Please note that the poems and essays on this site are copyright and may not be reproduced without the author's permission.

Sunday 31 January 2016

Broken Wing Display / Ezra Pound: Learn of the green world

Black Tern | by Jon David Nelson

Black Tern (Chlidonias niger) near Burns, Oregon: photo by Jon Nelson, 13 May 2015

Killdeer 2 | by The White Wоlf

Killdeer 2. "Broken Wing Act".  Killdeer (Charadrius vociferus), near Burns, Oregon. These birds forage for food in fields, mudflats and shores, usually by sight. Their name comes from their frequently heard call. These birds will frequently use evasive action display ("broken wing act") to distract predators from  their nests. This involves the bird walking away from its nesting area  holding its wing in a position that simulates an injury. and then flapping around on the ground emitting a distress call. The predators then think they have easy prey and are attracted to the seemingly injured bird and away from the nest. If the parent sees that a potential predator is not following along, it will move closer and get louder until it gets the attention of the predator.: photo by Nick Perla, 29 June 2010

Ezra Pound: from Canto LXXXI

The ant’s a centaur in his dragon world.
Pull down thy vanity, it is not man
Made courage, or made order, or made grace,
         Pull down thy vanity, I say pull down.
Learn of the green world what can be thy place
In scaled invention or true artistry,
Pull down thy vanity,
                                        Paquin pull down!
The green casque has outdone your elegance.
“Master thyself, then others shall thee beare”
       Pull down thy vanity
Thou art a beaten dog beneath the hail,
A swollen magpie in a fitful sun,
Half black half white
Nor knowst’ou wing from tail
Pull down thy vanity
                        How mean thy hates
Fostered in falsity,
                        Pull down thy vanity,
Rathe to destroy, niggard in charity,
Pull down thy vanity,
                       I say pull down.

Ezra Pound (1885-1972): from Canto LXXXI (1945/1948)

Black Terns | by Jon David Nelson

Black Terns (Chlidonias niger) near Burns, Oregon: photo by Jon Nelson, 13 May 2015

Black-necked Stilt (Himantopus mexicanus) DSC_0024 | by NDomer73

Black-necked Stilt (Himantopus mexicanus). A striking black-and-white bird with very long, thin legs, the Black-necked Stilt is found along the edges of open water, in this case near the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Harney County, Oregon: photo by Dan Dzurisin, 25 May 2008

Black-necked Stilt (Himantopus mexicanus) DSC_0023 | by NDomer73

Black-necked Stilt (Himantopus mexicanus). A striking black-and-white bird with very long, thin legs, the Black-necked Stilt is found along the edges of open water, in this case near the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Harney County, Oregon: photo by Dan Dzurisin, 25 May 2008

Black-necked Stilt (Himantopus mexicanus) DSC_0020 | by NDomer73

Black-necked Stilt (Himantopus mexicanus), feeding in flooded agricultural fields several miles north of Malheur National Willdlife Refuge, Harney County, Oregon: photo by Dan Dzurisin, 1 June 2008

Black-necked Stilt (Himantopus mexicanus) DSC_0034 | by NDomer73

Black-necked Stilt (Himantopus mexicanus), feeding in flooded agricultural fields several miles north of Malheur National Willdlife Refuge, Harney County, Oregon: photo by Dan Dzurisin, 1 June 2008

Black-necked Stilts (Himantopus mexicanus) DSC_0037 | by NDomer73

Black-necked Stilt (Himantopus mexicanus), feeding in flooded agricultural fields several miles north of Malheur National Willdlife Refuge, Harney County, Oregon: photo by Dan Dzurisin, 1 June 2008
American Avocet | by Big Dipper 2

American Avocet, near Burns, Oregon: photo by Big Dipper 2, 10 July 2011
It was not man
made beauty or made order or made grace...

the standoff | by Nick.Fisher

The standoff [Portland, Oregon]: photo by Nick Fisher, 3 February 2007

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Sittin' around and Constitution learnin #Oregonstandoff
: image via Jennifer Hayden @Scout_Finch, 30 January 2016

Anderson describes seeing bald eagles and taking it as a sign of God’s hand. Apparently forgets they are at a bird refuge #Oregonstandoff: tweet via Jennifer Hayden @Scout_Finch, 30 January 2016

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This Burns resident is NOT happy about the 3%er rolling rally. #Oregonstandoff: image via Corry Young @photocorry, 30 January 2016
Driving through residential areas at night blaring horns. Way to win hearts and minds, III% #Oregonstandoff: tweet via Shane Roth @apexnerd, 30 January 2016
Revolution Radio can't find locals who are supportive of Rolling Bro-test #Oregonstandoff: tweet via Shane Roth @apexnerd, 30 January 2016

All they want is peace...a piece of Oregon, a piece of Idaho, a piece of Montana, a piece of Arizona, a piece of Wyoming! #Oregonstandoff: tweet via Return Our Refuge @Return Our Refuge 30 January 2016

A Veritable "Who's That" of the Patriot Movement mill about a Rite Aid parking lot #Oregonstandoff: tweet via Shane Roth @apexnerd, 30 January 2016

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Crowd getting larger for the 3%ers rolling rally #Oregonstandoff: image via Corry Young @photocorry, 30 January 2016

Burns Oregon | by rustejunk

Burns, Oregon: photo by Richard Bauer, 31 August 2014

Sunset west of Burns, Oregon | by Kurt J

Sunset west of Burns, Oregon: photo by Kurt Johnson, 26 April 2011

Saturday 30 January 2016

Waiting on Tomorrow


Linda Gainer, owner of The Narrows, a restaurant and tavern just outside the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, said she was criticized for serving everyone involved in the standoff, from the F.B.I. to the protesters: photo by Jarod Opperman for The New York Times, 29 January 2016

Not under pressure of a private grief,
Oh for but a few years yet of useful

Life, for all's complete once your rat

Race is run, that's how things go, no one prescribes to

Or gets to presume to order life
Around as though it were a sort of waitress race
Sister Life has better things to do than wait
Around in the wings for the part

You may have written for her

File:Halloween chicken.jpg

Waitress serving at restaurant counter while wearing Halloween chicken costume, Leroy's Restaurant, Monrovia, California (original caption: "D.K. made fine chicken, but there was something vaguely creepy about ordering eggs..."): photo by Ross Berteig, 31 October 2002

Mason's Cafe: truck driver, sailor and waitress at highway coffee shop on US 90 in Southern Louisiana: photo by John Vachon, 1943 (Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information Collection, Library of Congress)

Waves crash over the sea wall in Blackpool, as Storm Gertrude is sweeping the country with winds of more than 90mph, leaving thousands of homes without power, buildings damaged and transport disrupted: photo by Peter Byrne/PA, 29 January 2016

Kashmiri Muslim devotees pray outside the shrine of Sufi Saint Syed Abdul Qadir Jilani in Srinagar, Indian controlled Kashmir, Friday, Jan. 29, 2016. Thousands of devotees thronged to the shrine, where the Kashmiri Muslim head priest displayed the relics of the Sufi Saint. (AP Photo/Dar Yasin)

 Kashmiri Muslim devotees pray outside the shrine of Sufi Saint Syed Abdul Qadir Jilani in Srinagar, Indian controlled Kashmir. Thousands of devotees thronged to the shrine, where the Kashmiri Muslim head priest displayed the relics of the Sufi Saint: photo by Dar Yasin/AP, 29 January 2016

TOPSHOT - A fishing boat is seen in the ...TOPSHOT - A fishing boat is seen in the morning general view of the city skyline covered by a smoggy haze in Mumbai on January 29, 2016.  AFP PHOTO / PUNIT PARANJPE / AFP / PUNIT PARANJPEPUNIT PARANJPE/AFP/Getty Images
A fishing boat is seen and the city skyline is covered by a smoggy haze in Mumbai: photo by Punit Paranjpe/AFP, 29 January 2016

A volunteer for U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Sanders holds the door open ahead of a campaign rally in Fairfield, Iowa...Billy Hunter, a volunteer for U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, holds a door open while waiting for Sanders to arrive at a campaign rally in Fairfield, Iowa January 28, 2016. REUTERS/Mark Kauzlarich
Billy Hunter, a volunteer for U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, holds a door open while waiting for Sanders to arrive at a campaign rally in Fairfield, Iowa: photo by Mark Kauzlarich/Reuters, 29 January 2016

Friday 29 January 2016

Last Dance

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 #Oregonstandoff militants share video of romantic possible last dance, await FBI call/raid: image via Jennifer Hayden @Scout_Finch, 28 January 2016

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Definition of a three percenter: someone who only uses 3% of his brain. #Oregonstandoff: image via Cornelia @PaladinCornelia, 28 January 2016 

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I couldn't get any good shots of the militants as they were leaving, but here's one anyways. #oregonstandoff
: image via Gordon Friedman @gordonfriedman, 28 January 2016

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@VoodooDoughnut welcomes Ammon Bundy to Portland
: image via KGW News @KGWNews, 28 January 2016

Blood in the snow

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FBI aerial shows moment LaVoy Finicum reaches for his weapon #Oregonstandoff: image via Thomas Boyd @thomasboyd, 28 January 2016

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FBI releases video of shooting death of militant LaVoy Finicum #Oregonstandoff: image via BuzzFeed News @BuzzFeed News, 28 January 2016

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FBI releases video of shooting death of militant LaVoy Finicum #Oregonstandoff
: image via BuzzFeed News @BuzzFeed News, 28 January 2016

I Know a Man 

As I sd to my
friend, because I am
always talking -- John, I

sd, which was not his
name, the darkness sur-
rounds us, what

can we do against
it, or else, shall we &
why not, buy a goddamn big car,

drive, he sd, for
christ’s sake, look
out where yr going.

Robert Creeley (1926-2005), I Know a Man, from For Love, 1962

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Bundy and four other militia leaders arrested, another killed in violent encounter w/police
: image via Talking Points Memo @TPM, 27 January 2017

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 @Henry McRandall1 All respect to Lavern Finestra! We will NEVER forget you, #Tarpman @Anomaly100 #SnackLivesMatter
: image via Jon Hutson @JonHutson, 28 January 2016

Only by blood and suffering and little snacks

Only by Blood and Suffering: Regaining Lost Freedom: A Novel by Lavoy Finicum, 2015 (cover): image via Talking Points Memo, 11 January 2016

"My AR was cradled in my left arm. The chamber was charged and I clicked off the safety. Ann Rafferty [a mayor] was still talking as I walked out onto the floor. I walked towards the table and Ann started stumbling over her train of speech as she as she watched me come. Zackary Williams [a DHS officer] was at the end of the table and I passed to the right side. I did not stop until I had circled behind Zackary. This way my rifle barrel was always pointed in his general direction."

  -- from LaVoy Finicum: Only by Blood and Suffering: Freedom Regained (2015)

Lavoy Finicum with long gun and tarp, settling in at the Refuge: image via Talking Points Memo, 11 January 2016

The forlorn hope

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WATCH: Live feed from inside the standoff at Oregon wildlife refuge: image via Talking Points Memo @TPM, 27 January 2017
I'm cold, tired, and ready to go home. I can't act tough any longer. This isn't for me. Thanks for all that supported us. #Oregonstandoff: tweet by David Fry @RealDavidFry, 27 January 2015

Video gamer and live streamer David Fry at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
: image via David Fry @RealDavidFry, 27 January 2015

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Meet the new leader of the Oregon standoff: image via Talking Points Memo @TPM, 27 January 2017

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Oregon occupiers put out call to arms after arrests of militia leaders: image via Talking Points Memo @TPM, 27 January 2016

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Oregon #Malheur wildlife refuge holdouts told to go home after one killed
: image via AFP news agency @AFP, 27 January 2016

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Sun sets on a tense day in #HarneyCounty. Little movement from law enforcement or occupiers. #Oregonstandoff:
image via Amanda Peacher @amandapeacher, 27 January 2016

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Also FYI Harney County remains beautiful as ever #Oregonstandoff: image via Beth Nakamura @bethnakamura, 27 January 2016

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FAA declares no-fly zone over #Oregon bird sanctuary. Military op in works? #Oregonstandoff: image via Kurt Nimmo @kurt_nimmo, 27 January 2016


The End of the Line by Tom Clark, 1980: cover by TC

When an idiot has a say

A construction worker stands in front of a piece of street art portraying prospective U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump, in east London...A construction worker stands in front of a piece of street art portraying prospective U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump, in east London, January 28, 2016. An online petition to bar Trump from entering the United Kingdom recently triggered a debate in Parliament after if was signed by over 500,000 people. REUTERS/Andrew Winning EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVE
A construction worker stands in front of a piece of street art portraying prospective U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump, in east London: photo by Andrew Winning/Reuters, 28 January 2016

Hillary Clinton Holds Get Out The Caucus Event In Iowa...ADEL, IA - JANUARY 27:  Democratic presidential candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton greets supporters during a "get out the caucus" event at the Adel Family Fun Center on January 27, 2016 in Adel, Iowa.  With less than a week to go before the Iowa caucuses, Hillary Clinton is campaigning throughout Iowa.  (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Democratic presidential candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton greets supporters during a “get out the caucus” event at the Adel Family Fun Center in Adel, Iowa. With less than a week to go before the Iowa caucuses, Hillary Clinton is campaigning throughout Iowa
: photo by Justin Sullivan via FT Photo Diary, 28 January 2016

Vehicles carry coffins draped with Iraqi flags and containing bodies found in a mass grave in Anbar province\
Vehicles carry coffins draped with Iraqi flags and containing bodies found in a mass grave in Anbar province. Iraqi authorities have uncovered the mass grave in Ramadi containing at least 40 bodies, including women and children, apparently killed by Islamic State insurgents when they seized the city in May: photo by Reuters, 28 January 2016

In this photograph taken on January 27, ...In this photograph taken on January 27, 2016 an Afghan woman walks past a mural that also reads "seeking knowledge is obligatory on every Muslim man and woman" in Herat.  AFP PHOTO / Aref KarimiAref Karimi/AFP/Getty Images

An Afghan woman walks past a mural that also reads “seeking knowledge is obligatory on every Muslim man and woman” in Herat: photo by Aref Karimi/AFP, 28 January 2016

In this photograph taken on January 27, ...In this photograph taken on January 27, 2016 an Afghan woman walks past a mural that also reads "seeking knowledge is obligatory on every Muslim man and woman" in Herat.  AFP PHOTO / Aref KarimiAref Karimi/AFP/Getty Imagesx

An Afghan woman walks past a mural that also reads “seeking knowledge is obligatory on every Muslim man and woman” in Herat: photo by Aref Karimi/AFP, 28 January 2016

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GAZA - The shadows of Bedouin children are sen behind a fence at their encampment in Khan Yunis By MahmudHams #AFP: image via Frédérique Geffard @fgeffardafp, 20 January 2016

"Pepper", humanoid robots from Japan's t..."Pepper", humanoid robots from Japan's telecommunication giant Softbank, dance to attract customers at the "Pepper World" exhibition to promote show applications for corporate use in Tokyo on January 28, 2016. Softbank announced the company will open a pop-up smartphone shop in Tokyo next month as five Peppers will sell the smartphones to display their skills for customer services.   AFP PHOTO / Yoshikazu TSUNOYOSHIKAZU TSUNO/AFP/Getty Images

“Pepper”, humanoid robots from Japan’s telecommunication giant Softbank, dance to attract customers at the Pepper World exhibition: photo by Yoshikazu Tsuno, AFP, 28 January 2016

Models of First Order's Stormtrooper Battle Buddy from the film "Star Wars - The Force Awakens" are displayed in a shop in Shanghai...Models of First Order's Stormtrooper Battle Buddy from the film "Star Wars - The Force Awakens" are displayed in a shop in Shanghai, China, January 19, 2016. REUTERS/Stringer ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS PICTURE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. THIS PICTURE IS DISTRIBUTED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS. CHINA OUT. NO COMMERCIAL OR EDITORIAL SALES IN CHINA.
Models of First Order's Stormtrooper Battle Buddy from Star Wars: The Force Awakens are displayed in a shop in in Shanghai, China: photo by Reuters, 19 January 2016
A monkey holds a dice during a performance ahead of the Chinese New Year of the Monkey which falls on February 8, in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, January 28, 2016. REUTERS/China Daily      TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY     ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS PICTURE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. THIS PICTURE IS DISTRIBUTED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS. CHINA OUT. NO COMMERCIAL OR EDITORIAL SALES IN CHINA.

A monkey holds a dice during a performance ahead of the Chinese New Year of the Monkey which falls on February 8, in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province: photo by China Daily/Reuters, 28 January 2016


A television truck and a reporter in a car sit along Highway 78 located approximately 4 miles from the Malheur Wildlife Refuge Headquarters near Burns, Oregon on January 27, 2016. The leaders of the Bundy Militia occupation were arrested, one of them shot dead, during a traffic stop. There are still many occupants digging in at the federal wildlife refuge despite the heavy police presence surrounding them. All roads surrounding the facility have been closed and heavily armed by Law Enforcement Agencies
: photo by Rob Kerr / AFP, 27 January 2016

Oregon standoff in Harney County

Law enforcement personnel block an access road to the Malheur National Wildlife Refuges: photo by Thomas Boyd/ Associated Press, 27 January 2016

All your base are belong to us

A model for the fashion designer Jean Paul Gaultier at the Paris Haute Couture Week Spring/Summer 2016: photo by Landon Nordeman for The New York Times, 27 January 2016

Children of migrants waiting in frigid weather near the Serbian-Croatian border, hoping to cross with their parents into Croatia: photo by Milos Bicanski / The New York Times, 26 January 2016

A Greek man grabbed a bag of tangerines as farmers handed out free produce in Athens to protest government plans to overhaul the pension system: photo by Alkis Konstantinidis/Reuters, 27 January 2016 

Ultra-Orthodox Jews from the Belz Hasidic dynasty grabbed oranges as they celebrated the feast of Tu Bishvat, or New Year for Trees, in Jerusalem: photo by Abir Sultan/European Pressphoto Agency, 25 January 2016
Common Buzzards near Budapest
Common buzzards (Buteo buteo) fighting over food in Pacsmagi-tavak Nature Reserve near Tamasi, Hungary: photo by Attila Kovacs/EPA, 27 January 2016

Devotees offer prayers as they stand on the bank of the Hanumante River during a month-long Swasthani Brata Katha festival in Bhaktapur...Devotees offer prayers as they stand on the bank of the Hanumante River during a month-long Swasthani Brata Katha festival in Bhaktapur, Nepal, January 27, 2016. During the month long festival, devotees recite one chapter of a Hindu tale daily from the 31-chapter sacred Swasthani Brata Katha book that is dedicated to God Madhavnarayan and Goddess Swasthani, alongside various other gods and goddess and the miraculous feats performed by them. The devotees also go on pilgrimages to various temples, perform religious rituals, take a holy bath in the rivers and fast for a month, especially among women who believe fasting helps in their family's well-being or in getting them a good husband. REUTERS/Navesh Chitrakar
Devotees offer prayers as they stand on the bank of the Hanumante River during a month-long Swasthani Brata Katha festival in Bhaktapur, Nepal
: photo by Navesh Chitrakar/Reuters, 27 January 2016

Presidential Candidate Donald Trump Holds Iowa City Campaign Rally...Donald Trump, president and chief executive of Trump Organization Inc. and 2016 Republican presidential candidate, reacts to a protester during an event in Iowa City, Iowa, U.S., on Tuesday, Jan. 26, 2016. Citing unfair treatment by Fox News, Trump will not participate in the Republican presidential debate on Thursday, his campaign manager told reporters. Photographer: Patrick T. Fallon/Bloomberg *** Local Caption *** Donald Trump

Donald Trump, president and chief executive of Trump Organization Inc. and 2016 Republican presidential candidate, reacts to a protester during an event in Iowa City, Iowa: photo by Patrick T. Fallon/Bloomberg, 27 January 2016

The End of the Line

Blood on the Moon (1948): photo by hytam2, 1 April 2014

My prime of youth is but a froste of cares:
My feaste of joy, is but a dishe of payne:
My cropp of corne, is but a field of tares:
And all my good is but vaine hope of gaine:
The daye is gone, and yet I sawe no sonn:
And nowe I live, and nowe my life is donn.

The springe is paste, and yet it hath not sprong,
The fruite is deade, and yet the leaves are greene
My youth is gone, and yet I am but yonge
I sawe the woorld, and yet I was not seene
My threed is cutt, and yet it is not sponn,
And nowe I lyve, and nowe my life is donn.

I saught my death, and founde it in my womb,
I lookt for life, and sawe it was a shade.
I trode the earth, and knewe it was my Tombe
And nowe I die, and nowe I am but made
The glasse is full, and nowe the glass is rune
And nowe I live, and nowe my life is donn.

Chidiock Tichborne (c. 1558-20 September 1586): Tychbornes Elegie, written with his owne hand in the Tower before his Execution (1586)

Véronique et son Cancre (1958): photo by Aka Vetala (omoplata 1), 8 February 2014
Le Amiche (1955): photo by Aka Vetala (omoplata 1), 4 February 2014

Mahanagar (1963): photo by Aka Vetala (omoplata 1), 10 September 2013

Mercy (1970): photo by Aka Vetala (omoplata 1), 22 October 2013

Un Nommé La Rocca (1961): photo by Aka Vetala (omoplata 1), 23 November 2013

Gideon of Scotland Yard (1958): photo by Aka Vetala (omoplata 1), 20 April 2014

The Horror of It All (1964): photo by Aka Vetala (omoplata 1), 13 April 2014

Chikaketsu renzoko reipu (1985): photo by Aka Vetala (omoplata 1), 21 October 2013

Warning Shot (1966): photo by Leo Garcia (LenhillAdvanced), 10 January 2014

El Pico (1983): photo by Aka Vetala (omoplata 1), 1 February 2014

The Sandpiper (1965): photo by Leo Garcia (LenhillAdvanced), 28 January 2014

Dentist on the Job (1961): photo by hytam2, 13 March 2014