sleepy fox: TC
Here are links to individual post entries after 6 April 2018:
A little break (electrocuted swan event) | Joseph Ceravolo: Doubts | Joseph in Denial
always another last boyscout for gaza | blood on the sun | Ceravolo: Dirty Benediction
a question of ideology | Entourage | Clark Coolidge: the poem that could be ordered from the Reptile Institute (from POET)
being in time is a pink cloud over Mount Tam (Stephen Ratcliffe: Temporality) | a quarter revolution | peeing in a trump hotel
Blood | Joseph Ceravolo: Dangers of the Voyage to the Happy Land
Blood moon burning (the long golden hour) | They | Nica 78-18: A country that has "forged its own character through suffering"
carnival | golden child on elevator booster seat lights up death awareness cafe with contagious fink smile
catastrophe - or independence day? | Mahmoud Darwish: O those who pass between fleeting words
C.C. (Raw Material) | Where Buck Stopt
Century | Captive (Meat Wheel $pinning Behind Diaphanous Veil) | Might Rain
chequer'd swan | Joseph Ceravolo: Skies
certain geometrical shapes and a fire on the horizon | Northland | elon doubles down | Joseph Ceravolo: Railway Stop
Coexistence III (running late) | kickabout 2 (El arco cayó sin testigos)
Coexistence IV: Joseph Ceravolo: Stay | a grove of red cedar trees in the blue forest after the engine blew out is burning
Coexistence V | Bloody Gina is the nice lady who lives next door so better run for your life | arm in hand in flood during the great syrian exodus
Coexistence VI | another day on the job (animals)
Coexistence VII: Aunt of Tiger, in human jungle | flotilla of desperation | cool fireworks or - ?
coexistence viii | ghosty puddle manta | bloody face | Ceravolo: Three from INRI
Coexistence 9: In a Siamese Cat's Yellow Eye | Fan Zone | Love Story On Canada Day
Confession on a windy day
cribbage: white box / building (no eats or gas to be had)
Dorothea Lange: Art is a by-product of an act of total attention | King Tobacco, North Carolina, July 1937 | Gathering Storm
Double Dream of Spring with side order of Impunity (riding the spinning death cups) | W.C. Williams: To Elsie ("The pure products of America") | Negative imagination
during the rule of the ghost people del norte (hide the babies under the scales of Quetzalcóatl) | JH Almeida: A Triumph of The Wall
end times near death experience for jesus
exit wounds | troubled waters | what is society to you (the great escape)
fallen kingdom (feeling so happy to be apart) | Auden / Hölderlin: the eclipse of the european mind
Falling (She Came Back) | flessshapods
Feel like you're losing your grip? Call Swing Coach Jesus! | Holy Month
fire flies | bouncy houses
Fleeing madly back to wonderland
Forbidden garden | Wooden Boy: Post Crem June | Israeli logic: world domination flames blossom from Gaza again, as foretold
fuego | a leading line | Joseph Ceravolo: White Dwarf
gaza massacre: a waste of shame | blake: the human abstract
Gaza 2018 | Darwish: Silence for Gaza / Ahmed Al-Za'tar / Under Siege | Genocide is a mitzvah | Beckett: Apodosis (there they are again, we'll have to start killing them again)
give a bug blot enough time and it may bleed into a bird or are those raindrops tears
girl running from slogans | Joseph Ceravolo: Feast of Visions | gameplanning the patriotic retributive attack on Montenegro
Golden: Ruling Your World With the Sun King When the Grumbly Demons Have Been Driven Off In a Huff Unless That Pink Thing Was a Hello Kitty Chia Mindfulness Planter
Grilling y Espuma en la boca (A Traditional Fourth)
Heart to close | Marcelo Montecino: 5 letters that don't mean anything
How to speak Canadian: Waiting for Bozot ("My touch, my feel") | Edward Sanders: Hölderlin's Tower | Hölderlin: Two Poems
human celebrity public sacrifice ritual like gangbusters yet (something really wonderful)
Human Life | Uncle Jim goes for a nice ride to the Dead Sea with Black Cube
I Have Heard the Voice of God, and It Sounds Hella Like Another Freakin Huckabee on an Arkansas Duck Hunt in Efrat ("I'm speaking for myself and God") | All Fall Apart: Chaos in Zimbabwe
In a Dark Galaxy The Ambien Army Marches On For Lord Emperor Tinyhands While Nodding Out On the Patriotic Farting Couch
Inflammation (more than anyone else!) | head shot (The wind-down is a carve-out for everybody)
ing the sizzle, but adding NEW YORK Devil Hold off Isle | fireball (The Sixth NonSense)
In own world | William Carlos Williams: Complete Destruction
I've got work to do | Weight (Keats, Winchester, 1819) | Kafka: The Next Village
Jorge Luis Borges: La otra muerte (The other death) | Ralph Waldo Emerson: The Past
Jorge Ramos: A Prophecy ("Trumplandia, a twisted utopia of walls and hate") | Ed Sanders: Broken Glory: Who Programmed Polka-Dot? | Stephen Radcliffe: "Light coming into fog..."
Joseph Ceravolo: "Between a rock and a hard place..." | Meditation at the Pink Panther Haircut Saloon
Joseph Ceravolo: eternity a shot from the gun of childhood (la beauté de la vérité sera à nous) | outer boroughs moronodon rampant
Joseph Ceravolo: Hospital (No Face Club) | The Meaning of Gaza | Absent Attendance
Joseph Ceravolo: Inside Story | Much remains obscure for the helpless ones cast into the underworld by waves of diastrophism
Joseph Ceravolo, Mexico City, September 1960: the luminous mountain, the uncovered heart ("all we owe to darkness") | The political re-education of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Behind closed inner party doors
Joseph Ceravolo: Rte 3 into N.Y. | Is this home? | Okie skunks sniffin' round the henhouse trashbin for used mattresses
Joseph Ceravolo: Spiral | Wooden Boy: Summerfield Park | kickabout
Joseph Ceravolo: The Catskills | The Catskills: An Interpretation | Even Superman
Joseph Ceravolo: Wild Provoke of the Endurance Sky | Dawn | Hercules Breeds
Justified | decline of the west | holy water, on the rocks | double dream death date outdoor movie
Kashmir: The spirit of freedom caged | Blackie and the shikara boat | Rocket Silence
Khazar 1 | Pablo Neruda: Los nacimentos (Births)
K.M. Asad: Children of No Man's Land | Israel: RIP Democracy | waiting for the water | Joseph Ceravolo: December 10, 1986
knocking on the door of the time that was to come
Lewis W. Hine: Kid Stuff
Marcelo Montecino: Broken hidalgo (Security, Colombia)
Marcelo Montecino: Dialogue in the Market, Ecuador | Oe ne Chisato: Thoughts
Minimum Headroom, Max Reflection: Quietness (1810), Decoys (1820), Italian Variations (1820), from Junkets on a Sad Planet: Scenes from the Life of John Keats
My early days in aviation: Five Poems in the English Language, Error Number Six and other paper airplanes from Airplanes (1966)
Need | Ole smoky eye goes down bobble college road (bringin' it back home to ouachita)
night lights (monsoon comes to the rohingya) | JH Almeida: DEVELOPMENT
Nothing to see here, unless there is (Novichok) | on the beach under the ground
1:30 AM in Gaza | ethics and esthetics | Joseph Ceravolo: Come Clean
Paseo | Ghost Village | A chink in the wall | The last southern battle in Syria | Beating an informer, Santiago, 1988
plastic teapot dictator celebrates world trash day | Winch: Emotional Landscape With Kanye West in It | Tree by the waterside
People of Earth: Marcelo Montecino: Guatemala, beauty and violence | two baboons | Christmas at the brothel | avenging angelcakes (Innocence)
pinhole view (spume) | a shadow on the other side of the glass
poetry (storm rolling in) | Joseph Ceravolo: Drunk on the Brain (Un Here) | "Your life as a lens..."
Private Worlds of Love and Death: Jorge Luis Borges: La intrusa (The Intruder) | J.D. Salinger: The Catcher in the Rye
Prolepsis (WW III) | Temptation | The Shadow Knows
public works
Qunts | sacred
rescue me
Revenge (Red) | Xymphora: Duress; Scheme, and anti-scheme; May | How to make White People Uncomfortable
Ron Padgett: Tulsa Race Riots, 1921 | Dark rocks (who eats pig's feet?) | Touching Jackie's shoulder
school's out in the city of the dead | smoov (where intimacy means being raked by heartless winds) | executive fiat
Sacrifice | illusionary lives | backfire
Shah Marai: When people are no longer friendly toward someone with a camera (killing the angelic messenger) | War (2018)
Simon Schuchat: Not Dead Yet: Two Poems
somewhere | Joseph Ceravolo: "Looking at beetles and ants..."
Visit w/sidewalk sanity plea: all tiny hands on deck for the micro
imperium of mini europa (The short and the long of it) | William Carlos
Williams: By the road to the contagious hospital Simon Schuchat: Not Dead Yet: Two Poems
somewhere | Joseph Ceravolo: "Looking at beetles and ants..."
storm is threatening | the best way to carry a baby | We wants safety
Submission guidelines
Tawfiq Ziad: Here We Will Stay / Passing Remark | Ain't One Big Bull
That Glow: In the Pink Church | William Carlos Williams: Lines (3 Poems) | Caution: Bees | Satisfaction Guilt (Hey old Feller)
The Archer and other poems from The Sand Burg (1966) | Clarice Lispector: The Archer (A Part of the Future) / Mine of Mirrors
The code of the west (Keep Blessing) | Joseph Ceravolo: The Car (And the crowd went wild)
The Colonel's ghost sinks toward the ocean floor | Joseph Ceravolo: Hidden Bird
the dance of conquest is going to have to wait | museum of memory
The dumbest man on television | Marcelo Montecino: In the clouds (The Train to Bolivia) | #QAnon: Michelangelo knew - so enjoy the show! | The 1000 Year Empire
"The flower that has no sound": Marcelo Montecino: What does she mean? | Joseph Ceravolo: July 5, 1986 / Bad Thoughts | from Ravi Waste Inventory | Arthur Rothstein: Death in Matamoros
the ghost pilot's last instruction
the least of these | ridin' with the chain-link space force in kennelistan - "They will come to heel or we will withdraw feeding"
Th'Emp Strikes Back | We Make Kids Disappear | Nitrogen
Th'Emp Unrepentant | Murica 1938: the kids are alright - unless they aren't
the memorial function of poetry is keeping the memory green - so for those who severed! the ultimate limb sacrifice! | Joseph Ceravolo: Ocean
the secret agent | Murder in Malaysia (anywhere might be somebody's theatre of operations)
The Triumph of Too Bad | out of the past
The Veneration of Saint Death
They seek him here, they seek him there, they seek him everywhere: Questions from QAnon | Robert Fisk: Jared's "Prospects" Deal for the Palestinians | Marcelo Montecino: Indifference, Ayahuasca, Peru, 1991
Trapped: the search for the world cup in the monsoon flooded labyrinth worry caves deep beneath the fascism quality mane
tunnel | Robinson Jeffers: Cawdor dreams of slaughtering his herd | pants snagged on windmill at summit
Under Cassiopeia | The mystery of the missing international friendship tree | Realism (There's all of everything still)
Upside down #Mannschaft | Terror on a moonless night | blind item
Victory Day (Cleaning Day) | Forugh Farrokhzad: The Wind Will Take Us
Waterline | Lorca: Twilight of the Fleshapods (Among the Vomiting Multitudes at Coney Island)
Welcome to summer, California (like a dragon swallowing the sun)
What is Santa doing in a black box in Denmark in July - can the flames already be spreading that far north? #BombAttack #AbdulRashidDostum #Kabul #Afghanistan | Keats, late 1820: Percipience
When the lights went out | Joseph Ceravolo: In la colonia Ramos Millan, Mexico City, 1960
William Carlos Williams: Porous: Six Poems, 1921-1941 | The disappearing jobs of yesterday | The Wreck of the American Star
Window (The Disappeared Grandchild) | blackout: venezuela in collapse | Joseph Ceravolo: Migratory Dawn
Wings | William Carlos Williams: Incidents: Proletarian Portrait / The Raper from Passenack ("What are you going to do with an incident like that?")
Wooden Boy: A conversation | The Caretaker (tiptoeing thro the bio-waste on snowshoes) | ash plume over long iron (Danger Flying Golf Balls)
Wooden Boy: Set Time | Marcelo Montecino: Guards, National Stadium, Santiago 1973 | Drones, Caracas 2018 | the dead land
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