sleepy fox: TC
Here are links to individual post entries after 22 May 2017, in alphabetical order:
abandonment and despondency of the wandering stateless (peccata mundi theatre)
Ahab to his companion
Aida cries
A history of flight / After hours / Black stone on top of a white stone
All the Young Dudes / Clark Coolidge: Two New Poems from It's Giordano Bluto!
A mind of winter: Hardy: The Dead Man Walking / Snow in the Suburbs / Waiting Both // Stevens: the Snow Man // Wordsworth: Two Lyrical Ballads // Woolf: On Wordsworth's Guide to the Lakes // White Out
Among the teapot aggregates on the Day of Resurrection (target practise) | Josephine Miles: Eighteen PoemsA Mystery of Our Time | "We ran and crawled from under death in Kafr Batna..."
And therefore as a stranger give it welcome (written on the wind)
Apocalipsis (The Stars Do Not Belong To David Anymore) / They were like ghosts
A Power Greater Than Our Own (with many small stone people)
A Privileged Seat in the Theatre of Eternal Conflict / Darwish: Three Poems
A Syrian man is like his country, alone (Eastern Ghouta today) / Snapshots from the early middle period of the Seven Years' War
a very well planned genocide
abandonment and despondency of the wandering stateless (peccata mundi theatre)
Ahab to his companion
Aida cries
A history of flight / After hours / Black stone on top of a white stone
All the Young Dudes / Clark Coolidge: Two New Poems from It's Giordano Bluto!
A mind of winter: Hardy: The Dead Man Walking / Snow in the Suburbs / Waiting Both // Stevens: the Snow Man // Wordsworth: Two Lyrical Ballads // Woolf: On Wordsworth's Guide to the Lakes // White Out
Among the teapot aggregates on the Day of Resurrection (target practise) | Josephine Miles: Eighteen PoemsA Mystery of Our Time | "We ran and crawled from under death in Kafr Batna..."
And therefore as a stranger give it welcome (written on the wind)
Apocalipsis (The Stars Do Not Belong To David Anymore) / They were like ghosts
A Power Greater Than Our Own (with many small stone people)
A Privileged Seat in the Theatre of Eternal Conflict / Darwish: Three Poems
A Syrian man is like his country, alone (Eastern Ghouta today) / Snapshots from the early middle period of the Seven Years' War
a very well planned genocide
a world of sheep
barrels and bombs (you've got to get over it) | listening session (for a better tomorrow)
Baudelaire: Moesta et Errabunda / they're never going to believe we were driven underground by a giant stuffed bunny just before the war
Bengali Cow-Wall (some time rain ruins the business)
Best In Toy / Borges: Un lobo (A wolf) / A dog's life (of dogs and dystopia) / Malaparte: An Aeolian Greyhound
Beyond the pail (A Day at the Beach)
Birds and beasts of the world street with small deer in the Reichswald (the people of Athens love me)
Blind house
blood in the sun
blurred lines in the desert (the second temple was not like the first)
Bridges to build / Shauna Hannibal: Dirty Word, and other poems from Hannibal
Broken Dollhouse: A paradise before the war, now only the pavements for refuge | Enfance absente dans un monde hypocrite | Joseph Ceravolo: Crazy Death
buddha lookt away
barrels and bombs (you've got to get over it) | listening session (for a better tomorrow)
Baudelaire: Moesta et Errabunda / they're never going to believe we were driven underground by a giant stuffed bunny just before the war
Bengali Cow-Wall (some time rain ruins the business)
Best In Toy / Borges: Un lobo (A wolf) / A dog's life (of dogs and dystopia) / Malaparte: An Aeolian Greyhound
Beyond the pail (A Day at the Beach)
Birds and beasts of the world street with small deer in the Reichswald (the people of Athens love me)
Blind house
blood in the sun
blurred lines in the desert (the second temple was not like the first)
Bridges to build / Shauna Hannibal: Dirty Word, and other poems from Hannibal
Broken Dollhouse: A paradise before the war, now only the pavements for refuge | Enfance absente dans un monde hypocrite | Joseph Ceravolo: Crazy Death
buddha lookt away
burning boat / Magician
Captain America Fleeing | more hair every day
Cataplasm Christmas: See you tomorrow, Virginia! There's a tasty looking Santa Claus flying past Air Force One right now and I just might reach out and grab him and eat him right up, because I can and I've got my fork!
Concerned Glance Toward Possible Future Past / Rousseau's Fingers in the Lake (Normalisation) / Hide
Captain America Fleeing | more hair every day
Cataplasm Christmas: See you tomorrow, Virginia! There's a tasty looking Santa Claus flying past Air Force One right now and I just might reach out and grab him and eat him right up, because I can and I've got my fork!
Concerned Glance Toward Possible Future Past / Rousseau's Fingers in the Lake (Normalisation) / Hide
wing 1: the scene of the crime, or how justin lost his mates / Stevie
Smith: Tenuous and Precarious / Tom Raworth: Perils of Brighton Pier /
Kiarostami: Eyes should be washed / Edward Dorn: A Vague Love
Coexistence (II)
condor wing 2: dance / so brace yourself and let this monster go (gir-logic)
Condor Wing 3 / basically things falling apart because me too (be nice to the dredger - it brings shit up) / Sterne: The Progress of An Amour / Cottonwoods
Coexistence (II)
condor wing 2: dance / so brace yourself and let this monster go (gir-logic)
Condor Wing 3 / basically things falling apart because me too (be nice to the dredger - it brings shit up) / Sterne: The Progress of An Amour / Cottonwoods
Condor Wing 5: Red glow at sunset (don't be alarmed if you see this in your dream) / The Overthrow of Dr. Slop
Condor Wing 6: Three Larrys and a Baptism / Tristram Shady: The Damnation of Odadiah / Larry Eigner: himselfhimself
Condor Wing 7: The blind exorcist turns our way at last / Donne: The good-morrow / Time in Tristram Shandy
Condor Wing 8: about mary (Into the Future) / Wittgenstein's Wristwatch / Message from the Captain
Condor Wing 9: xmass = esh ~ labrat nation (numbers game) / Broken Rousseau / Hardy: Drummer Hodge (Under Strange Stars)
Condor Wing 10 (Nativity Scene on a Budget)
Condor Wing 11: Long Shadows (Classical) / separation under crescent moon / OLD is the new NEW (Feels like a dream)
Condor Wing 12: Tote Vögel, blutige Bären / Hölderlin: "a Command... That all must enter in" / Me in my cool new xmas sweater crashed out on your porch awning (a child nightmare)
Curtains / Face Off
Daddy Drinks Millers (Satiety)
Dans l'enfer de la Ghouta, près de Damas | Life so full of blood: the wasting of Eastern Ghouta | Brecht: The God of War (Der Kriegsgott)
Darkening / A wailing from the shore
days of rage and fire (Under the Fortune Palms) / Snake vs Mongoose / burning to the sea
Dear Life. Our Future Is In Your hands. Do We Have To Smile As Well? / Some things better left unsaid
Death all over Syria, and we are just watching, and we are deaf to the echoes of Syria's screams
"Death is coming for you" "But I'm still alive" | Ciudad Verde
Death pays another call upon the Ghouta | Joseph Ceravolo: What chemicals have we forgotten?
displacement | the company it kept
Dunderking Regnant / J.V. Cunningham: Montana Fifty Years Ago / Russell Lee: Bean Day Rodeo, Wagon Mound, New Mexico, September 1939
Easter of Blood | Joseph Ceravolo: Lament #2 for Lebanon
Edward Dorn: Like a Message on Sunday (13 pieces from the margins of a gone America) / all alone w/you on a dune in pisco
Edward Dorn: When we are all there together / Grasses: An Elegy / beyond the sea of grass
Edward Sanders: End of Times
Edward Sanders: "The Enormitude..." / Giuseppe Ungaretti: Tramonto (Sunset), 1916 / Just so much going on today on Hollywood Blvd
Eikonoklastes / Attendance 2017
Emanuele Satolli: Mosul / Edward Dorn: America Needs Drugs
Endarkened... and we may become bodies without completing the twinkle
En medio de ningún lugar
eternity is the only boundary to the scope of this picture
Ergodic Theory 5.2 (cavewall copy) / a weird red glow from deep in tomorrow
Ergodic Theory Parts I-IV / William Butler Yeats: An Irish Airman Foresees His Death + The Fisherman
escalation in eastern ghouta | all star wknd | of course im not wearing any clothes for the curling - im canadian! | Open Arms (Joseph Ceravolo: Hand Gun)
Ever Closer / 96 Tears for the Rohingya (What They Carry) / Rocking Horse Dreams with Lifeboat and Smoke Alarm
Exodus (Like prairie, but it's water)
Exultant Among the Drumpfjugend (coins on the skull)
Everything Confusing Must Make When Head Is Money Flower / Vladimir Nabokov: Literature, Invention, Memory / Stretching It
every particle of life is a reverie
everything is one thing after another (Typhoon) Fidelity / Melancholy Watch, The Downs (Keats leaves England, 1820) / Keats: "This living hand" (salvaged from the Deep Keats Scrolls) / Weston nearing the end... (Or Not)
Fire and Furry
flash burns: the headlights of the war god are eyewash in men's eyes / wyatt: avysing the bright bemes / rip tinky winky gone to a better siberia
floating clouds with lotus / Where There's Smoke (I'm not entirely convinced I'm not having a break from reality)
Floating Ghosts (Multiplicity) / Zero pressure / Recursion (Aporia)
foolhardy reckless and afraid
Forget About It
Framing the Rohingya
F.T. Prince: Three Poems / Mimicry
Genocidal Culture Busker Haircut #1 / Kashmir: only stones on the road / Why everyone in the world looks like the prime minister of Montenegro from here
Genocidal Culture Busker Haircut #2: Going / Last Gasp in Kingdom City (Immigrant Song)
Genocidal Culture Busker Haircut #3: 'Free Speech' - license to kill? / The Big Cigars
Genocidal Culture Busker Haircut #4: No Mercy: "Go home, we need American here" / Impeachment season, 1972: eight poems from Blue / United States of #Covfefe
Genocidal Culture Busker Haircut #5: The Original The Famous Artist
Genocidal Culture Busker Haircut #6: The Resistance Never Existed / Voltaire accuses Rousseau / etch
Genocidal Culture Busker Haircut #7: Pointing the finger / Jackpot
Genocidal Culture Busker Haircut #8: Irrationalism / Nearing Paradise
Genocidal Culture Busker Haircut #9: The outside is upside down
Genocidal Culture Busker Haircut #10: Ed Sanders: Ain't no light / Clone Stamp Tool
Genocidal Culture Busker Haircut #11: We are brave. We are strong. / Birthplace of Democracy
Genocidal Culture Busker Haircut #12: The Past / gunplay in the historical streets
Genocidal Culture Busker Haircut #13: Lies, plain and simple / dead revolution / a handful of dung
Genocidal Culture Busker Haircut #14: Strawberry Moon Above Umbrella Man
Culture Busker Haircut #15: Home / Threshold / A flarf piñataGenocidal Culture Busker Haircut #3: 'Free Speech' - license to kill? / The Big Cigars
Genocidal Culture Busker Haircut #4: No Mercy: "Go home, we need American here" / Impeachment season, 1972: eight poems from Blue / United States of #Covfefe
Genocidal Culture Busker Haircut #5: The Original The Famous Artist
Genocidal Culture Busker Haircut #6: The Resistance Never Existed / Voltaire accuses Rousseau / etch
Genocidal Culture Busker Haircut #7: Pointing the finger / Jackpot
Genocidal Culture Busker Haircut #8: Irrationalism / Nearing Paradise
Genocidal Culture Busker Haircut #9: The outside is upside down
Genocidal Culture Busker Haircut #10: Ed Sanders: Ain't no light / Clone Stamp Tool
Genocidal Culture Busker Haircut #11: We are brave. We are strong. / Birthplace of Democracy
Genocidal Culture Busker Haircut #12: The Past / gunplay in the historical streets
Genocidal Culture Busker Haircut #13: Lies, plain and simple / dead revolution / a handful of dung
Genocidal Culture Busker Haircut #14: Strawberry Moon Above Umbrella Man
Genocidal Culture Busker Haircut #16: You Won't See Me (UnPersonism)
Genocidal Culture Busker Haircut #17: Hand Over Foot (bird shadows on the wall)
Genocidal Culture Busker Haircut #18: Seferis: Fires of St. John / Days of Rage
Genocidal Culture Busker Haircut #19: Night ladder (Leap of Faith)
Genocidal Culture Busker Haircut #20: Holiday / How To Beat the Traffic
Genocidal Culture Busker Haircut #21: no one wants to be alone
Ghost entry / Bill Strode: The River's Clouded Glory / Savage God
Giuseppe Ungaretti: What use are images? / Walking in the dust
Going Back Is The New Going Forward (The words of the prophets)
Gone With the Whirlwind (inthesedeserts): The Sudden Fall of the Last Confederate Soldier
Green Chain Gang / José Emilio Pacheco: Three Poems
Grinding-Down of History To Suit the Victors | Removal of the Rohingya from Historical Memory by Enlightened Erasure | Curling
Homeland Security: Lorenzo Thomas: Downtown Boom (Houston) / Edward Sanders: Armed GE-Raytheon House Protecting Robots
If I remain alive: The Ghouta Diaries: Abdulmonam Eassa | Stevie Smith: Bog-Face / Dear Child of God | Joseph Vavak: High Plains Drifting | Weldon Kees: The Lease Is Up / John Vachon: Nebraska
Iftar of the war orphans, Douma / Antigone and the Ice Age Horse Challenge for Tory Party Leadership
Incipient Light / At Matanaka Farm (for Penelope C.)
In country, late on in the war / Clark Coolidge: Assembled Accordingly (temps quotidien)
In Dismaland Then and Now: Mom was badass, Skid Row T-shirt guy was scared (Riding East in a giant water bong on the Night of The Living Dead) | decisive content (elevator man)
in gran despitto (Masters of War)
Inside the Kill Box, with feeling (Who else wants to kill Syrians? See inside the Kill Box?)
intense (like a golfer) / Used to drive through (Hong Kong Market)
Intersectionality: Was the sky too large for them? / Earth is in the hands of the wrong people / Peligro
In the Pelting Villages: Edward Sanders: Quick Black Hole Spin-Change / Ron Padgett: The Beautiful Contagion
In the ruins of Mosul: The high cost of liberation / Clarice Lispector: The Archer (there's that tension)
in the weeds (shadow play of heaven and hell) | Joseph Ceravolo: Mother Land / Savage Nocturne
"I won..." (a reminder from Great Lord Teeny Tiny Hands) / Danny Lyon: American Street, 1972-1974 / Joseph Ceravolo: Beginner Method / Heathcote Williams 1941-2017: Two for Trump and There has to be an Afterlife
Jim Dine: Utopia (It takes a lot of work to make a world) / William Blake: Auguries of Innocence / Robert Creeley: Heroes / Comme un air de vacances
Jorge Luis Borges: Two tales of the frontier: El muerto (The dead man) / El puñal (The dagger)
Joseph Ceravolo: Cross Fire | Safety First (Leave everything, for an uncertain future)
Joseph Ceravolo: Reality Dreamscape | working too close (Like in Home Ec) | They will always be dying in #Syria | Morning, from #Kashmir
Joseph Ceravolo: The morning carries Carbon 14
Kashmir, This Morning
Keats: Coda: Echo and Variation | Jimmy on the morning of that day | smoke and mirrors
Keats Death Boat | my little homey
Kings and Queens of Comedy / Winch and Equi: Meanings of Furniture
Kronos over Bios: Two from the Greek Anthology (Sappho: Epigram 158D / Anacreon: Fragment 395)
Land's End, looking down (The Day of the Locust) | opposing sides
Last Call For Tomorrow
Leaving Ghouta (Death and Exodus) | John Godfrey: Civ Dis (blocked by hands in the air) | Device Exposure | Touch and Go
Levitation / Ezra Pound: Canto CXIII: preparation for sky burial
"Liberation" of Mosul: What time's the parade? / I once tickled Lou Reed. This is why ISIS hate us. (Q is for queasy)
Life and Nothing More / hellish all day but then look okay for a moment
"Look into these eyes!"
Madness / Cherries
Master of Darkness (w/ woolly mammoth slayer) / Santa-Clown Space Policy Directive #2 (shooting the moon, while the South Coast burns)
money horse
Mountain Men / Superior, Arizona
Mosul, nearly done
my black friends (before the coming of digital) / Kudzu cinema / Lawrence and Obenzinger: Six Songs for the Next Age / Ed Sanders: Manson sky-snake banishment Glyph
my warm childhood house / No Parking
night meditation in beat garden
Night Sky with Bad Moon and Tracer Fire over Eastern Ghouta (The pain doesn't stop)
No Reason To Celebrate But Celebrating Anyway / A boy named Palestine, a girl named Capital, a boy named Jerusalem
No Stopping / The End
Nothing Here Worth Your Life (Sacrificed on the Altar of Tech) / Wind / An End to Innocence (Toys of Christmas Past and Traditional Tibet)
Not My GF: Three New Poems by Terence Winch (with special dispensation of St Anthony)
number theory
oil and water, with small street fire + Fidelity, Junior!
On the Feast of the Epiphany Jesus Gets Taken for a Little Ride Through Snowy Mountains to the Town of the Grey Dog / Tilt Club
On the Low Wire: Two Fantasy Poems: Larry Fagin (1937-2017): Occasional Poem / I fell in love at Safeway in Paradise
On the other side of this garden wall, my child, you shall find either God or a secret world of the restless dead / Efficiency of the killing machine
Orders of Chaos / Ed Sanders: Free Healthcare Glyph
othery (the ultimate mixer) | they have no face
our candidate in orange: Wyatt: If waker care, if sodayne pale Coulour // Petrarch / Wyatt: a white deer (Una candida cerva)
postcards from dystopia (1984 / 2017) / hawser view (The Final Moments)
Premonitory | Flash (Nascent promise, better be good)
Preparing for Flight / The Chances of No One Being Home / Raqqa: Slaughter of the Innocents
Prickly Pear on Hill Before Sunrise Church (cry for 'motherland') / Denby: The Street
Promises / "But how far do I have to go" / Valley of Fires
Putting a fine point on The Human Abstract / A little bit of soul (the decisive moment could always be just around the corner)
Ready, Set, Go with Allmost Crashing Nancy (Wilhardt St. and Mermaid Avenue) / new years bodybags for Eastern Ghouta
real nudes (1984 / 2560)
Red Arrow / Uh-oh. She's wearing pink again. / Exhaustion (Two Worlds)
red balloon
Red Right Hand / Crowds and Solitude in Africa
Report on Progress of Poetic Research (by the dock of the bay of the prehistoric catskills)
Rohingya: All Tore Down / A series of tweets from the killing floor ("SE Asia is witnessing such an astonishing reversion to authoritarianism") / Ro Nay San Lwin: "As a human..."
Running to The Sunken Place | Rebels, Lebanon, Nebraska (Stars fell over Area 52) | statement (eyes of a stranger)
Rust window
Sad birds from the middle of the war | Joseph Ceravolo: Dusk ("Before the dusk grows deeper...")
scared faces
secrets of the tombs (did they want you to see them like this?) / the crowd is stirring up the resident monkeys (or rather, divine)
#777 is my lucky number
shadow of the beast, blocking out the sky / bodies in the water
shadow of the beast II: Edward Sanders: from Robert F. Kennedy's Final Day June 4, 1968
smoke drifting in the wind
Smoke Over the Villages: How Ethnic Cleansing Works ("If I have nothing to eat, I will eat soil, but I will never go back") / Rocket Party
Solstice (the only way not to slide into darkness) / They dropped like spinning spiders from the sky... the wind picked up... the white moon floated across the black night between two red crosses... / Insomnia 0411
somewhere over the rainbow
States of Emergency
Stephen Crane: A man saw a ball of gold / Mahmoud Darwish: Rita and the Rifle
Still restless after all these miles of migrating: Marion Post Wolcott: Snowy night, 1940 / Stuart Ross: The first day, 2018 / Lewis Hine: Scott's Run, 1937 / The past speaks
Table for One
Taking Names: 'I'm not your friend anymore?' / 2 weeks in Jerusalem / Hardy: Nobody Comes: 8 Poems / Mercy (Cats of Osaka)
Tension / upside down yoda face (who pay the price)
That painful spark: Joseph Ceravolo: Red-Tailed Hawk / Today's Benediction
The Beautiful Land / Edward Sanders: Thermobaric / In the country of the mad king your beautiful monument is the next guy's junkyard car seat
The Collecting Place (Tight Spaces) / William Bolitho: The Science of William Burke
The Demon-Haunted World / Edward Sanders: Remembering Hiroshima Day / Nation building / Dog Days
The emperor's lost thread | A little Tiepolo: Off Goleta / Ron Padgett: Prayer to Saint Thecla / The Art of Bliss | 2 everyday poems from the day
"The Ghouta will fall..." | rods of iron (murican nutjob) / ring of fire | Joseph Ceravolo: A Piece of Glass
The Great Gaza March of Return Massacre | Psychology (Easter Sunday)
The inferno that won't die / 2017: a conflation / Hardy: Thoughts from Sophocles / Mosul 2017
The next Kurdish war
The other way around (Der Untergang des Abendlandes)
The Petrified Forest (Six Poems)
there's a world going on / anywhere out of this world / Szymborska: Map (where the shitholes are)
the road to manifest destiny: eye with two Gods in silver spring, can you guess which one's real? (The Overseer / The Date)
The running of the stunned beasts through the ruined iterative street past the outstretched baskets of the money catchers
the sky . . . is burning
The Sky Is Crying (Near the River Bottom)
The Weird Alternate Reality of Pod World and Unconstrained Invasive Slime Growth / beyond bagdad (backing into what past)
They Walked All the Way / Joanne Kyger: September (My desire / that bade me speak in church) / First it was Chittagong then it was Cox's Bazar / John Ashbery 1927-2017: Qualm (Asleep in New Shrine of Patriotism)
Thomas Hardy: In Time of "The Breaking of Nations" / There's blood in the dirt, but it's the wrong blood / Edward Dorn: House Arrest (Face 601B)
Thoughtful Buster / Poor Clarence / one more saturday night (As seen from afar) / Hardy: Three Poems
3 colours and a hue
Tiki Torch Terror Trash Test (Looking Down the Barrel) / Beast Mode and That Nazi Situation
till death do us part (the golden hour)
Totality / Vallejo: The Vedic Fibre / Jet
To the Invisibles
To The Infinity (Stop Everyday) / Robert Herrick: Infinite Finitude: Fourteen Poems
To the Victors, the Big Fat Knuckle Sandwich from History | Great Gearheads of the Oligarchy | Joseph Ceravolo: May
Trapped / Red Shoes
Trouble Every Day / Clarksdale, Saturday night
12-gauge rapture
2067 | disenchanted forest
Valediction / Wraith (Attendance)
Vanishing Point (cowgirl in the sand)
Visions of the gypsy king (The future of tech) / Edward Sanders: Lament for Simone Ellis / Horse drawn plough, Ring of Kerry
Waiting for Jefferson
Waiting on Papa: Varieties of Religious Experience, with Little Flower Lady and Ethnic Cleansing by Extreme Prejudice
walking to paradise / Joseph Ceravolo: Perpetual | Sanctus Death Twig Insect Purification Ritual (where the red carpet ends)
Warning on road to Goonie House: No way to escape
Watching the firestorm / Rohingya in shade / Edward Sanders: Cheney motions with his hands / Little Walter's Dream Map of the Hollywood Inferno
What Happened to Ten Villagers Who Were Minding Their Own Business in Inn Din / The Postman of Gloucester
when black is white / Marquee
Wooden Boy: All the heat gone | The Easter Miracle of Slippery Jesus
Wooden Boy: Common | The worst job in the world in the world | Down by the Atmospheric River | The Problem with Facebook (adventures in galaxy brain)
Vladimir Nabokov: from Lance / dead carp don't talk
Which saint is this? (American Gothic Surrealism does the world) / "Everything is set for Noah's Ark to be shipwrecked"
William Blake: The Fly / Nightfall in the Sanctuary of the Fireflies
William Butler Yeats: Among School Children
Winter trip to the land of Basura
Wyo-Booming, 1979 | King Con (Hanging Chag)
YOU / coexistence
Zombie Star: Edward Sanders: In Praise and Memory of Joanne Kyger / The apparition of these faces in the crowd / Vladimir Nabokov: Vacationlands / Night Train / Requiem for a Wood-Sprite