No, man, it's cool, really, No worries. Still only top of the third. The cable guy is on the way over right now. Going to be a good night, I can feel it. We're going to own these guys.
Chicago, Illinois. Halloween masks on sale at Fantasy Costumes: photo by Scott Olson via The Guardian, 29 October 2014

Detroit, Michigan. Several dead bodies were found in the cellar of this former high-class brothel: photo by Seph Lawless via the Guardian, 30 October 2014
It's a HEALTHY world (she said) nothing LAME asked to be
brought into it then you can't stand It NOTHING'S
just dead FISH SMELLS lost eyes a lot of smashed President KING more than just the present
moment's intermittent or latent shape-shifting OH NO the continuous micro-slaughter
SHE President
personifies a piece of the
planet in shreds now the universe itself existed as a dream of itself
back in the age of ME in the underworld mask shtick whatever works just
feeling funny a little bit about being a grownup
and loving people who are adorers out of antiquity nor anyone's body
or brain for long but this line works and remembers every past action of
yours and anyone's trivial why in the container and burn your tender
crocodile tears in the obsidian vagenda of your POWER your SOUL
Wallops Island, Virginia.
An unmanned rocket owned by Orbital Sciences Corporation explodes just
seconds after launch, on what was to be a resupply mission to the
International Space Station: photo by Steve Alexander / AFP via The Guardian, 29 October 2014

Various Balinese Topeng (dance masks), Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Jakarta: photo by Gunawan Kartapranata, 2009
... behind the mask, nights like this: all the clocks have stopped, am I real, am I alive?
and all that dross bogus TREAT-BAG CULT VOID underworld of
adorer followers in no space a BROken WINdow little man crushed
instead of a SELF a bottle of WINdex blue spray WITH THE FINGER OF NO
MAN extant in the AEROSOL YOUNIVERSE supposing every past action of
yours and anyone's trivial why were you alive wanting everything to gratify HALF and astound the other my I want ADORER
TIC kicking in your BROken WINdow O ver and O ver a TICKing trick no treat the
easy after the hard the painful the history after the math the reverb of
the primal the inner the outer as my SHELF en LARGEs you can fit MORE
BOOKS (serious) Hey, man, I know you! You're a carpenter if I were you I'd be aSHAMED (where are my tools) I
AM TRYING TO TELL YOU YOUR FACE CHANGED in the night 2.0 I reach out
feel around in the dark later left elbow purple bruise lights out
haunted not answering door no one CRAZY enough to risk appearing to feel
my disease It will get you and it's never what you think it will be It
will get you and it's never what you think it will be no MEN will decide
Various Balinese Topeng (dance masks), Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Jakarta: photo by Gunawan Kartapranata, 2009
There is an unconscious propriety in the way in which, in all
European languages, the word person is commonly used to denote a
human being. The real meaning of persona is a mask, such
as actors were accustomed to wear on the ancient stage; and it is quite
true that no one shows himself as he is, but wears his mask and plays
his part. Indeed, the whole of our social arrangements may be likened to
a perpetual comedy; and this is why a man who is worth anything finds
society so insipid, while a blockhead is quite at home in it.
Arthur Schopenhauer: Psychological Observations, from Studies in Pessimism in Parerga und Paralipomena, 1851 (translated by Thomas Bailey Saunders)
The powers of the dead are only strong when the lights are out* (*joke)
nights like this I become afraid of the darkness in my heart #halloween: image via Drew Patrick @drewpatrick143, 30 October 2014
The moon to the left of me
is a part of my thoughts
is a part of me is me
one never does that
in the night I am real
in the night I am real
The moon to the left of me
is a part of my thoughts
is a part of me is me
Wherever is the wind
is a part of my thoughts
is a part of me is me
In the night I am real
Forever is the wind
to the left of me
is a part of my thoughts
is a part of me is me
I don't want my
fangs too long
If you have ghosts
then you have everything
--Roky Erickson: from If you have ghosts
The moon to the left of me
is a part of my thoughts
is a part of me is me
one never does that
in the night I am real
in the night I am real
The moon to the left of me
is a part of my thoughts
is a part of me is me
Wherever is the wind
is a part of my thoughts
is a part of me is me
In the night I am real
Forever is the wind
to the left of me
is a part of my thoughts
is a part of me is me
I don't want my
fangs too long
If you have ghosts
then you have everything
--Roky Erickson: from If you have ghosts
and all that dross bogus TREAT-BAG CULT VOID underworld of
followers in no space a BROken WINdow little man crushed instead of a SELF a bottle of WINdex blue spray WITH THE FINGER OF NO MAN
extant in the AEROSOL YOUNIVERSE supposing every past action of yours
and anyone's trivial why were you alive wanting everything to gratify HALF
and astound the other my I want ADORER TIC kicking in your BROken
WINdow O ver and O ver a TICKing trick no treat the easy after the hard
the painful the history after the math the reverb of the primal the inner
the outer as my SHELF en LARGEs you can fit MORE BOOKS (serious) Hey, man, I know you!
You're a carpenter if I were you I'd be aSHAMED (where are my tools)
I reach out feel around in the dark later left elbow purple bruise lights
out haunted not answering door no one CRAZY enough to risk appearing
to feel my disease It will get you and it's never what you think it will be
It will get you and it's never what you think it will be no MEN will decide (JOKE)
Michigan Central Station: photo by Yves Marchand and Romain Meffre, from The Ruins of Detroit (Steidl), 2010
Melted clock, Cass Technical High School: photo by Yves Marchand and Romain Meffre, from The Ruins of Detroit (Steidl), 2010
Room 1504, Lee Plaza Hotel: photo by Yves Marchand and Romain Meffre, from The Ruins of Detroit (Steidl), 2010
Packard Motors Plant: photo by Yves Marchand and Romain Meffre, from The Ruins of Detroit (Steidl), 2010
SementeryoMoments (If you have ghosts)
The Ridges: Lin Hall Underground. Graffiti found in the tunnels under main building at "The Ridges", aka Athens Lunatic Asylum (formerly Athens State Hospital, in operation 1874-1993), Athens, Ohio: photo by stimply, 12 May 2009
"Ridges" cemetery, former Ohio State Asylum for the Insane, (operated
1874-1993), Athens, Ohio.This cemetery at the Ridges in Athens was used
until 1913 as a
final resting place for deceased patients of the Athens Lunatic
Asylum whose families failed to claim their bodies. Grave sites were
mostly numbered, though a few bear names.The "Ridges" cemetery
gravestones were laid out in straight lines, with
the exception of the northeast corner of the cemetery where you will
find a circle of graves. The cemeteries were vulnerable to
vandals for many years. Some believe witches created the circle to hold
seances inside of it, others speculate that it was a prank by
college students: photo by Todd Bender (holysniki), 9 November 2008
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. An abandoned mansion: photo by Seph Lawless via the Guardian, 30 October 2014
Full moon rising above "The Ridges" (former Athens Lunatic Asylum, Athens, Ohio): photo by Mdombroski, 18 January 2079
Houston, Texas. A former bed and breakfast where a number of people are said to have been killed: photo by Seph Lawless via the Guardian, 30 October 2014
Full moon above "The Ridges" (former Athens Lunatic Asylum, Athens, Ohio): photo by Mdombroski, 18 January 2079
Cyrus shock ... On Saturday night after Alexander Wang's spring '15 show, the designer held a top-secret after party at a Brooklyn warehouse, where he and his friends had pretty wild time, including Miley Cyrus, wearing nothing but nipple covers!: photo by AKM-GSI / Splash News, 8 September 2014
Cyrus shock ... On Saturday night after Alexander Wang's spring '15 show, the designer held a top-secret after party at a Brooklyn warehouse, where he and his friends had pretty wild time, including Miley Cyrus, wearing nothing but nipple covers!: photo by AKM-GSI / Splash News, 8 September 2014
Mapapatingala ka nalang sa sobrang taas ng puntod ng bibisitahin mo #SementeryoMoments: image via kaka @Wizkhalifa, 30 October 2014
and all that dross bogus TREAT-BAG CULT VOID underworld of
followers in no space a BROken WINdow little man crushed instead of a SELF a bottle of WINdex blue spray WITH THE FINGER OF NO MAN
extant in the AEROSOL YOUNIVERSE supposing every past action of yours
and anyone's trivial why were you alive wanting everything to gratify HALF
and astound the other my I want ADORER TIC kicking in your BROken
WINdow O ver and O ver a TICKing trick no treat the easy after the hard
the painful the history after the math the reverb of the primal the inner
the outer as my SHELF en LARGEs you can fit MORE BOOKS (serious) Hey, man, I know you!
You're a carpenter if I were you I'd be aSHAMED (where are my tools)
I reach out feel around in the dark later left elbow purple bruise lights
out haunted not answering door no one CRAZY enough to risk appearing
to feel my disease It will get you and it's never what you think it will be
It will get you and it's never what you think it will be no MEN will decide (JOKE)
Toledo, Ohio. Locals suspected the owner practised witchcraft: photo by Seph Lawless via the Guardian, 30 October 2014
and still no sign of the damn cable guy...
RCA Victor. "We got to move these color TVs..." Keeler, California: photo by Jody Miller, 31 March 2014
... unless... wait... could this be him?