
for human being
Someones flew a plane into a building
Or did a building fly into a plane, and then
Many someones are continuing to be alive
And some too dead; yet little has been learned
And the wars continue though who
Is fighting whom cannot be said, it all feels
So confused as though the parts no longer fit,
Or was it a failure of original creation
To leave us sans the ability to speak
To one another, some kind of freak arrival
Here on earth as now sometimes seems, too late
To help ourselves, stuck as in quicksand in
A standing pool of language, thickened then with
The algae and flotsam of time
And fear, coagulating to clog
The throat; the conscience anyway never clear…

And then one hears, from inside the dark city, a voice:
So this is what happens when the enemy is at the gate...
Time passes like this for me: it was 12 o'clock
The apple was on the tree
It was 12 o'clock and a second
The apple was not on the tree
I ate the apple and still am falling
All these wars we have lost have
Pointed up the contradictions of the ethos,
The ways isolated individuals within a system
Behave do not constitute the rules of the game,
The ritual sanction of the poem demands a forgetting
After one has departed the earth, but how --
How to go on now, how to unlearn the memorized phrases,
How to build sentences of such transparency
The strange accidence of those pictures of the dead
Peels away to reveal a grammar of humanness --
Life our school, knowledge of suffering our teacher?

Italicized text lines: by human being, 2009
A glance at heaven: vault at the Nasr ol Molk mosque, Shiraz: photo by dynamomosquito, 2008
Another glance at heaven: vault at the Nasr ol Molk mosque, Shiraz: photo by dyanamomosquito, 2007
Eternity: ceramic tile mosaic, roof of the tomb of Persian poet Hafez, province of Fars, 2008: photo by dynamomosquito, 2008