You might fill empty futures with your raging
Power. Everything is possible.
The story has not yet begun yet promises
Much. Having glimpsed the magic ring
On the captive's finger, the bright-eyed heroine
Might turn out to be you, making your way
Up mountains of difficulty to shining
Temples in which is kept alive that flame
Of truth which burns at the heart of the ark
Of the covenant of being you.
You might, in the forest, hear that falling tree.
You're young, you want to be free, but aren't yet.
You might walk the cow, ride the rocket ship.
You might book the flight, then jump out of the plane.
You might meet a boy named X. He might say
You don't know me, nor do I know you.
Portrait of a Young Venetian Woman: Albrecht Dürer, 1505 (Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna)
Heinrike Dannecker: Christian Gottlieb Shick, 1802 (Nationalgalerie, Berlin)