Red [Istanbul]: photo by Ufuk AKARI, 5 April 2018

Red [Istanbul]: photo by Ufuk AKARI, 5 April 2018

Red [Istanbul]: photo by Ufuk AKARI, 5 April 2018

THE TIMES: Biggest task force since Iraq on course for Syria #tomorrowspaperstoday: image via Neil Henderson @hendopolis, 13 April 2018

This is John Kelly, @Whitehouse Chief of Staff, realizing that he sold his soul to the devil...for a moron. #TrumpRussia #MoronDon #PeeTape #Trump: image via USMC @johnpmcneil92, 12 April 2018

Untitled: image via Aunt Crabby calls Bullshit @DearAuntCrabby, 12 April 2018

GOLAN HEIGHTS - An Israeli soldier directs a tank during training in the Israeli-annexed Golan Heights. Photo @jalaamarey #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 11 April 2018

STRIP - Palestinian protestors set fire to Israeli flags at the site
of protests on the Israel-Gaza border east of Jabalia @mohmdabed #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 10 April 2018

SYRIA - Buses carrying Jaish al-Islam fighters and their families from their former rebel bastion of Douma, arrive at the Abu al-Zindeen checkpoint controlled by Turkish-backed rebel fighters near the northern Syrian town of al-Bab Photo @NazeerAlk #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 10 April 2018

Philippines A sailor inspects atop an FA-18 hornet fighter jet during a routine training aboard US aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt in the South China sea Photo Ted Aljibe #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 11 April 2018

SYRIA - A boy sits at a camp for displaced Syrians after buses carrying Jaish al-Islam fighters and their families from their former rebel bastion of Douma arrived at the camp in al-Bil, east of the rebel-held town of Azaz. Photo @NazeerAlk #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 11 April 2018

SYRIA - Syrian Civil Defence volunteers search for survivors following an explosion in the rebel-held city of Idlib Photo @SameerAlDoumy #AFP image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 10 April 2018

SYRIA - Syrian Civil Defence volunteers search for survivors following an explosion in the rebel-held city of Idlib Photo @SameerAlDoumy #AFP : image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 10 April 2018

A Syrian Civil Defence volunteer takes a break and smokes as they search for survivors following an explosion in the city of Idlib on late April 9, 2018. #syria #idlib #explosion #war #whitehelmets #smoke #night #photo #afp #afpphoto: image via Sameer AlDoumy @SameerAlDoumy, 12 April 2018

Sameer Al-Doumy Retweeted Ghouta
Sameer Al-Doumy added,
Do Syrian government forces backed by Russian forces call this a victory?
: image via Sameer AlDoumy @SameerAlDoumy, 25 March 2018

SYRIA - Syrian Civil Defence volunteers search for survivors following an explosion in the rebel-held city of Idlib Photo @SameerAlDoumy #AFP image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 10 April 2018

What to expect from Friday's protests in Gaza #AFP @mohmdabed: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 6 April 2018

#goodmorning A general view shows tents which were erected near the Israel-Gaza border, east of Jabalia, north of Gaza City. Photo @mohmdabed: image via Aurelia BAILLY @AureliaBAILLY, 6 April 2018

French police try to clear eco-activists and anarchists from a site in western France that had been planned as a new airport: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 12 April 2018

French police try to clear eco-activists and anarchists from a site in western France that had been planned as a new airport: image via Reuters Pictures @reuterspictures, 12 April 2018

#France Photo @ValeryHache #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 10 April 2018
Xymphora: Duress
There's a trope in detective stories, I guess, where the young woman escapes a murder attempt, then somehow ends up in the same room with the guy who tried to murder her, who still wants to do it but for some reason can't do it immediately, so attempts to calm his prospective victim, and keep her from fleeing or causing a stir, by convincing her he is there to protect her, which she knows is a lie but plays along because to reveal her knowledge that she knows he tried to murder her would result in an immediate re-attempt.
And then there's the story of Yulia Skripal: "Yulia Skripal Is Plainly Under Duress" (Murray).
Duress: XYMPHORA via XYMPHORA, 12 April 2018
There's a trope in detective stories, I guess, where the young woman escapes a murder attempt, then somehow ends up in the same room with the guy who tried to murder her, who still wants to do it but for some reason can't do it immediately, so attempts to calm his prospective victim, and keep her from fleeing or causing a stir, by convincing her he is there to protect her, which she knows is a lie but plays along because to reveal her knowledge that she knows he tried to murder her would result in an immediate re-attempt.
And then there's the story of Yulia Skripal: "Yulia Skripal Is Plainly Under Duress" (Murray).
Duress: XYMPHORA via XYMPHORA, 12 April 2018

Meir and Yaakov Morasha. Birkenau.
image via nir dvori @ndvori, 12 April 2018
מאיר ויעקב מורשה. בירקנ

Untitled: image via nir dvori @ndvori, 12 April 2018
מאיר ויעקב מורשה. בירקנאו

IDF Captain ___ ____ . Her grandmother, Holocaust survivor Mireille Knoll, was murdered last week in France. She has delayed her release from military service for a day in order to be able to arrive in uniform today and honor her memory.: image via nir dvori @ndvori, 12 April 2018

12,000 Jews and Israelis. The Great March of the Living. Auschwitz.: image via nir dvori @ndvori, 12 April 2018

Delegations of Christians from all over the world stand by the side and distribute flyers "We apologize": image via nir dvori @ndvori, 12 April 2018

Block 18: image via nir dvori @ndvori, 12 April 2018

Forgina from Hungary. She is not Jewish but she is here. Writing with her friends on small wooden boards impressions and experiences from the journey in Auschwitz. Then they'll be stuck in the grass. To memory. "We must not forget what people have gone through here.": image via nir dvori @ndvori, 12 April 2018

Young people from a military boarding school in Poland. Part of the curriculum is a visit to Auschwitz.: image via nir dvori @ndvori, 12 April 2018

New York sportscaster Bruce Beck, together with the Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich, bringing the young players of the group to learn here in Auschwitz about the Holocaust.: image via nir dvori @ndvori, 12 April 2018
Scheme, and anti-scheme
If the Khazars announced what they really want, WWIII, both to remove Putin as an obstacle to Yinon and to provide the cover and distraction so they can continue the mass murdering required for their land theft project, well, it wouldn't go over well. There would be mass demonstrations around the world, and even the Euro-trash politicians, facing the inevitability of having the whole continent of Europe chernobylized, might be able to muster enough courage to whelp out a tiny complaint. More seriously (it is very difficult to take the feckless Euro-trash seriously), Americans who voted for Trump would signal clearly they wouldn't be making that mistake again, even if they have to vote in smoldering radioactive cities in ruin.
The Khazars care not a whit about anybody other than their supremacist group - which is not even real Jews with a possible connection to the land they are stealing, but just Ashkenazi Jews - so nuclear destruction of large parts of the world isn't the slightest concern as long as Israel is left alone. What they want, in order, is:
I just laugh when I read stooges talk about American 'national interests' involved in and around the gassing lies. It is simply hilarious. And while there are underlying weaknesses in the United States which make this kind of warmongering more successful than it should be, including the MIC profits and careerist generals, the basic reason for WWIII in this case is very, very, very simple, obvious, and straightforward. It is Sheldon's shekels and the parallel blackmail threat of Stormy-Cohen. Have at it with your crazy convoluted geopolitical theories, the reality is as simple as pressure on Trump, personally. This isn't a crazed 'anti-Semitic' conspiracy theory, we know it for a fact. Trump isn't a monster, and he knows this is dangerous ground, but he is cornered and desperate (you can see it clearly in his incoherent and contradictory tweets). In fact, Trump has to be aware that this ultimatum he faces from the Khazars could quite likely end with him out of power, in jail, or worse. He is now attempting to wiggle off the hook, but I fear he won't succeed.
The (((media))) is playing this exactly as you would expect. The trick is to get something started which seems relatively innocuous and pain-free - say, bombing another Syrian military airfield, like last year - and limiting the potential, or conceivable, downside. To that end, we hear lots about the 'Gas Killing Animal' Assad, and some discussion of the kind of small warning that could be delivered, but absofuckinglutely nothing about the potential wider dangers (and, of course, nothing on the ridiculousness of the underlying gas claim, which is just repeated and repeated and repeated as an unassailable fact). The idea is to prepare the shabbos goyim for a minor tap which will then spiral uncontrollably into WWIII, starting with a 'surprise' assault on Iran. If the (((media))) handles this deception as Big Jew instructs, there will be no occasion for anti-war demonstrations, no occasion for second thoughts, and the Khazars will slide into getting their desired WWIII without opposition (note that as part of the 'dialectic' the 'anti-war' crowd tends to be Khazar-led, very convenient if you, say, wanted to suppress anti-war demonstrations).
The underlying reason for this insanity is the utter failure of the smartest people in the world (so we're told), with all the power in the world, backed by the strongest unipolar power that has ever existed, to manage their land theft project even slightly competently. Sure, they'll get their moving of the American embassy ('symbolic', in that it symbolizes that they paid a lot of shekels to very crooked American politicians), and some sabre waving by Trump in the general direction of Iran, and whatever President Jared has planned to 'solve' the Palestinians to death, but recent demographic revelations, coupled with the fact that, to get anywhere, they are going to have to do what they are doing in the recent Gaza massacres multiplied by a thousand, with the smartest of them knowing that, even in our cruel and hypocritical world, that won't fly. They are desperate, with the theft of the 'homeland' the phony Jews decided to steal circling the drain.
There is some reason for hope. Usually, these world-wrecking disasters occur when both sides are run by incompetent boobs, but in this case all the non-American and non-Khazar players are very competent. The Russians are particularly adept at diplomacy. There are suggestions that the Russians could let it be known that there would be consequences, perhaps military, to Israel should the Khazars continue down this path. There is also an unrecognized but large fifth column of 'Jews' loyal to Russia living in Israel, who could be deployed in an emergency situation (though I have to note that these people also make up a lot of the craziest of the settlers). There are pressures that could be put on Jared (financial problems and potential charges relating to his conveying classified information to MbS), and possibly even on Sheldon. Most importantly, perhaps, and refreshingly, the sheer importance of this imminent apocalypse has caused people who would normally dissemble out of fear of being called 'anti-Semites' to, using the technical term, 'name the Jew'. The Khazars have a considerable fear of the truth, and may be influenced to pull back should the truth-saying become too common.
Scheme, and anti-scheme: XYMPHORA via XYMPHORA, 12 April 2018
#US Zuckerberg tells lawmakers 'I'm sorry' for data abuses Photo @b_smialowski #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 11 April 2018
Iran, eh? "We're Not Going to War, Not Yet – Last Night’s Russian TV Analysis" (Doctorow):
May is shaping up to be a big month, with Trump's fleet arriving, Trump purporting to pull out of Obama's Iran deal (and an actual possible attack on Iran by Khlaiming that the Ghouta attack was actually connected to Iran), the moving of the American embassy coincident with the Khazar annual celebration of their murder and land theft, and the presentation of the Jared-MbS eliminationist plan for the Palestinians.
If the Khazars announced what they really want, WWIII, both to remove Putin as an obstacle to Yinon and to provide the cover and distraction so they can continue the mass murdering required for their land theft project, well, it wouldn't go over well. There would be mass demonstrations around the world, and even the Euro-trash politicians, facing the inevitability of having the whole continent of Europe chernobylized, might be able to muster enough courage to whelp out a tiny complaint. More seriously (it is very difficult to take the feckless Euro-trash seriously), Americans who voted for Trump would signal clearly they wouldn't be making that mistake again, even if they have to vote in smoldering radioactive cities in ruin.
The Khazars care not a whit about anybody other than their supremacist group - which is not even real Jews with a possible connection to the land they are stealing, but just Ashkenazi Jews - so nuclear destruction of large parts of the world isn't the slightest concern as long as Israel is left alone. What they want, in order, is:
- regime change in Syria and Yinonization by various warring groups of crazies;
- regime change in Iran;
- WWIII and regime change in Russia.
I just laugh when I read stooges talk about American 'national interests' involved in and around the gassing lies. It is simply hilarious. And while there are underlying weaknesses in the United States which make this kind of warmongering more successful than it should be, including the MIC profits and careerist generals, the basic reason for WWIII in this case is very, very, very simple, obvious, and straightforward. It is Sheldon's shekels and the parallel blackmail threat of Stormy-Cohen. Have at it with your crazy convoluted geopolitical theories, the reality is as simple as pressure on Trump, personally. This isn't a crazed 'anti-Semitic' conspiracy theory, we know it for a fact. Trump isn't a monster, and he knows this is dangerous ground, but he is cornered and desperate (you can see it clearly in his incoherent and contradictory tweets). In fact, Trump has to be aware that this ultimatum he faces from the Khazars could quite likely end with him out of power, in jail, or worse. He is now attempting to wiggle off the hook, but I fear he won't succeed.
The (((media))) is playing this exactly as you would expect. The trick is to get something started which seems relatively innocuous and pain-free - say, bombing another Syrian military airfield, like last year - and limiting the potential, or conceivable, downside. To that end, we hear lots about the 'Gas Killing Animal' Assad, and some discussion of the kind of small warning that could be delivered, but absofuckinglutely nothing about the potential wider dangers (and, of course, nothing on the ridiculousness of the underlying gas claim, which is just repeated and repeated and repeated as an unassailable fact). The idea is to prepare the shabbos goyim for a minor tap which will then spiral uncontrollably into WWIII, starting with a 'surprise' assault on Iran. If the (((media))) handles this deception as Big Jew instructs, there will be no occasion for anti-war demonstrations, no occasion for second thoughts, and the Khazars will slide into getting their desired WWIII without opposition (note that as part of the 'dialectic' the 'anti-war' crowd tends to be Khazar-led, very convenient if you, say, wanted to suppress anti-war demonstrations).
The underlying reason for this insanity is the utter failure of the smartest people in the world (so we're told), with all the power in the world, backed by the strongest unipolar power that has ever existed, to manage their land theft project even slightly competently. Sure, they'll get their moving of the American embassy ('symbolic', in that it symbolizes that they paid a lot of shekels to very crooked American politicians), and some sabre waving by Trump in the general direction of Iran, and whatever President Jared has planned to 'solve' the Palestinians to death, but recent demographic revelations, coupled with the fact that, to get anywhere, they are going to have to do what they are doing in the recent Gaza massacres multiplied by a thousand, with the smartest of them knowing that, even in our cruel and hypocritical world, that won't fly. They are desperate, with the theft of the 'homeland' the phony Jews decided to steal circling the drain.
There is some reason for hope. Usually, these world-wrecking disasters occur when both sides are run by incompetent boobs, but in this case all the non-American and non-Khazar players are very competent. The Russians are particularly adept at diplomacy. There are suggestions that the Russians could let it be known that there would be consequences, perhaps military, to Israel should the Khazars continue down this path. There is also an unrecognized but large fifth column of 'Jews' loyal to Russia living in Israel, who could be deployed in an emergency situation (though I have to note that these people also make up a lot of the craziest of the settlers). There are pressures that could be put on Jared (financial problems and potential charges relating to his conveying classified information to MbS), and possibly even on Sheldon. Most importantly, perhaps, and refreshingly, the sheer importance of this imminent apocalypse has caused people who would normally dissemble out of fear of being called 'anti-Semites' to, using the technical term, 'name the Jew'. The Khazars have a considerable fear of the truth, and may be influenced to pull back should the truth-saying become too common.
Scheme, and anti-scheme: XYMPHORA via XYMPHORA, 12 April 2018

#US Zuckerberg tells lawmakers 'I'm sorry' for data abuses Photo @b_smialowski #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardAFP, 11 April 2018
Weiss and Cole are running long con internet scams, Weiss writing
seemingly sympathetic to the Palestinians in order that he might fool
the goyim and buy time for the murder and land theft by claiming the
Jews 'now' have everything in hand and the goyim can, yet again, leave
them to it, and Cole writing and publishing generally pro-Palestinian
and seemingly anti-war material in order that he may convey the pure CIA
propaganda with somewhat more credibility. "Why Trump can’t reverse
Syrian regime dirty win in Ghouta and why Iran is Gloating". Note how Cole
the CIA has made up the sarin component - presumably to make it more
plausible that Assad, rather than the human-organ eaters, did it (though
we know for a fact Syria has given up all its chemical weapons) - and
Cole has a striking clairvoyance - the mumbo-jumbo crystal balling must
be the crazed Baha'i mysticism coming out! - which allows him to see
into the evil gloating mind of an Iranian official.
Iran, eh? "We're Not Going to War, Not Yet – Last Night’s Russian TV Analysis" (Doctorow):
"The US generals, unlike the US politicians and media and US administration, are risk-averse if the outcome may be catastrophic. Accordingly, the strike Trump has promised to “avenge” the utterly phony chemical attack in Douma, Eastern Ghouta, will have another vector, most likely to strike against Iran, which Trump held up as the co-supporters of “Animal” Assad.
Why Iran? Well, that falls entirely in line with Trump’s anti-Iranian stance in general and it will test the alliance between Russia, Turkey and Iran whose presidents last week reconfirmed their commitment to a jointly managed final political and military settlement in Syria. Indeed, there is no alliance between Russia and Iran, and the US can proceed as it sees fit in attacking Iran, subject of course, to Teheran’s ability and readiness attack US bases and armed detachments in its region in response."
So the thinking is Sheldon can shekel and Stormy-Cohen blackmail his way
to a small attack on Iran without necessarily - if Putin is prudent -
triggering WWIII, and that's the way it can be sold to Trump, and the
way Trump will try to sell it to the committed isolationists who voted
for him.
May is shaping up to be a big month, with Trump's fleet arriving, Trump purporting to pull out of Obama's Iran deal (and an actual possible attack on Iran by Khlaiming that the Ghouta attack was actually connected to Iran), the moving of the American embassy coincident with the Khazar annual celebration of their murder and land theft, and the presentation of the Jared-MbS eliminationist plan for the Palestinians.
May: XYMPHORA via XYMPHORA, 12 April 2018

Theresa May has reportedly
ordered Royal Navy submarines within range of Assad’s forces after
Donald Trump stated that Russia should ‘get ready’ for missiles to be
fired.: photo by Ministry of Defence/EPA, 12 April 2018

Dead White People: Netflix: screenshot via VSB, 1 April 2018
2. Be not white.
3. Be not white and not American.
4. Tell the truth.
5. Cite facts.
6. Talk about the past.
7. Talk about the present day.
8. Talk about the future.
9. Say things like “Hi” and “Excuse me” and “Perhaps, if I were so inclined, I’d meet you at Chipotle later. But alas, my palate is discerning, and you will, instead, find me at Waffle House.”
10. Enter buildings.
11. Walk past buildings.
12. Walk.
13. Stand.
14. Sleep.
15. Have an appropriate response to a thing a white person or a group of white people did, which can sometimes be anger.
16. Remind them of the truth.
17. Remind them that there are people other than white people.
18. Remind them that the people other than white people also happen to be people.
19. Remind them of anything, really, including a Jeep.
20. Shop at a mall.
21. Drive a car.
22. Sit in a car that someone else is driving.
23. Have money.
24. Don't have money.
25. Live in a place they’ve recently moved to.
26. Move to a place they live in.
27. Vote.
28. Go to school.
29. Don’t go to school.
30. Order food at a restaurant.
31. Sit down at a restaurant.
32. Be aware that things called “restaurants” exist.
33. Protest demonstratively.
34. Protest quietly.
35. Have babies.
36. Attend church.
37. Practice something other than Christianity.
38. Say no.
39. Say “maybe, but probably not.”
40. Carry a gun.
41. Enter an elevator.
42. Take the stairs.
43. Have more money than them.
44. Have less money than them.
45. Attend their universities.
46. And then, when you say, “Y’all are really mad about us in your schools, so we’ll just make our own schools, then,” attend those schools.
47. Have a face that is not immediately communicating unbridled joy and mirth.
48. Be too happy.
49. Exist while they’re also existing.
50. Not exist while they’re also existing, because, you know, they need you to exist for whiteness to matter.
How to Make White People Uncomfortable: Damon Young, VSB, 11 April 2018

Maybe it's just me, but doesn't it almost look as though... Paulina [REVENGE] ... smells blood?
... no... can't quite place it... herself?
In any case, a rare pleasure, plainly.
The hands, though.
Paulina's right index finger, and right thumb.
And left hand.
To put a fine point on it.
A photo that screams despite itself. Understand me, before it's too late.
It's too late, Paulina.
It was too late a very long time ago.
... still.. here's something more here.
Paulina is sneering at us.
Make that sneering DOWN at us.
And very pleased with herself.
For knowing just how contemptible we are.
No secret that, really.
Everybody knows!
thank you
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