
Reflections, Estonia: photo by Andres Kuusk, 2007
Poetry the broken reflection
in the flooded pond water
which by breaking
the image keeps the memory
green even after the
memory is gone.
in the flooded pond water
which by breaking
the image keeps the memory
green even after the
memory is gone.

Noctilucent clouds, Estonia: photo by Andres Kuusk, 16 June 2006
Noctilucent clouds, Hinton, Alberta: photo by frogofpeace, summer 2005

Aurora, night sky, Estonia: photo by Joel Kuusk, 2000
It is such a pleasure to be able to rise and enter into this pond and grove before confronting the day's mundane, just around the corner, chores. “Reflections” makes a fine connection with yesterday's Hopkins poem and your discussion with Ed about "broken/sprung" rhythm. I’m interested in the positive, preserving aspects of breaking this suggests. It reminds me that I’m currently breaking up coffee, which preserves me (for better or worse), and that fine Kinks lyric in “Death Of A Clown” (which I assume comes from everyday speech), “Won’t someone help me to break up this crown?”, that precedes preserving someone’s memory in the form of a toast.
To use an image to capture the beauty of imagery, and such a beautiful image as this ...
Well, thanks, Tom. Just great.
To reflect upon the break of day over the thought of the smell of a cup of fresh-ground coffee with you, Curtis and Don, is a further pleasure.
Further reflections on break of day, a pleasure to be 'here' with you (and Curtis, and Don -- Johnny still asleep the next room, who graduated from Kindergarten yesterday). . . .
pink clouds in pale blue sky above still
black ridge, whiteness of moon by branch
in foreground, waves sounding in channel
since referred to “physical”
position, also calling
vertical plane wall of room,
part of world, picture
cloudless blue sky reflected in channel,
sunlit green of pine on tip of sandspit
This is very lovely, Steve --
pink clouds in pale blue sky above still
black ridge, whiteness of moon by branch
-- the first mild evening of the year last night, and the large moon... though now through the pink clouds advance the grey sentinels of the marine layer...
Congratulations to Johnny, sleeping the sleep of the scholar.
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