A starry night view of the rising smoke cloud from the #RanchFire, one of two wildfires in the #MendocinoComplex: image via Marcus Yam @yamphoto, 2 August 2018

#United States Thousands of firefighters struggle to contain giant blazes in California #AFP Photo Mark Ralston: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 3 August 2018

A DC-10 air tanker drops fire retardant along the crest of a hill, as firefighters battle the Mendocino Complex fires in California. Photo: Fred Greaves: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 3 August 2018

The #mendocinocomplex of the #riverfireand the #ranchfire continued to expand on Thursday, prompting more evacuations on the north side of the Clear Lake, Thursday. The firefight was intense in Scotts Valley today. @NorthBayNews @CAL_FIRE #VLAT: image via Kent Porter @kentphotos, 2 August 2018

The #mendocinocomplex of the #riverfireand the #ranchfire continued to expand on Thursday, prompting more evacuations on the north side of the Clear Lake, Thursday. The firefight was intense in Scotts Valley today. @NorthBayNews @CAL_FIRE #VLAT: image via Kent Porter @kentphotos, 2 August 2018

The #mendocinocomplex of the #riverfireand the #ranchfire continued to expand on Thursday, prompting more evacuations on the north side of the Clear Lake, Thursday. The firefight was intense in Scotts Valley today. @NorthBayNews @CAL_FIRE #VLAT: image via Kent Porter @kentphotos, 2 August 2018

The #mendocinocomplex of the #riverfireand the #ranchfire continued to expand on Thursday, prompting more evacuations on the north side of the Clear Lake, Thursday. The firefight was intense in Scotts Valley today. @NorthBayNews @CAL_FIRE #VLAT: image via Kent Porter @kentphotos, 2 August 2018

People walk past damaged cars at the entrance of Al-Thawra hospital after an air strike in the Red Sea town of Hodeida on August 2, 2018: photo by ABDO HYDER/AFP, 2 August 2018

Migrants disembark from a dinghy at 'Del Canuelo' beach after they crossed the Strait of Gibraltar from Morocco to Tarifa, Spain Photo @JonNazca: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 3 August 2018

A sloth called Pancho, hit by a vehicle, is seen after surgery in Bolivia: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 3 August 2018

Walrus Dyna and her calf, born on June 17, dive in their compound at the zoo in Hamburg, Germany. Photo Fabian Bimmer: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 3 August 2018

A plastic volleyball is seen floating in the Strait of Gibraltar, near Barbate, southern Spain Photo @JonNazca: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 3 August 2018
Marcelo Montecino: In the clouds (The Train from Bolivia)

The Train from Bolivia, Chile 2004: photo by Marcelo Montecino, 6 January 2004

Wedding in the Highlands, Bolivia: photo by Marcelo Montecino, 23 February 2005
One picture that invokes so
many subconscious images from the Andes. Very nice colours: the woman in
front standing out, the created joy. - Ahron de Leeuw, 2006

La Paz, Bolivia, 86 -8: photo by Marcelo Montecino, 14 December 2005

Carnival in Oruru, Bolivia, 1994: photo by Marcelo Montecino, 21 February 2006

La Paz, Bolivia, 86 -37: photo by Marcelo Montecino, 15 December 2005

Two Cultures in La Paz, Bolivia, 86 -34: photo by Marcelo Montecino, 15 December 2005

Lake Titicaca, Bolivia, 86: photo by Marcelo Montecino, 14 December 2005

El Alto, Bolivia: photo by Marcelo Montecino, 8 November 2006
Picnic, El Alto, Bolivia: photo by Marcelo Montecino, 23 February 2005
El Alto, Bolivia: photo by Marcelo Montecino, 23 February 2005
Coup in La Paz, Bolivia: photo by Marcelo Montecino, 23 February 2005
Melancholy, La Paz, Bolivia: photo by Marcelo Montecino, 23 February 2005
Bolivia, Altiplano, 1964: photo by Marcelo Montecino, 19 October 2006
Altiplano, Bolivia, 1964: photo by Marcelo Montecino, 31 January 2005

Picnic, El Alto, Bolivia: photo by Marcelo Montecino, 23 February 2005

El Alto, Bolivia: photo by Marcelo Montecino, 23 February 2005

Coup in La Paz, Bolivia: photo by Marcelo Montecino, 23 February 2005

Melancholy, La Paz, Bolivia: photo by Marcelo Montecino, 23 February 2005

Bolivia, Altiplano, 1964: photo by Marcelo Montecino, 19 October 2006

Altiplano, Bolivia, 1964: photo by Marcelo Montecino, 31 January 2005

Cholera, La Paz, Bolivia, 92: photo by Marcelo Montecino, 2 August 2006

Oruru Carnival, Bolivia: photo by Marcelo Montecino, 30 January 2005

Carnival, Oruru, Bolivia: photo by Marcelo Montecino, 22 February 2006

Carnival, Oruru, Bolivia: photo by Marcelo Montecino, 22 February 2006

Carnival, Oruru, Bolivia: photo by Marcelo Montecino, 22 February 2006

Oruro, Bolivia, 1992 Scan-111227-0001: photo by Marcelo Montecino, 3 August 2018

Wedding in the Altiplano, 86 -7: photo by Marcelo Montecino, 13 December 2005

Wedding in the Altiplano, Bolivia, 86: photo by Marcelo Montecino, 15 December 2005

Oruro, Bolivia, 1999 Scan-111228-0005: photo by Marcelo Montecino, 3 August 2018

Strong sun in La Paz, Bolivia, 96 | or she's giving me the finger: photo by Marcelo Montecino, 14 December 2005

A man holds up a large ‘Q’ sign while waiting in line for a Trump rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.: photo Rick Loomis/Getty Images, 2 August 2018

Donald J. TrumpVerified account @realDonaldTrump 8:37 PM 3 August 2018
Lebron James was just interviewed by the dumbest man on television, Don Lemon. He made Lebron look smart, which isn’t easy to do. I like Mike!

A Trump supporter holds up a QAnon sign in Tampa.: photo by Rod Millington/EPA, 2 August 2018

MUELLER: Hello Mr President
TRUMP: I didn’t commit any crimes
MUELLER: I didn’t even ask a question yet
TRUMP: But if I did commit a crime it would be a great one
TRUMP: a spectacular crime. Just phenomenal
TRUMP: I murdered 27 people between 1982 and 1997: tweet via Bucky Isotope @BuckyIsotope, 2 August 2018

Jackets included in the government's exhibits admitted into evidence at the trial of Paul Manafort: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 3 August 2018

The implication is subtle but there’s a distinct “can’t be bothered” vibe to the press assembly after reporters (“the enemy of the people”) were gaslit in Tampa. Photo @LeighVogel #pennsylvania: image via Reading The Pictures @ReadingThePix, 2 August 2018

Donald J. TrumpVerified account @realDonaldTrump 8:54 PM 3 August 2018
I'm absolutely the fattest man on television or this airplane. MAGA!

epa editor's choice 02 August 2018: An
89-year-old Myanmar man walks inside a school compound which is turned
into a temporary evacuation center at Hpa-An township, Kayin state,
Myanmar, 02 August 2018. At least 12 people have died and over 148,000
have been affected by severe floods in several areas across Myanmar, according to official figures. Heavy
monsoon rains and rivers in several regions hit a record water level in
more than 50 years. #flooding #floods #monsoon #MonsoonSeason
#MonsoonSeason2018 #Monsoon2018 #rain #HpaAn #Kayin #Myanmar #epaphotos Photo epa-efe / @lynn_bo: image via epaphotos @epaphotos, 2 August 2018

#Nicaragua Students from different universities from across Nicaragua protest. #AFPphoto: image via AFP Photo @AFPphoto, 3 August 2018
#Nicaragua Students from different universities from across Nicaragua protest. #AFPphoto: image via AFP Photo @AFPphoto, 3 August 2018
Political protests in Nicaragua have left 84 dead and more than 860 injured since they broke out on April 28. Photographer Inti Ocon @intiocon has been covering the violence for @AFP: image via AFP news agency @AFP, 28 May 2018
Anti-government demonstrators in Managua hold a banner reading ‘Ortega and Murillo assassins’, referring to the Nicaraguan president, Daniel Ortega, and the vice-president, his wife Rosario Murillo.: photo Marvin Recinos/AFP/Getty Images, 30 July 2018
A student fires a homemade mortar during a protest to demand President Daniel Ortega resign, in Managua, Nicaragua.: photo: Inti Ocon/AFP/Getty Images, 3 August 2018

Nicaragua’s president, Daniel Ortega. The Trump administration is quietly partnering with a government it publicly accuses of killing its own people, in an effort to speed up the deportation of Nicaraguan citizens. The partnership between Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Ortega's the government began a week before mass protests erupted in the Central American country, and it continues despite a war of words between Washington and Managua.: photo by Oswaldo Rivas/Reuters, 3 August 2018

Whats this? #QAnon: image via Qintel @Qintel, 3 August 2018
Whats this? #QAnon: image via Qintel @Qintel, 3 August 2018
Whats this? #QAnon: image via Qintel @Qintel, 3 August 2018

Whats this? #QAnon: image via Qintel @Qintel, 3 August 2018
Whats this? #QAnon: image via Qintel @Qintel, 3 August 2018
When you were researching the art of the Vatican and come across a prediction of the future from Michelangelo #Q #QAnon: image via Zoe P6 @zlrpaterson, 2 August 2018

We are now waking up by the millions, it's unstoppable and it's beautiful. Do not [sic??] left behind, join the movement Q is legit #TheGreatAwakening is happening! The time is now, enjoy the show!: image via C @IQooN, 3 August 2018

photo by Robert Adams from Summer Nights, Walking: On the Colorado Front, 1976-82 (2009)

photo by Robert Adams from Summer Nights, Walking: On the Colorado Front, 1976-82 (2009)
photo by Robert Adams from Summer Nights, Walking: On the Colorado Front, 1976-82 (2009)

photo by Robert Adams from Summer Nights, Walking: On the Colorado Front, 1976-82 (2009)

photo by Robert Adams from Summer Nights, Walking: On the Colorado Front, 1976-82 (2009)

photo by Robert Adams from Summer Nights, Walking: On the Colorado Front, 1976-82 (2009)

photo by Robert Adams from Summer Nights, Walking: On the Colorado Front, 1976-82 (2009)
photo by Robert Adams from Summer Nights, Walking: On the Colorado Front, 1976-82 (2009)

#Nicaragua Students from different universities from across Nicaragua protest. #AFPphoto: image via AFP Photo @AFPphoto, 3 August 2018

#Nicaragua Students from different universities from across Nicaragua protest. #AFPphoto: image via AFP Photo @AFPphoto, 3 August 2018

#Nicaragua Students from different universities from across Nicaragua protest. #AFPphoto: image via AFP Photo @AFPphoto, 3 August 2018

Political protests in Nicaragua have left 84 dead and more than 860 injured since they broke out on April 28. Photographer Inti Ocon @intiocon has been covering the violence for @AFP: image via AFP news agency @AFP, 28 May 2018

Anti-government demonstrators in Managua hold a banner reading ‘Ortega and Murillo assassins’, referring to the Nicaraguan president, Daniel Ortega, and the vice-president, his wife Rosario Murillo.: photo Marvin Recinos/AFP/Getty Images, 30 July 2018

A student fires a homemade mortar during a protest to demand President Daniel Ortega resign, in Managua, Nicaragua.: photo: Inti Ocon/AFP/Getty Images, 3 August 2018

Nicaragua’s president, Daniel Ortega. The Trump administration is quietly partnering with a government it publicly accuses of killing its own people, in an effort to speed up the deportation of Nicaraguan citizens. The partnership between Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Ortega's the government began a week before mass protests erupted in the Central American country, and it continues despite a war of words between Washington and Managua.: photo by Oswaldo Rivas/Reuters, 3 August 2018

Whats this? #QAnon: image via Qintel @Qintel, 3 August 2018

Whats this? #QAnon: image via Qintel @Qintel, 3 August 2018

Whats this? #QAnon: image via Qintel @Qintel, 3 August 2018

Whats this? #QAnon: image via Qintel @Qintel, 3 August 2018

Whats this? #QAnon: image via Qintel @Qintel, 3 August 2018

When you were researching the art of the Vatican and come across a prediction of the future from Michelangelo #Q #QAnon: image via Zoe P6 @zlrpaterson, 2 August 2018

We are now waking up by the millions, it's unstoppable and it's beautiful. Do not [sic??] left behind, join the movement Q is legit #TheGreatAwakening is happening! The time is now, enjoy the show!: image via C @IQooN, 3 August 2018
The 1000 Year Empire

photo by Robert Adams from Summer Nights, Walking: On the Colorado Front, 1976-82 (2009)
In the Thousand Year Empire all freedom will be planned.

photo by Robert Adams from Summer Nights, Walking: On the Colorado Front, 1976-82 (2009)
In the Thousand Year Empire even the most idle neural signal will be monitored.

photo by Robert Adams from Summer Nights, Walking: On the Colorado Front, 1976-82 (2009)
In the Thousand Year Empire Paranoia and Awareness will be One.

photo by Robert Adams from Summer Nights, Walking: On the Colorado Front, 1976-82 (2009)
In the Thousand Year Empire "man" will become a Destroyer of Worlds.

photo by Robert Adams from Summer Nights, Walking: On the Colorado Front, 1976-82 (2009)
In the Thousand Year Empire the crust of the earth will grow thinner under our feet... could we slip and fall through?

photo by Robert Adams from Summer Nights, Walking: On the Colorado Front, 1976-82 (2009)
In the Thousand Year Empire the night will become deeper than a spent fuel rod sinking in mud since prehistoric times.

photo by Robert Adams from Summer Nights, Walking: On the Colorado Front, 1976-82 (2009)
In the Thousand Year Empire the borders of morning and evening will no longer be known.
photo by Robert Adams from Summer Nights, Walking: On the Colorado Front, 1976-82 (2009)
TC: The 1000 Year Empire (1972-2014)