[White Helmets Civil Defense workers assist an airstrike victim in Aleppo]: image via @alqudsalarabi, 17 July 2016
Rebels fear Assad victory in Syria as noose tightens around Aleppo: Opposition groups brace for onslaught as US and Russia agree to cooperate, and Ankara sends peace feelers to Moscow and Damascus: Martin Chulov, The Guardian, 17 July 2016
Just over a month into Syria’s uprising in 2011, the leader of
Lebanon’s Druze sect, Walid Jumblatt, travelled to Damascus to visit
Syria’s then security tsar, Mohammed Nasif. As well as being the Assad
family’s most trusted senior official, he was also the linchpin of
Syria’s close ties with Iran and Hezbollah, a man bound more than most
to the fate of the regime.
“He said to me at the time, it’s either us, meaning the Alawites, or
them, meaning the Sunnis,” Jumblatt recalled. “I knew which way this was
going then.
He added, ‘even if it cost us a million dead’.”
More than five years later, the toll in the now raging war is well
past a quarter of that estimate -- international monitors stopped
counting last August. The sectarian dimension to the fighting
foreshadowed by Nasif is a reality. So is the destruction of much of the
country, including the ancient city of Aleppo, which after years of
being viewed as the key to Syria’s fate last week slipped from the grasp
of the opposition and into the hands of the Syrian regime’s allies, led
by Hezbollah.
The encirclement of Aleppo is a significant moment in a war that has
led to more unrestrained savagery, international repercussions and
unlikely alliances than most others in modern times. Another emerged
last week, as Hezbollah and Syrian troops were beating back the
al-Qaida-aligned Jabhat al-Nusra from farmlands to the north of the
city. As that battle raged, the US was drafting a deal with Russia that
would create a joint operations centre to coordinate attacks on al-Nusra
and Islamic State.
The move has created despair among the ranks of the Syrian
opposition, which insists that a pact between Moscow and Washington will
entrench the Syrian leader, whom Russia and Iran have saved from defeat
over the past 12 months. Adding to the alarm of the now diminished
rebel ranks is a detente, also signed during the week, between Moscow
and Ankara, after a seven-month standoff, as well as the Turkish prime
minister’s remarks that Ankara was interested in peace with Damascus.
“This all means that Assad is no longer at risk,” said a senior
official in the western-backed Syrian opposition. “This means that he
has won.”
In the eyes of the exiled political opposition and rebel fighting groups still in Syria,
the political realignments mark a decisive phase in a war that they
believe they can no longer win. In recent years, as Bashar al-Assad’s
allies have weakened the rebels’ position, a belief endured among
opposition military leaders that if they could not win the war, Assad
could not either. That view has changed.
sitting here in a ruined house in eastern Aleppo,” said Abu Sobhi
Jumail, a Syrian opposition fighter who has fought across northern Syria
for the past five years. “I have the Russians in the skies, the Syrian
air force too, when its planes can fly. I have Isis to my east,
Hezbollah to my north and al-Qaida [Jabhat al-Nusra] in between. They
abandon us, and tell us to rely on God, and then condemn us when we are
forced to seek help [from al-Nusra]. Without them we would all have been
killed a year ago. That is not politics. That is life and death.”
Since Russia launched its large-scale intervention last October,
opposition units that had been backed by Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the US
have been the prime targets of Moscow’s bombers. Isis has largely been
spared, with notable exceptions such as in Palmyra.
Turkey, too, has mostly left the jihadis alone, concentrating its
fight on Syria’s Kurds, whom it views as a subversive extension of
Turkish Kurdish groups, which Ankara continues to fight.
Though remaining a supporter of the Syrian opposition, including
Islamic elements such as Ahrar al-Sham, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan,
has focused much of his energies on ensuring that Syria’s Kurds do not
seize control of more of the shared border and that their use by the US
as proxies in the fight to seize land from Isis in eastern Syria does
not amplify the Kurds’ ambitions.
“We are doomed in Aleppo,” said Suleiman Aboud, who fled with his
family from the rebel east of the city in February. “The next phase of
this will be revenge. No one has paid a price for all these abuses. That
is what hugging Assad does. This revolution was noble. It may not have
been fully democratic, but people are allowed to fight oppression. We
have the same rights to safety and freedom as you.”
Acknowledging the immense suffering across rebel-held parts of the
country, Gareth Bayley, the UK’s special envoy for Syria, said: “The
situation on the ground in Syria is dire. The UK is deeply concerned by
the regime and its allies taking ground and harming civilians in Aleppo
and rural Damascus. This is in direct violation of the cessation of
hostilities and there is appalling suffering amongst the population.”
There is no way out of eastern Aleppo and north to the Turkish
border, with the last remaining supply line severed. A blockade that has
all but taken hold over the past year is now likely to be enforced, say
the few remaining residents of the eastern half of the city.
“For a long time people have been out of ideas,” said Abu Subhi.
“There is no enthusiasm to assist us. They want it all to go away. But
you will all be judged for what has happened in Syria. I won’t be alive
to witness it, though.”

Syrian forces and allies 'close the only road leading into the rebel-held side of Aleppo': image via Al Jazeera News @AJENews, 17 July 2016
“We are doomed in Aleppo. The next phase of
this will be revenge."

As a rule, I don't post photos of victims 4m both sides of the #Syrian war. But sometimes rules should be broken.: image via Hala Jaber @HalaJaber, 17 July 2016

As a rule, I don't post photos of victims 4m both sides of the #Syrian war. But sometimes rules should be broken.: image via Hala Jaber @HalaJaber, 17 July 2016
There's been a lot of sad horrible pictures over the years 4 all sides, I know... But.... Seriously the heart is weary #Syria #Aleppo: tweet via Hala Jaber @HalaJaber, 17 July 2016

My city. My #Aleppo. What have the monsters done to you?: image via Lina Sergie Attar @AmalHanano, 13 July 2016

#Aleppo today: Systematic murder of the 300,000 besieged civilians. World watching/ignoring.: image via Julian Röpcke @JulianRoepcke, 17 July 2016

Visually area of clashes near #Castillo highway #Aleppo: image via Military Advisor @miladvisor, 17 July 2016

BREAKING #Aleppo is now completely besieged. Just sent this photo. Regime forces have reached Castello road #Syria: image via Sophie McNeill Verified account @Sophiemcneill, 27 July 2016

Violence continues in #Aleppo city #Syria causing numerous civilian casualties and injuries: image via OCHA Syria @OCHA_Syria, 17 July 2016

Explosions at Assad’s defence factories in #Aleppo so big they were felt in Saraqib, #Idlib over 50km away!: image via Sami @Paradoxy13, 16 July 2016

Explosions at Assad’s defence factories in #Aleppo so big they were felt in Saraqib, #Idlib over 50km away!: image via Sami @Paradoxy13, 16 July 2016

More than 10 explosions at Assad’s defence factories in #Aleppo, massive explosions seen & heard miles away! #Syria: image via Sami @Paradoxy13, 16 July 2016

#Syrian_Soldiers Take Full Fire-Control over #Al_Lairamoun-#Castillo Road Northern #Aleppo: image via #Alalam @AlalamChannel, 16 July 2016

#Syria: At least 10 civilians killed, tens wounded in heavy airstrikes on #Aleppo's rebel-held al-Salihin district: image via Sakir Khader @sakirkhader, 14 July 2016

#Syria: At least 10 civilians killed, tens wounded in heavy airstrikes on #Aleppo's rebel-held al-Salihin district: image via Sakir Khader @sakirkhader, 14 July 2016

#Syria: At least 10 civilians killed, tens wounded in heavy airstrikes on #Aleppo's rebel-held al-Salihin district: image via Sakir Khader @sakirkhader, 14 July 2016

:#Syria: At least 10 civilians killed, tens wounded in heavy airstrikes on #Aleppo's rebel-held al-Salihin district: image via Sakir Khader @sakirkhader, 14 July 2016

A historic moment as Turkish coup organizers surrender in Istanbul: image via Kenan @KenanRahmani, 15 July 2016

#Turkey Military, before and after the "coup": image via Carlos Latuff @LatuffCartoons, 16 July 2016

No, these are not #Iraq's #Speicher cadets, nor the #SAA in #Tabqa. These are arrested #Turkish soldiers.: image via Hala Jaber @HalaJaber, 17 July 2016

Alleged coup generals beaten and tortured by 'defenders of democracy' after failed #TurkeyCoupAttempt #AKP #Erdogan: image via Cahida Dêrsim @cdersim3, 17 July 2016

More alleged pro coup soldiers detained in #Turkey: image via Cahida Dêrsim @cdersim3, 17 July 2016

Update from Airport (S.Gökçen): Soldiers (Gendarme) who clashed with police have been 'detained'. #Turkey: image via Gilgo @agirecudi, 17 July 2016

#Erdogan is responsible for this savagery. #TurkeyCoup: image via Alireza Taba @alirezat, 17 July 2016

Jubilant #Erdogan supporters in #Taksimsquare tonight. They don't care about authoritarianism just the victory.: image via Lindsey Hilsum Verified account @lindseyhilsum, 16 July 2016

PKK closed off the Tunceli-Elazig highway tonight with a truck and set fire to it - Turk military ops launched: image via Mare @Nighttides, 18 July 2016

To a racist society like in US or #Brazil, only White, middle-class lives matter: image via Carlos Lafuff @LatuffCartoons, 7 July 2016

Which Life Has More Value? #BatonRouge: image via Carlos Lafuff @LatuffCartoons, 17 July 2016

If you don't want to cry for the Blue, stop killing the Black! #BatonRouge #BatonRougeShooting: image via Carlos Lafuff @LatuffCartoons, 17 July 2016

Ok folks, just ignore the whole historical background on racism in the U.S., be friends and move along. #BatonRouge: image via Carlos Latuff @LatuffCartoons, 17 July 2016

Pilgrims bathe at a waterfall during an annual pilgrimage in Saut d’ Eau, 68km north of Port-au-Prince: photo by Hector Retamal / AFP, 17 July 2016
If you run it will take you on the run
so don't try to run.
Having a swell time.
Wish you were here.
In the mountains you can feel free.
Vacationing: image via Carlos Latuff @LatuffCartoons, 17 July 2016

A man surfs at Barra da Tijuca beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: photo by Ueslei Marcelino / Reuters, 17 July 2016

A pilgrim takes a bath during the celebration of the annual pilgrimage to the waterfall in Saut D’Eau, Haiti: photo by Andres Martinez Casares / Reuters, 17 July 2016

Felix Diaz, right, punches Sammy Vasquez during a super lightweight boxing bout in Birmingham, Alabama: photo by Brynn Anderson / AP, 17 July 2016

The empty grandstand during the CAF Confederation Cup soccer match between Etoile Sportive du Sahel of Tunisia and Al Ahly Tripoli of Libya played behind closed doors at the Olympique Stadium in Sousse, Tunisia: photo by Mohamed Messara / EPA, 17 July 2016

#syria #idlib #new_year #bom #night #night_idlib: image via Ammar Abdullah @AmmarAbdullh0, 1 January 2016
playtime: ascent

Cartoon of the Day: Erdogan and the "coup" in #Turkey Via @alqudsalarabi: image via Carlos Latuff @LaftuffCartoons, 16 July 2016

Berkeley, CA: photo by Ed from Oakland, 6 July 2016

Berkeley, CA: photo by Ed from Oakland, 6 July 2016

Oakland, CA: photo by Ed from Oakland, 5 July 2016

Oakland, CA: photo by Ed from Oakland, 4 July 2016
coda: the diver for buried memories

Oakland, CA: photo by Ed from Oakland, 30 April 2016
1 comment:
Right On for the Darkness: Curtis Mayfield (1973)
Playtime (Jacques Tati, 1967): The glass (I)
Playtime (Jacques Tati, 1967): The glass (II)
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