Syrian civilians are seen following a reported air strike by Syrian
government forces on the rebel-held northwestern city of Idlib, on July
20, 2016: photo by Omar Haj Kadour/AFP, 20 July 2016
Syrian civilians are seen following a reported air strike by Syrian government forces on the rebel-held northwestern city of Idlib, on July 20, 2016: photo by Omar Haj Kadour/AFP, 20 July 2016

Syrian civilians are seen following a reported air strike by Syrian government forces on the rebel-held northwestern city of Idlib, on July 20, 2016: photo by Omar Haj Kadour/AFP, 20 July 2016

#Syria: 20 children reportedly killed in air strikes and a 12-yr-old boy murdered in Aleppo: image via UNICEF Verified account @UNICEF. 20 July 2016

US-led coalition bombing kills at least 56 people, mostly women and children, in #Syria: image via Al Jazeera News Verified account @AJE News, 19 July 2016

#Syria: Alarm over reports of high civilian death toll from US-led coalition airstrikes: image via AmnestyInternational Verified account @Amnesty, 19 July 2016

Disturbing footage released of #US-backed "Harakat Nour al-Din al-Zenki" beheading this "child fighter" in #Syria: image via Haidar Sumeri @IraqiSecurity, 19 July 2016

#Syria: +150 civilians killed in Coalition airstrikes on a village where most residents of #Manbij city fled to: image via archicivilians @archicivilians, 19 July 2016
er... authoritarianism or totalitarianism?
An armed French soldier of the 35th RAP (35e regiment d’artillerie parachutiste), part of Operation Sentinelle, patrols under at the Eiffel tower in Paris: photo by Alain Jocard/AFP, 20 July 2016

An armed French soldier of the 35th RAP (35e regiment d’artillerie parachutiste), part of Operation Sentinelle, patrols under at the Eiffel tower in Paris: photo by Alain Jocard/AFP, 20 July 2016
Israelis wave national flags as they welcome newly-arrived Jewish
immigrants from France at Ben Gurion Airport, in Lod, near Tel Aviv,
Israel: photo by Abir Sultan/EPA, 20 July 2016
Israelis wave national flags as they welcome newly-arrived Jewish immigrants from France at Ben Gurion Airport, in Lod, near Tel Aviv, Israel: photo by Abir Sultan/EPA, 20 July 2016

Israelis wave national flags as they welcome newly-arrived Jewish immigrants from France at Ben Gurion Airport, in Lod, near Tel Aviv, Israel: photo by Abir Sultan/EPA, 20 July 2016
A tractor makes its way up a row of lavender as it is harvested on the Lordington Lavender farm in West Sussex: photo by Andrew Kelly/Reuters, 20 July 2016

A tractor makes its way up a row of lavender as it is harvested on the Lordington Lavender farm in West Sussex: photo by Andrew Kelly/Reuters, 20 July 2016
Jaimes Campbell, who advocates for open carry, stands with a gun as police walk by in Cleveland Public Square outside the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio: photo by Andrew Kelly/Reuters, 20 July 2016

Jaimes Campbell, who advocates for open carry, stands with a gun as police walk by in Cleveland Public Square outside the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio: photo by Andrew Kelly/Reuters, 20 July 2016
Statue of the founder of modern Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, through a hole in a window at the damaged Ankara police headquarters after it was bombed during the failed July 15 coup attempt: photo by Dimitar Dilkoff/AFP, 20 July 2016

Statue of the founder of modern Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, through a hole in a window at the damaged Ankara police headquarters after it was bombed during the failed July 15 coup attempt: photo by Dimitar Dilkoff/AFP, 20 July 2016

Attendants look at Pepper, SoftBank’s humanoid robot, during a news conference announcing its service for business customers in Tokyo: photo by Kim Kyung-hoon / Reuters, 20 July 2016
A woman using a mobile phone walks past a shop selling Pokemon goods in Tokyo, Japan: photo by Toru Hanai/Reuters, 20 July 2016
A woman using a mobile phone walks past a shop selling Pokemon goods in Tokyo, Japan: photo by Toru Hanai/Reuters, 20 July 2016

A woman using a mobile phone walks past a shop selling Pokemon goods in Tokyo, Japan: photo by Toru Hanai/Reuters, 20 July 2016

Saudi men play Pokemon Go in Riyadh: photo by AFP, 29 July 2016

A supporter of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan waves a flag against an electronic billboard during a rally in Kizilay Square: photo by Chris McGrath, 19 July 2016

A supporter of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan waves a flag against an electronic billboard during a rally in Kizilay Square: photo by Chris McGrath, 19 July 2016
A damaged window is pictured at the police headquarters in Ankara, Turkey, after failed coup: photo by Osman Orsal/Reuters, 19 July 2016

A damaged window is pictured at the police headquarters in Ankara, Turkey, after failed coup: photo by Osman Orsal/Reuters, 19 July 2016

A mural of Republican US presidential candidate Donald Trump on display near the Republican National Convention in Cleveland: photo by Lucas Jackson / Reuters, 20 July 2016

A woman carrying an umbrella crosses a flooded street as it rains in Mumbai, India: photo by Danish Siddiqui / Reuters, 19 July 2016

Two girls watch the rain fall in Beijing: photo by Nicolas Asfouri / AFP, 20 January 2016

A bicyclist makes his way across a junction during a rainstorm in Beijing: photo by Mark Schiefelbein / AP, 20 July 2016
Love your body, love yourself #cleveland (shipwreck on the White Sea)

Okay is this a scene from BRAZIL or from the John Hurt version of 1984?: image via Jeff B/DDHQ @EsotericCD, 18 July 2016

Republicans formally nominate Donald Trump for U.S. presidency: image via Reuters Top News @Reuters, 18 July 2016

LIVE: Donald Trump Jr. takes the stage at #RNCinCLE: image via Reuters LIve @ReutersLive, 18 July 2016

EXCLUSIVE: Trump could seek a new law to purge government of Obama's people, says Christie: image via Reuters Top News @Reuters, 18 July 2016

Happening now #RNCinCLE: image via Betsy Woodruff Verified account @woodruffbets, 18 July 2016

Love your body. Love yourself # EverythingSheSaysMeansEverythi ng #SpencerTunick #cleveland: image via Kim Leonard @LittleMs_Kim, 17 July 2016

What time do the two monsters who saw a beautiful leopard in the wild and then murdered it speak? #RNCinCLE: image via Danny Zuker Verified account @DannyZuker, 18 July 2016
And into the Valley of Death rode the Ten Thousand Plasm Agglomerations

#bikersfortrump on way to Cleveland GOP event to support Trump and protect Trump supporters. Hats off to this group: image via FED UP!!!!!!!! @jerrypane13, 16 July 2016 Manalapan, NJ

There are a few of us bikers already in Cleveland. The protesters can drop by and say hello. #BikersForTrump: image via No Tolerance @RevkahJC, 17 July 2016

How many RT can we get for the #BikersForTrump??? #Trump2016: image via VOTE TRUMP 2016 @USAforTrump2016, 18 July 2016

Bikers for Trump in da house. #Cleveland #RNC2016: image via Arjen van der Horst Verfied account @arjenUSA, 18 July 2016

Bikers for Trump in da house. #Cleveland #RNC2016: image via Arjen van der Horst Verfied account @arjenUSA, 18 July 2016

Walking in #Cleveland. Law enforcement from all over. #RNCinCLE: image via Jeanine Pirlo Verified account @JudgeJeanine, 18 July 2016

It's an #honor and privilege @CLEpolice! #Cleveland: image via Fort Worth Police Verified account @fortworthpd, 18 July 2016
This is a real image

I did Nazi this coming. #RNCinCLE: image via Ellie Hall Verified account @ellievhall, 20 July 2016
This is a real image. #RNCinCLE: image via Benjamin Peryer @BenjaminNYC, 20 July 2016

Y'all. #RNCinCLE #RNCinCLE: image via Brittany Packnett @MsPackyetti, 20 July 2016

“The mood all changed/ I've been chewed up, spit out, and booed offstage/ But I kept fighting…" #RNCinCLE: image via Frank Luntz Verified account @FrankLuntz, 20 July 2016

I can't believe I never recognized @tedcruz until now #RNCinCLE: image via Bob @BoHoBob, 20 July 2016

Striking shot of the moment @TedCruz walked off the stage at #RNCinCLE (photo via @gettyimages): image via TODAY Verified account @TODAYshow, 20 July 2016

@tedcruz's speech stunned the crowd at the #RNCinCLE: image via POLITICO Verified account @Poliltico, 20 July 2016

Real question... if you can't even effectively run a convention, how can you properly run a huge country? #RNCinCLE: image via The Baxter Bean @TheBaxterBean, 20 July 2016

It's striking how many empty seats there are tonight at #RNCinCLE: image via #RNCinCLE: image via EJ Dionne Verified account @EJ Dionne, 20 July 2016

OMG. "Embrace" is written on the Prompter. #RNCinCLE: image via Brenna Williams @brennawilliams, 20 July 2016
No air kisses
out here in the universe at large
and we never stack
our monitors against us
for we know they could always
come tumbling down
upon our small pointy heads
the archaics of the future wrote
one minute ago
in their future books
one minute ago
in their future books
These very tiny people were here once
and soon enough were gone
and soon enough were gone
They became large and bright
on their own screens
When our Prompters up here in Space
they say it loud and clear
they say it loud and clear
they mean do it right
They say
Mike Pence is so homophobic, he won't let Donald Trump kiss him: image via Alison Bennett @bennettleigh, 20 July 2016
@GovPenceIN: "I thank the Lord for allowing me to be 2nd banana to this immoral, unconstitutional SOB!" #RNCinCLE: image via #RNCinCLE: image via Col. Morris Davis @ColMorrisDavis, 20 July 2016
Look who made a surprise appearance tonight — @reaDonaldTrump, on stage with Gov. @mike_pence #RNCinCLE #Trump16: image via Gavin James Smith @iamgavinjames, 20 July 2016
They say

Mike Pence is so homophobic, he won't let Donald Trump kiss him: image via Alison Bennett @bennettleigh, 20 July 2016

@GovPenceIN: "I thank the Lord for allowing me to be 2nd banana to this immoral, unconstitutional SOB!" #RNCinCLE: image via #RNCinCLE: image via Col. Morris Davis @ColMorrisDavis, 20 July 2016

Look who made a surprise appearance tonight — @reaDonaldTrump, on stage with Gov. @mike_pence #RNCinCLE #Trump16: image via Gavin James Smith @iamgavinjames, 20 July 2016
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