveillance machinery?
And that's progress, as the person slowly slinking backward said to the backward-reeling vacuum fog enveloping the world as remembered...
But enough with the Independence, already. Let's get back to what really matters. The serious celebs. Always to be relied upon for providing us the bottom line on matters of import. What do (does?) Brangelina think, anyway? And how about Jeeves?
Stephen Fry’s iPhone 6 verdict: the most exquisite mobile ever made
Oh, and talking of mummies, not to be lost in the swirl of Union Euphoria, this just in, on the day of the Glorious Referendum Triumph, from, yes, The Guardian:
Joan Rivers posts from the grave: 'I've just bought an iPhone!'
iPhone 6...feet under? A scheduled sponsored ad on the late comedian’s Instagram account has boasted about her new Apple device
Comic legend Joan Rivers has been dead for over a week now, but apparently that hasn’t stopped the Fashion Show star being chuffed to bits with her new iPhone 6-feet-under.
In a warning to PR companies everywhere, sponsored scheduled posts appeared on Rivers’ Facebook and Instagram accounts on Friday morning – before they were quickly taken down.
"Joan Rivers 9 minutes ago
"This badass is being replaced by an iPhone 6 (not the fat one). I got this one in 2010, and after four years, my only complaint is that apps are now designed for bigger screens, and the battery is getting tired. Never had a case for it, since it was beautiful on its own. Great achievement in design. Great product. #apple #iPhone #tech"
The fact those devices give you brain cancer, no problem if your brain died... weeks?... years?... centuries ago.
So, then... Are we having Fun yet?
Joan Rivers: Palestinians ‘Deserve to Be Dead’
Let's not imitate her by wishing death on anyone, even if she did.
I'd like to think that particular form of shtick on her part was meant to be... er, comedy.
But must admit that what I really believe/d is/was that she meant it.
What's the old saw, be careful what you wish for?
In the fullness of time (another old saw), we will all be together...that is, apart... for better or worse.
I had convinced myself the Scots would break free---very disappointing. I guess for many the status quo is the way to go.
I don't think the matter of independence is settled yet. That was one hell of a close run thing.
All of us outside London and the Southeast could do with a little devolution ourselves (though I don't trust those pasty faced toffs to deliver anything worth talking of).
What's sad about the vote for me is that it's a vote against a just and equitable society, against a welfare state. A vote for fear.
Yes, but as is said, close counts only in bowls, and a bad taste lingers, even here, in the colonies, and indeed probably among all of us anywhere who lack the proper Anglo Norman ancestry lines.
The gorilla on the back of the elephant floating in the muck of this elemental lowest common denominator referendum campaign stew has all along appeared, again from a distance, to be class.
The understandable hesitation of someone here with a decent Commonwealth background caused that particularly blunt (as in, perhaps, insufficiently "complicated") twip to land on the cutting room floor -- still I continue to find it at least a wee bit telling.
(The social dynamics of Low and High Table came roaring back with a mean vengeance...)
And then, talking again of the campaign analytics, the gigantic silent hooded assassin riding the back of the gorilla on top of the floating blindfolded elephant -- "defence".
Curiously it was on the day of the great (narrow, hollow) triumph of Union that, for the first time, fighter jets were scrambled from RAF Lossiemouth to intercept and turn back an uninvited Russian "Bear".
Whoever said Scotland was of scant practical use to Empire?
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