Please note that the poems and essays on this site are copyright and may not be reproduced without the author's permission.

Wednesday, 27 January 2010



Fichier:Boilly 2.jpg

For adverbs


did, hopefully,

what they


Les médecins (miniature on ivory): Louis Léopold Boilly, 1761-1845 (private collection; photo by Castafior, 2008)


Anonymous said...

Ha! Ha! Yes I am hoping they did!
You are going to go through them all; right? Doing what you can. Doing what you do best!

poetowen said...

Haven't been tempted to diagram a sentence since elementary school (I was kind of obsessed with it)--I'll be doing it all day today.

Had fallen behind on your blog--am going back through all these great poems--you're on some kind of run.

very best--


TC said...


Well, I've done what I could for them. The poor, much-maligned things they are. A bit of a rescue operation?


Lovely to see you again. Yes, I've been going nuts since elementary school, too.