A migrant, identified as 20-year old Pelen Hussein from Syria, stands on top of a capsized boat as he waits to be rescued by members of Turkish Coast Guard Air Command in the Aegean Sea off the waters of Edremit bay, Turkey: photo by Reuters, 10 February 2016
After the leaves have fallen, we return
To a plain sense of things. It is as if
We had come to an end of the imagination,
Inanimate in an inert savoir.
It is difficult even to choose the adjective
For this blank cold, this sadness without cause.
The great structure has become a minor house.
No turban walks across the lessened floors.
The greenhouse never so badly needed paint.
The chimney is fifty years old and slants to one side.
A fantastic effort has failed, a repetition
In a repetitiousness of men and flies.
Yet the absence of the imagination had
Itself to be imagined. The great pond,
The plain sense of it, without reflections, leaves,
Mud, water like dirty glass, expressing silence
Of a sort, silence of a rat come out to see,
The great pond and its waste of the lilies, all this
Had to be imagined as an inevitable knowledge,
Required, as a necessity requires.
Wallace Stevens (1879-1955): The Plain Sense of Things, autumn 1952, first published in The Nation, 6 December 1952; included in The Rock, 1954
A girl poses for pictures under decorated trees as the Chinese Lunar New Year which welcomes the Year of the Monkey is celebrated at Daguanyuan park in Beijing: photo by Damir Sagolj/Reuters, 10 February 2016
Believers pray around a cross-shaped platform covered with candles placed in jars of honey during a ceremony marking the day of Saint Haralampi, Orthodox patron saint of bee-keepers, at the Church of the Blessed Virgin in Blagoevgrad, eastern Bulgaria: photo by Nikolay Doychinov/AFP, 10 February 2016

Devotion to
Santa Muerte (Saint Death) growing fast in Mexico despite Vatican
condemnation: image via AFP news agency @AFP, 10 February 2016

Indian bystanders watch a wild elephant walk on a street in Siliguri. The animal was later tranquilised and captured.: image via AFP news agency @AFP, 10 February 2016
Donald J. Trump recorded a lopsided victory in the Republican presidential primary in New Hampshire on Tuesday: photo by Damon Winter/The New York Times, 10 February 2016

Johnny Depp as the politician in the fake Trump biopic. ‘It was a crazy, completely nuts idea that somehow we pulled off,’ said Funny or Die co-founder Adam McKay: photo by Funny or Die via The Guardian, 10 December 2016

Johnny Depp as Donald Trump: photo via Funny or Die/The New York Times, 10 February 2016

Johnny Depp as Donald Trump, with Michaela Watkins as Ivana Trump: photo via Funny or Die/The New York Times, 10 February 2016

We unearthed this lost 80's Donald Trump TV movie. You're welcome: image via Funny or Die @funnyordie, 10 February 2016

Johnny Depp stars in @funnyordie fake Donald Trump biopic: image via AFP Entertainment @AFPceleb, 10 February 2016
@thomas boyd photo from outside Malheur National Wildlife Refuge tonight. Lights are seen from the Narrows roadblock.: image via Maxine Bernstein @maxoregonian, 10 February 2016
We're at the Narrows just outside of road block. Quiet here.: image via Wanda Moore @WandaKTVZ, 10 February 2016
We're now patching in Peggy Blomquist from Fargo on the #oregonstandoff live stream. Go ahead Peggy!: image via Hal Espen @HalSF, 10 February 2016
Depuis l’aéroport de #Portland, Michele #Fiore, élue du #Nevada, tente de raisonner les miliciens. Intense.: image via Breaking3zero @Breaking3zero, 10 February 2016
"The world is watching" rightwing Brooklyn native-turned-Nevada assemblywoman and notorious gun nut Michele Fiore says as she leads hysterical #OregonStandoff armed remnant group in livestreamed prayer for compassionate rescue by patriotic divinely-guided unicorns: image via KOIN News @KOINNews, 10 February 2016
Le #Oregonstandoff est le 1er sujet sur #Twitter USA. Pendant ce temps, CNN parle de #Beyonce, #Fox de #Trump: image via Breaking3zero @Breaking3zero, 10 February 2016

Michelle Fiore has a 2nd Amendment calendar. #Oregonstandoff: image by Craig Newman @craignewman, 10 February 2016
Pedro just joined the call. No one knows who Pedro is. #Oregonstandoff: tweet by Molly Young @mollykyoung, 10 February 2016
@VoteFiore talks tough but respectfully question her or criticize her policies? : image via The Blue Nevadan @TheBlueNevadan, 10 February 2016

@jjmacnab @msbellows "What's this country coming to? A Patriot can't even attempt to overthrow it in peace anymore." : image via Gargoyle @Patztense, 10 February 2016

@jjmacnab @msbellows Steven Brooks is with Jason Blomgren and Nick Fisher (possibly in Burns): image via Gargoyle @Patztense, 10 February 2016
The FBI detained Bundy and took him to the jail on a U.S. Marshal's hold, according to the Multnomah County Jail's booking website.

Lights are seen from the Narrows roadblock near Burns, Oregon, as FBI agents surrounded the remaining four occupiers at the Malheur national wildlife refuge: photo by Thomas Boyd/AP, 10 February 2016
Meanwhile, back at the Refuge...

@thomas boyd photo from outside Malheur National Wildlife Refuge tonight. Lights are seen from the Narrows roadblock.: image via Maxine Bernstein @maxoregonian, 10 February 2016

We're at the Narrows just outside of road block. Quiet here.: image via Wanda Moore @WandaKTVZ, 10 February 2016

Nevada assemblywoman Michele Fiore, who has interposed herself as an intermediary supporting the armed occupiers in the Oregon Standoff, is seen with Ammon Bundy, the son of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, in her office on 24 March 2015: photo by Kyle Roerink via Las Vegas Sun, 10 February 2016
Who is Michele Fiore?: Julia Carrie Wong, The Guardian, 10 February 2016
Michele Fiore is a Republican Nevada state
assemblywoman. Now in her second term, the Brooklyn native is perhaps
best known for her adamant support of gun rights and Cliven Bundy’s 2014
standoff with the federal government.
On Monday, Fiore announced that she would travel to Oregon to support Ammon Bundy and the other
Malheur occupiers currently under indictment. Fiore had planned to hold a
press conference at the law offices of Arnold law firm on Thursday
morning where a statement from Ammon Bundy would be read.
2014, Fiore spent time at Cliven Bundy’s Nevada ranch during the
family’s standoff with the Bureau of Land Management. Fiore called the
militia members who
participated in the armed standoff “freedom fighters” and called on
members of law enforcement agencies “not to obey your superiors when
given a direct order to attack your fellow Americans fighting for the
freedoms granted to us by our constitution”.
Fiore drew national attention again last December for her Christmas card,
which featured her entire family, including a small child, holding
firearms. “It’s up to Americans to protect America. We’re just your
ordinary American family,” Fiore wrote in a Facebook post sharing the

This is Michele #Fiore's version of Peace On Earth #Oregonstandoff #Malheur #Burns #Surrender: image via Jeanne K. @SnarkAmendment, 10 February 2016

Le #FBI confirme le début de l’opération pour mettre fin à l’occupation d’un refuge de l’#Oregon par une milice: image via Breaking3zero @Breaking3zero, 10 February 2016

We're now patching in Peggy Blomquist from Fargo on the #oregonstandoff live stream. Go ahead Peggy!: image via Hal Espen @HalSF, 10 February 2016

Le refuge est occupé depuis 40 jours. 4 miliciens sont encerclés par le #FBI. Nous #LT opération en cours.: image via Breaking3zero @Breaking3zero, 10 February 2016

Depuis l’aéroport de #Portland, Michele #Fiore, élue du #Nevada, tente de raisonner les miliciens. Intense.: image via Breaking3zero @Breaking3zero, 10 February 2016

"The world is watching" rightwing Brooklyn native-turned-Nevada assemblywoman and notorious gun nut Michele Fiore says as she leads hysterical #OregonStandoff armed remnant group in livestreamed prayer for compassionate rescue by patriotic divinely-guided unicorns: image via KOIN News @KOINNews, 10 February 2016

Le #Oregonstandoff est le 1er sujet sur #Twitter USA. Pendant ce temps, CNN parle de #Beyonce, #Fox de #Trump: image via Breaking3zero @Breaking3zero, 10 February 2016

Pendant 40 jours, Michele #Fiore a encouragé les miliciens. Aujourd’hui, elle tente de les raisonner #Oregon: image via Breaking3zero @Breaking3zero, 10 February 2016

Just go do a Google Image search for Michelle Fiore y'all. #Oregonstandoff: image by Craig Newman @craignewman, 10 February 2016

Michelle Fiore has a 2nd Amendment calendar. #Oregonstandoff: image by Craig Newman @craignewman, 10 February 2016
Pedro just joined the call. No one knows who Pedro is. #Oregonstandoff: tweet by Molly Young @mollykyoung, 10 February 2016

Pedro will save you #Oregonstandoff: image by Craig Newman @craignewman, 10 February 2016

@VoteFiore talks tough but respectfully question her or criticize her policies? : image via The Blue Nevadan @TheBlueNevadan, 10 February 2016

The good news is that this is the guy [rightwing talkshow host Gavin
Seim] who's the peacemaker right now during the #Oregonstandoff: image
via Daniel Walters @danielwinlander, 10 February 2016

The Bundy email list sent out a shrill demand: image via jj macnab @jjmacnab, 10 February 2016

@jjmacnab @msbellows "What's this country coming to? A Patriot can't even attempt to overthrow it in peace anymore." : image via Gargoyle @Patztense, 10 February 2016

@jjmacnab @msbellows Steven Brooks is with Jason Blomgren and Nick Fisher (possibly in Burns): image via Gargoyle @Patztense, 10 February 2016

Cliven Bundy: photo via Willamette Week, 10 February 2016
Cliven Bundy Is In Multnomah County Jail: The FBI detained Bundy and took him to the jail on a U.S. Marshal's hold: Aaron Mesh, Willamette Week, 10 February 2016
Cliven Bundy, the Nevada rancher whose sons seized an Eastern Oregon wildlife refuge last month, is being held in Multnomah County Jail after arriving at the Portland International Airport tonight.
Cliven Bundy, the Nevada rancher whose sons seized an Eastern Oregon wildlife refuge last month, is being held in Multnomah County Jail after arriving at the Portland International Airport tonight.
The FBI detained Bundy and took him to the jail on a U.S. Marshal's hold, according to the Multnomah County Jail's booking website.
Charges have not yet been announced. The Oregonian's Les Zaitz reports
on Twitter that Bundy was arrested "on federal charges for the 2014
standoff in Nevada with federal agents."

Lights are seen from the Narrows roadblock near Burns, Oregon, as FBI agents surrounded the remaining four occupiers at the Malheur national wildlife refuge: photo by Thomas Boyd/AP, 10 February 2016
President Barack Obama returns a salute as he boards Air Force One before his departure from Andrews Air Force Base: photo by Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP, 10 February 2016
Donald Trump: The Art of the Deal: Ivana Entrance
Donald Trump: The Art of the Deal: Cock Chomping
Martin Shkreli Testifies Before Congress
Btw the livestream chat from the trashed Refuge entered surreal dimensions in the long night, as Cliven rode to the rescue but didn't, Michele chattered inanely, David screamed, Sean whined, Sandy threatened -- well, I guess you had to be there.
Samples from jj macnab's twitter log (most recent first):
The final four turned really calm really fast after talking to someone on the phone. David went completely quiet.
A lot of people seem to believe the FBI's promise.
Fiore: "Me and Graham will meet them." Me and Graham?
Fiore: I can't have you dying because I haven't had a chance to hug you.
Sandy says she's only leaving if she can have her weapons and if she won't go to jail.
Fiore repeats the myth that Sheriff Ward is in charge and can stop the feds.
48,100 listeners.
Sean: Blackhawks are here now to kill us.
Franklin Graham leads the prayer.
Sean says that helicopters are there now. Gavin calls for a prayer.
FBI: Sean and Sandy, David and Jeff. The world is listening. Tell them your story.
Sandy: "I'm not going to jail."
The militants are screaming at each other. Fiore: I need you to stay alive. Sandy: If we go to jail, we'll never see the light of day again.
37,000 listeners.
Fiore's prayer: "We are going to exit this refuge safe and alive. And we are going to teach the Constitution."
Everyone is trying to calm David down. Gavin calls for a prayer. David screams.
JJ MacNab Retweeted Bundy Ranch
This asshole is goading them on.
JJ MacNab added,
Bundy Ranch @BundyRanch
Where is Jeff Banta?
No one - not Michele Fiore, Gavin Seim, or anyone else -- has said the words: they don't want to kill you, they want to arrest you.
Sandy: "The bible says we have a right to defend ourselves."
Fiore: "Tell them that you will come out if they get me to the refuge and we will come out together."
Michele: "There has been one martyr too many."
Just shy of 28,000 are listening live to the events at the Refuge
Franklin Graham is now on the live feed call.
Michele Fiore: "Call Sheriff Palmer. He's in the next county over, in Grant County."
Mike Arnold, Ammon's attorney is now on the call. It got worse.
[livestream log continues:]
Michele is calling the FBI negotiator now. Will try to patch the call through to the live feed.
Sandy: "They don't want a peaceful resolution. They want to kill us."
Michele says it's Sheriff Dave Ward's duty to remove the federal agents.
David: "You are destroying the Constitution if you don't let her have her way, She's a Congresswoman." No, David, she isn't.
Fiore is in Portland at the airport. Tells the FBI she can come to the Refuge.
MIchele Fiore wants them to get the FBI negotiator on the phone. "I will come to the refuge."
Fiore is on the phone, but David won't quit screaming.
Sandy: "If they tear gas us, that's the same as firing on us. If they fire on us, we will fire on them."
Seim's group now has contact with WA rep Matt Shea.
FBI agrees to shut down their headlights if the final four do the same.
The false hope that that bitch has given this group is sick.
Sandy cries with relief. "Michele Fiore is on her way. She's on the phone. She's on the way."
Gavin says that Michele Fiore is calling the FBI.
Sean says they are four innocent American campers.
David: "You are making this a situation by being here. Franklin Graham wouldn't agree with this."
Sandy: They promised Franklin Graham they wouldn't do this. They said they wouldn't come in and kill us.
Sandy is crying. Sean: Someone call Michele Fiore of Nevada. Sandy: Cliven is supposed to be here tomorrow.
Come on Gavin Seim. Given them a voice, then talk them off the ledge. Be decent.
Sandy: "Please don't let us die tonight."
Sean: "They're looking for a reason to kill us. They're evil bastards."
David is screaming "Go home."
Gavin finally asks Sean to stand down.
Sean: "We need to call Michele Fiore of Nevada."
Sean leads the group in prayer.
Sean: "We need help. We need representatives here. We will only fire if fired upon."
David: (yelling) The American people are upset.
David: "You guys killed LaVoy. You let Hillary continue to run for President. You let terrorists into our country."
FBI: David, I want to talk to you David. David: I can hear you.
[livestream log continues:]
Gavin Seim thinks now would be a good time to hammer the FBI with phonecalls.
I don't hear Gavin Seim advising David Fry to live another day.
FBI: "Sean, I can't hear you. Put your weapon down and come forward. I want to hear what you have to say."
Sean: We're only leaving here in two ways. Dead, or with no charges."
Sean: "You guys are fucked if you kill us. You know that right?"
The FBI have moved in on the final holdouts at the Refuge.
Fry telling FBI they are all going to hell. "Go and kill me! Kill me!"
Sean: "Any action from you will be a provoketion [sic]."
The final four seem to believe that their backup is arriving tomorrow.
FBI: Do the right thing. Sean: You do the right thing and leave.
David: I've got the highbeams on them, and they've got their highbeams on us."
FBI: Get out of the vehicle.
FBI: Come out with your hands up and everything will be fine.
FBI: "Step away from the vehicle."
Sandy begged someone not to threaten the feds. Oh god. Gunfire.
Sandy: "Don't come any closer."
FBI: "Put your weapon down David. Don't make this situation worse."
The live audio feed from the Refuge is heartwrenching.
Unconfirmed activity at the Malheur Refuge
Gavin has an audio file of Victoria singing.
The militants are heading for the warmth of the tent, since the FBI have promised not to arrest them tonight.
Fiore just compared the militants to active duty military. Blech.
Sandy says the fed gov stored explosives next to heaters.
Sandy reads the definition of a militant.
Gavin's "exclusive" is becoming all about Gavin. Where is David Fry?
Down to 45,000 listeners (was at 65K).
Sean thinks his wife may have lost her job.
After FBI convo, Sean says that they will leave guns in the vehicle and turn themselves in at the checkpoint with hands in the air in the am
Where the heck is David Fry?
Victoria wants to call in and sing. Nooooooooo.
Gavin thinks that telephone campaign got militants out of solitary confinement. They don't know how prison quarantine works.
Sandy thinks that God sent them to be there because they have steaks and pork to eat.
Sandy and Sean: "We need a miracle." Praying again. Seim: "We ask that you send legions of angels here tonight."
FBI is moving vehicles behind the militants.
The Bundy email list sent out a shrill demand.
During the Ed and Elaine Brown standoff (9 months), this type of manic call took place every single day for an hour. For 9 months....
FBI need to arrest Cliven Bundy.
Troll named Pedro was patched into the call so Gavin disconnected the militants.
The final four are negotiating among themselves and Fiore asks them if they want her to pick them up from food from McDonalds. Sigh.
Fiore: Did you guys eat some dinner. Sean: No, we had some snacks though.
Where is Cliven Bundy?
FBI Tells Fiore that they will not escalate the situation tonight.
Common core discussion. Almost 10,000 listeners drop off.
[livestream log continues:]
Sean is ranting about weapon/ammo conspiracy theories that were passed around the internet a year ago.
Sean: "We have to go to the bathroom outside. We're making a lot of sacrifices."
And the final four are back on the line but didn't get Victoria back on the call. Yay!
If Victoria sings, "This land is your land" again, I'm out.
In an effort to patch in Victoria, Gavin cut off the final four at the refuge.
They keep threatening listeners that Victoria Sharp will be singing on the live feed. Please, no.
If the guys with the shofars call in...
67,000 listeners.
Sean wants to light a propane heater, Michele wants to warn the FBI about it.
Two new FBI vehicles broke through one of the barricades set up by the militants.
Sandy yells "There's more cars coming in right now!"
Sean: I'm done talking. I'm done praying.
Sean: I feel like we'd have more progress if we were on the phone getting people to drive here. Sandy: We need thousands to come here.
Sandy says the FBI is telling them to rally around the American flag so that the feds can kill them.
Of the foursome, Sandy seems to be emerging as the alpha extremist.
Sandy: "Well, kill us and get it over with." Sean says that six people dumped tea and started the revolution.
They're talking 1775 and 1776 history.
The Sandy / Sean couple relationship is really screwing with attempts to get this foursome off of their self-imposed ledge.
Even when Fiore calms them down, they're never more than one teeny tiny step away from suicide by federal agent.
Sean: "So when you get here tomorrow with Franklin Graham, we'll turn ourselves in. If that can't be accepted, then we die here."
Franklin wants to talk to Jeff. So yes, Jeff is indeed there.
54,000 on live feed.
Argh! Time to bury my head in the sand.
That's the one option the patriots have yet to consider. Maybe this time of year with the permafrost, though... they keep changing their minds.
Sean and Sandy, the Camo Blubber Couple, waddled out this a.m., Sean draped in an American flag and still full of demands.
"I want to got to Denny's. You guys promised!"
Now it's down to David, who simply will not let go of this one opportunity to etch his all too millennial pusillanimous confusion and desire to be famous into the supine meatfed consciousness of an inert and maybe sorta angry nation.
He's still preaching and wheedling away, trading God talk with Michele, the super-deep gun-totin' busybody cowgal from Brooklyn, Nevada... and letting us know he's a great American, after all he paid his dues as a citizen by researching stuff on the internet while other kids were watching football games, had a job once but lost it due to the government taking all his taxes to subsidize heathen godless abortion, and, well....
The meatsack patriarch of the Klan, Kliven Bundy, meanwhile, is now cooling his jangly silver spurs in Multnomah County Jail, Portland... and is sure to remain there for at least as long as it takes ten thousand peckerwood patriots to screw in the magic light bulb that will blow up the entire Willamette Valley in their dreams...
The problem is, every word this idiot Michele says -- and she's getting very short with David now, almost like an angry mom -- is a further incitement. The more she tells him he doesn't have to worry about a thing, because all kinds of rednecks everywhere agree with him and are supporting him and will do so till the death or denial of Denny's Agreements and in fact are maybe massing right now in a humongous SUV convoy bristling with weapons, just outside the gate, the more pinheaded and borderline autistic and plain ornery David gets. After all, come on, Michele, he's just like you -- another lump of miserable American plasma with absolutely no excuse for taking up apace on this dying planet. Nobody cares about him and neither do you, and there are no unicorns with 3% brain capacity anywhere this side of Uranus. And besides, it takes five, maybe six hours to drive from Uranus to the Refuge. No, better make it definitely six, counting in the snack stops.
So the "negotiator" (known in some quarters as "the blond Palin"), instead of "talking him down", is in fact riling him up.
That's the Patriotic Pinhead Way.
The good news is that Victoria Sharp has called in to warble nary an off-key hillbilly hymn in the past ten or so hours. Probably she's a late sleeper. Touch wood.
Ah, perdoname. That latest muddling self-appointed attention-hogging rightwing nut "negotiator" was not in fact Michele but the pinhead Florida wingnut operative KrisAnne Hall, who is making Michele look like a cross between Mother Teresa and Rigoberto Menchu. You may remember (ha) that last month a commenter suggested I ought to be tuning in to KrisAnne's show, in order to get the straight divine facts re. Tarpman the Walmartyr &c. I duly attempted. Twelve minutes of it... OMG. Thus the transition from Michele to KrisAnne, seems to have been a transition from bad to worse, and this development, in turn, seems to have dislodged David at last.
Anyhow, it's all yesterday's algorhyms now, as David has finally slouched out toward his next free meal at government expense. The intensely godly KrisAnne was indeed the force that did him in at last.
Just to catch up, the livestream log since last night, most recent first:
Time to drop the KrisAnne Seim show like a hot brick.
FBI calmly tells him to put his hands behind his back. David has surrendered. Yay!
David eats a cookie. Footsteps. FBI and others yell "Hallelujah!" as he walks to the FBI.
#davidfry "if everybody says 'hallelujah' i'll come out. #howspellhallelujah
David appears to be holding an adult conversation with the FBI on the other phone.
David: "I wish I'd talked to a real Muslim cleric."
Seim: "David, you know that Ammon's not a coward."
KrisAnne: "I can't do anything more for you and that breaks my heart."
Hall is painting David into a corner telling him to make a decision now.
Fry now saying "UFOs are real"
I think Seim and Hall were momentarily silenced when Fry told them he was a Christian. They've been hammering him with Biblical analogies
Fry says he hears a noise, "I hope it's just the wind, I hope you guys aren't trying to attack me"
Each time Fry gets calm, Hall pokes the fucking bear.
David is talking about the American people being stupid by trying to vote their way out of the situation.
David "I never asked for Pakistani children to be drone striked with my tax dollars."
KrisAnne keeps trying to interrupt David and the FBI guy. David finally snaps at her that he's not a Christian.
Tells FBI negotiator that he doesn't want to risk being put behind bars. KrisAnne keeps talking.
Speech sounding slower, David says “I’m so sleepy now.”
David: "I'm enjoying my blanket right now."
David sounds calmer. "I'm making so many decisions right now."
Gavin reads a message from Victoria. Stop it.
David: "I'm enjoying my blanket right now."
David says he is laying down in the tent.
[livestream log continues:]
All this drama started with a rancher who got pissed in 1993 at paying grazing fees.
He's entirely turned on Gavin and the rest. Him against the world. Dammit
KirisAnn: "You're not helping the movement."
David: All I needed was my marijuana and you took that away from me. He didn't have the money to move to a diff state.
David is so much calmer when he's talking on the other phone to Fiore and Graham.
These nitwits don't understand that David isn't actually a Christian.
46 retweets 83 likes
Stop citing Christ to Fry. He's not a Christian. Doesn't believe he was resurrected. Different languages.
Seim and Hall are bullying David, not persuading him.
David: "I'm actually pointing a gun at my head." Seim: "God did not give you that authority, David."
BREAKING: Cliven Bundy charged with assault, conspiracy for 2014 standoff near his Nevada ranch.
The bullied kid inside David Fry is worried about getting raped in prison.
Hall: "There are about 25,000 watching on the livestream, if you walk out, you'll have millions" Telling an obvious lie to a suicidal guy?
Gavin: "Don't be intimidated" KrisAnn: "Coward" What is wrong with these people?
David is citing Muslim koran.
David is making demands, effectively holding himself as a hostage.
David cited the "tree of liberty" quote from Jefferson.
David is crying. "Christ died at 33. He was willing to sacrifice for what he believed in."
David thinks he should be opted out of paying taxes.
Oh fuck never ever ever ever use the word coward when talking a person down. Never.
KrisAnne just said he's a coward. Does she want him to die?
David: "I feel like I'm listening to a bunch of yappers." He's smarter than any of them.
David isn't afraid to die. He isn't afraid of getting shot, He's afraid of returning to a voiceless state.
Honestly, they need to get @KrisAnneHall out of there and have a suicide intervention specialist in there. Seriously.
I hate to say this, but Fiore needs to do the negotiation, not these two idiots.
David says he doesn't want to pay taxes any more.
KrisAnne is throwing negatives at David. She's not helping.
David: "As a citizen of the Constitution, I declare war against the federal government right now."
KrisAnne is not helping the situation at all. She's arguing with David, not persuading.
David: "If they attack me, I have to defend myself." "They keep trampling my 1st Amendment rights."
David said he told the three others that he wasn't going to surrender. His silence last night was telling.
David Fry: this is my fort.
KrisAnne is finally getting that this isn't about her.
David: "I'm actually feeling suicidal right now."
KrisAnne finally trying to talk David down. He says he never agreed to anything.
The cigarette worries me. David says he hasn't been promised anything. Please David. Don't be stupid.
David yells. "Unless my grievances are heard, I will not come out."
David is lighting a cigarette.
Jeff Banta, aka that fourth guy, has surrendered.
While this stuff is happening, KrisAnne wants to continue lecturing her bullshit.
The occupiers can't see @VoteFiore and @Franklin_Graham. The FBI is not aiming guns, Fry says.
Seim momentarily gives bad advice to Fry about putting phone in his pocket, then retracts.
Sandy and Sean have surrendered.
"We're fine" says Sean during brief interruption in Hall monologue; location still unclear
Livestream listeners are in patriot purgatory until Fiore/Graham arrive at destination and walkout/surrender can begin.
Gavin, 18000 people aren't tuned in for a KrisAnn Konstitution lecture...
KrissAnn says that the mainstream media has unseen influences. Cites Ben Swann as an example of good media. [Snicker.]
Sandy Anderson requests that all Americans read the Constitution. "You do not have to be a lawyer to understand it.
"This is Sandy. Can I say something?" <-- indication that KrisAnne is hogging the attention.
They need to get KrisAnne off the freakin' call.
Every time KrisAnne and Gavin make it all about themselves, they are taking the spotlight off the final four. Fiore was smarter than that.
David, who has posted pro-ISIS propaganda in the past, is talking about how some Muslims are good Muslims.
Their other fear, they they will be forgotten once arrested, is also real. And valid. The movement has the attention span of a gnat.
Such persecution makes them feel important / historic / memorable.
The final four truly believe that feds, all feds, want to murder them, that their deaths are part of Obama's plan to terminate his enemies.
Gavin tries to blame the horrible pigsty on the feds.
Gavin says the refuge is in better shape and cleaner than when they found it. He hasn't seen David's videos. #pigsty
Fiore asks the militants to obey the FBI commands so she can meet them.
Why is David Fry so quiet?
Seim is another in a long line of right-wing so-called "patriots" willing to let others do the dying for them. #OregonStandoff
Gavin keeps taking calls which is stupid. Any one of them could jeopardize the calm.
I sure hope the feds has a tight perimeter. The final four has more to fear from the movement than from the feds. #martyr
I tuned into the live feed just in time for a Sharp song and now I'm published with KrisAnne Hall?
Victoria and Odalis Sharp are dangerously close to blowing this whole surrender deal. Calls FBI liars.
Melissa Cooper announces her husband's arrest
Ammon Bundy's attorney Mike Arnold says the arrest of Cliven Bundy in Portland is "horrible timing."
If they're arresting Cliven for the 2014 standoff, there should be some other arrests shortly, including two more Bundy sons, Dave and Mel
Nobody sleeps tonight.
(By the by, the livestream reportage given here has been culled from the coverage of a number of commenters, principally the domestic terrorism expert JJ MacNab.)
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