The rails stretch out before us
The flagman waves
We move forward down the snow-obscured tracks
Not knowing where we are going
Gliding past a low elongated platform
Then a low stone wall
Everything deserted empty cold
A few barren branch-frosted trees fingering the wind
A long low hulking warehouse
An elevated walkway teetering above us
A lonely semaphore in the snow
Its signal a brief pill of color melting into and blotting the monochrome white
Snow thinly drifting on the tracks
A junction we pass a switch the rails diverge
We are compelled along the right-hand set of tracks
The tracks on the left vanish into drifting snow
Snow blows toward us splats wetly and melts upon the glass
We approach a level crossing between low industrial buildings
Snow blowing from left to right across the tracks
At the level crossing a signal light a flagman a single forlorn pedestrian holding an umbrella against the stinging wind
We continue on between long empty loading ramps
Through interstices in guardrails and fences peek starved ghost trees
Time passes and all we know is this colorless white-gray world
These white-dark hulking shapes this wet gray-white snow
We’ve never been here
We will never be back
The tracks go on unscrolling
And we go on following the tracks
These endless parallels endlessly unravelling

Drawings by Tom Clark
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