Floral Clock, Victoria Square, Christchurch: photo by Greg O'Beirne, 2004
Hortus Botanicus, PARADISUS dictus, alat plantas numerosissimas.
-- Philosophia Botanica: Carl Linnaeus, 1751
6 AM Spotted Cat’s-ear opens
7 AM African Marigold opens
8 AM Mouse-ear Hawkweed opens
9 AM Prickly Sow-thistle closes
10 AM Nippleworth closes
11 AM Star of Bethlehem opens
Noon Passion-flower opens
1 PM Childing Pink closes
2 PM Scarlet Pimpernell closes
3 PM Hawkbit closes
4 PM Small Bindweed closes
5 PM Water-lily closes
6 PM Evening Primrose opens
Linnaeus leaned forward on his hands
in a rhapsody of taxonomy
outside the medical faculty hall at Uppsala University
and knew the hour exactly
simply by glancing down at
the frail town-hall clock
Imagine a universe with at its stem tip five small flowers
four encompassing its perimeter
like the four faces of a clock
the fifth pointing straight up at
the sky habitation
of a tidy clockmaker god on whose star circuits this whole vivid time garden was modeled
Floral Clock, Geneva: photo by Sudhanwa Dindorkar, 8 March 2008
How well the skilful gardener drew
Of flow'rs and herbs this dial new;
Where from above the milder sun
Does through a fragrant zodiac run;
And, as it works, th' industrious bee
Computes its time as well as we.
How could such sweet and wholesome hours
Be reckoned but with herbs and flow'rs!
--The Garden: Andrew Marvell