A child's things speak of the shock enigma world forever
star charts movie actresses ballerinas soap-bubble sets
marbles toy birds seen though the magic prism
a child's vision the mind assembling a cosmology
a bricolage of bits of this and bits of that
maps pieces of cloth illustrations in encyclopedias

the child grown alone noting down on scraps
ephemerae envelopes cafeteria napkins slips
of paper inserted into books each particulate
of dream and wanderlust

explorations obsessive quests for the materials
to objectify dreams and then for the systems to order
to contain those objects in assemblages
boxes private universes of buttons movie photos stuffed birds bottles globes corks liqueur glasses elusive texts mystery things

sequins toys feathers spools of thread in the dead season prowling
five and dimes in Flushing and Manhattan an unexpected
"flowering in the teeth of winter" (a Woolworth's window display)

Angels fairies "sylphides" populating "shadow boxes"
windows facing in facing out -- searching for dreamgirl
shop clerks waitresses librarians "sales girls"
"Courtesy Drugs check-out girl -- seen in Food Shop
Piled up hair again -- warm light
brown corduroy slacks, no socks
but the same dreamy docileness remembered
the immense innocence + beauty of expression"

Intense imaginal "relationships" longings mood
swings violent turbulences creative
elations out of nowhere lifting the undisclosed soul
into the clouds in the suburban
back yard

"temoignages" moments of witness to a condition
of sudden grace marked in diaries
by a star
as "special signs" the gold threads in the weave
the inexpressibility of life's fleeting moments its transitory
epiphanies a brief shading of light on the side
of a building

the abrupt rising of a flock of birds into the air
a piece of classical music heard on the radio
a face on the bus a brother's smile the odd buoyant
being-alive quality everywhere a rare harmony and calm
as if a dark sky opened suddenly
to reveal with wondrous clarity the constellations he so loved
Dec. 9, 1948 (Wednesday)
the "all over" feeling that makes of the incidental a never ceasing wonder and spectacle of the spiritual
(Diary entry from Joseph Cornell's Theater of the Mind)
Joseph Cornell boxes:
Cassiopeia 1, c. 1960 (Estate of Joseph Cornell)
Untitled (Soap Bubble set), 1936 (Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford)
Untitled (Penny Arcade Portrait of Lauren Bacall), 1945-46 (Collection Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bergman, Chicago)
Untitled (Paul and Virginia), c.1946-48 (Collection Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Bergman, Chicago)
Grand Hotel Semiramis, 1956 (The Joseph and Robert Cornell Memorial Foundation)
Untitled (Solar set), c. 1956-58 (Collection Donald Varshan, New York)
Untitled (Pharmacy), c.1943 (Collection Mrs. Marcel Duchamp, Paris)
Untitled (Grand Owl Habitat), c.1946 (Collection Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Kaplin, Toledo, Ohio)
Toward the Blue Peninsula, c. 1951-52 (Collection Daniel Varenne, Geneva)
Verso of Cassiopeia 1, c. 1960 (Estate of Joseph Cornell)